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Utopia Talk / Politics / INoUnderstandMexicanTardo and Alpha Boi
Wed Jan 15 13:44:05
During the Nazis' ascent to power, some Jewish organizations, such as the Association of German National Jews and The German Vanguard supported nazism until being outlawed in late 1935. Motivated by anticommunism, conservative nationalism, anti-Zionism, and anti-liberalism, these groups had initially believed that Nazi antisemitism was merely rhetorical hyperbole or a tactic to "stir up the masses"

Their successors, chosen by the Germans from among the most corrupt, were blind executors of German orders and acted mainly for their own self-interest.

A separate form of collaboration was the activity of Jewish agents and informers of the German secret services and police. In most cases, they acted voluntarily, for monetary reward, power and status.

Tue Jan 21 06:52:20
If we are to look at history through this crude lens of analogy (fractals never play out exactly the same). History books are full of examples of societies inviting outsiders for reasons of alliance, trade, soldiers or what have you, only to find that these very invitations led to the downfall of their civilization. It is in fact such an archetype of humanity that it was recorded in Greek mythology with the Trojan Horse.

Goths Vs the Western Roman Empire, the Conquistadors vs Aztecs, Mongol vs Russia, British Vs India, American annexation of Hawaii etc.

An example that bridges the concept into modern times and the arena of politics is how Iranian leftist formed an alliance with Khomeini, helped him get to power, only to find themselves outmaneuvered and destroyed by the Islamic republic.

Verdict: Imbecile.
Tue Jan 21 07:24:04
Tue Jan 21 08:18:42

"History books are full of examples of societies inviting outsiders for reasons of alliance, trade, soldiers or what have you, only to find that these very invitations led to the downfall of their civilization. It is in fact such an archetype of humanity that it was recorded in Greek mythology with the Trojan Horse."

Would you like to try that one again?

Tue Jan 21 08:19:25

"... these groups had initially believed that Nazi antisemitism was merely rhetorical hyperbole or a tactic to "stir up the masses""

Well they weren't wrong, were they?

Tue Jan 21 08:22:35
He's talking about Sweden giving him a life free from mullahs only to join the neo-nazis actively destroying Sweden. The stupidest thing about his Swedish rightwing extremist gang who hate him is they constantly complain about losing all the things that Sweden had when Sweden was the most social democratic country that has ever existed.
Tue Jan 21 09:34:33
Imbecile. The point is that you are an imbecile that can do better than crude analysis from analogy.
Tue Jan 21 13:07:13
"Trojan horse" lmfao...thats exactly what nasty little fuckers like you said about your parents when they wanted refuge in Sweden. And decent people like me said, "dont be a fucking cunt, let them in, for christ's sake". And look at your vile selfishness once we let you in towards the people next in line behind you. You should be sucking the cocks of people like me for saving you from a life in a primitive village being ruled by the local mullah.
Tue Jan 21 13:10:52
Youre the selfish little fuck on a Titanic lifeboat with room for another 60 people kicking drowning peoples hands off the railings and screaming "its full!"
Tue Jan 21 13:27:32
Hey man, if you can throw your nazi ancestors under the bus and invite invaders to come and rape your sister, I can align muself with nazis to deport me. We are equal, jusy that I am better than you.
Tue Jan 21 13:31:55
You are the suicidal little fuck who opened the gates to let the Barbarians in. So they could rape and pillage the greatness that you were to incompetent to be part of and build. You wasted your life translating. Litterally chasing the shadows of real output and work.
Tue Jan 21 13:43:15
Im unzipping here boi. Get ready to show me gratitude for not living a life where you'd still be using a motorola and marvelling at the invention of the flatbed moped
Tue Jan 21 14:01:18
Your ancestors were bums. That is why you had to live on the street and suck nazi dick to have a ”family”. You have through your own admission provided far less value to society than a worker at McDonalds.
Tue Jan 21 14:26:10
The level of stupidity shown by fagfish is impressive and too much to warrant a response.
Tue Jan 21 14:48:43
You can both fellatio me at the same time if you must, but if I see your tongues touching, Ill slap you all over the room, got it, you ungrateful little fags?
Tue Jan 21 15:27:49
That was the initiation rite of the Nazi gang WTB joined. That was before he worked as a male prostitute.
Tue Jan 21 15:31:18
Less chimp chattering and more swallowing, من یک خائن کثیف هستم.
Tue Jan 21 17:04:50
US cop sums up alpha boi's ideology in one sentence

Wed Jan 22 03:00:40
I will summarize you, your ideology, philosophy, CV and entire existence in one word: Retarded.

Whether you appreciate it or not, you never evolved past your skin head days. You reek of someone who didn't crack open a book until he was 40. You are the same weakling, the stereotype of the loser who joins a gang because he is too stupid and weak to do anything about his situation. You know what I did when in the same position, I stood my ground, alone. Because I knew I was better than the trash, your kind of trash back in the days, your kind of trash today.
Wed Jan 22 03:18:20

Here is a great example of me trying to take William the turd seriously and engage his idea, only to have turd brain have a melt down and rage quit. Every time turd brain has said something about anything, I have had to come a school him, from Astronomy to most recently him not understanding what Dennis Noble was saying about genetics and heritability. It's not fair, it is best described as a massacre or rape. This is the situation william the turd brain finds himself in, he is dumber than me, less educated and at the base of all of that you throw us in a ring, I would manhandle him physically. Everything turd brains says must be viewed like this, he is objectively inferior in every way. So, now he is in constant melt down mode, like that other guys what's his face, jergul.
Wed Jan 22 07:04:30
Nim, this is age, wisdom and experience speaking - leave him alone. Let him rant. He is desperate for attention. And we all know what he is.
Wed Jan 22 11:59:41
If I am to leave alone all the leftards on this forum (you can make a case for each of the), then there is no reason to come here. The thought has crossed my mind, like for 15 years. I have not reached a decision yet.
Wed Jan 22 15:24:42
Seb and jergul are dumb but are fun to engage with. Tw is obsessed with trump but occasionally shows signs of humor. Cuckhat is fun to tease about his obvious and outlandish lies.

But wtb is literally insane.
Thu Jan 23 07:11:27
I'm starting to feel bad. Are you trying to make me feel guilty Obaminated?
Thu Jan 23 09:28:55
Nim, you feel bad because you are a mature, responsible adult. Everything wtb isn't.

Wtb is an insane person and pretty retarded. Is it good to argue circles around a retard?
Thu Jan 23 10:45:41
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