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Utopia Talk / Politics / more and more muricans become woke
Fri Jan 17 09:36:19

thats right, butbutbuuuutt chaaynuah

when imperialism is blanco check but everything else is capped in ur country, rofl

Fri Jan 17 09:40:06
Ah yes, this is the exact type of person I turn to for expert and informed political commentary...an American teenage girl.

Fri Jan 17 09:52:34
who seems 2 be smarter and more skilled than u.

she is sensin that things r horribly wrong and deepdown things dunt appear as they seem, she knows da country is in deep doodly shit

she knows they r being ripped off. that why she is askin these questions while u ride that propafunda train

rofl owned
Fri Jan 17 12:39:26
it sound like more and more ur peoples startin 2 realize da failure of ur country.


ya know shits bad when readit fucks r even startin 2 notice dat all da chaynaaa buuuud is actually fake propafunda
Fri Jan 17 12:46:58
5 stages of grief


all these stupid reddit mothafuckers r in 4 a rude awakenin. they still think ur country is best and all this is fake and propafunda lololol

when they wake up and realize, they gonna get depressed and jump off a bridge

ur country is a failure
Fri Jan 17 12:48:50

They're just not taking this well. We may need to invest is a shitload of therapy dogs for these people. :o)

Sat Jan 18 13:06:21
was alrdy written on da wall,

i mean look at cities

chinese cities look 25th century, futuristic, modern clean while having shitton of green

murica cities have diarhea andneedles on da ground and violent crime and gangs

look at gadgets, chinese phones innovate

murica phones like apple is like same version each year but 200 bucks more expensive

look at transportation
chinese stations look like futuristic mega airports

murica cant even fix it potholes infrastructure looks old and decayin like nobody cleaned it for 40 years, stations have rats and trash and homeless and violence everywhere

one country invested in2 it people and society

da other country invested in yearly wars and foreign imperialism

da results is staggerin, it not wonder more and more ppl r startin 2 wake up.

especially since ppl r now realizin they been lied 2 how bad chaayna was, every day in da news u read made up stories and accusations bout chaaayna

ppl r now realizin this bs
only 2-3 years ago u been hearin bout da collapse of da chinese economies (this time it is different becoz of covid and 100 mill deaths and another 100 mill from dams bursting), rofl like r u really this fuckin delusional 2 believe this horseshit which r clearly made up

fastfoward 2 2024, chinese cars now undisputed most advanced cars. butbtbut collaaapse butbutbuuuutt cant innoooovaite like muhhh freedumbs

last 2 sentences, r actually 2 very hard copes ingrained in2 ur low iq society since birth meaning it is runnin for 40 +++ years now

Pure copioid comments.


massive copioidism
Sat Jan 18 13:11:06
hello have u ever wondered how ur news went from

"china mishandled coviddd has 200 mill unreported deaths, economy will collapse soon"


"OMG we need da tariffs 2 BLOCK OUT CHAYNA CARS OR WE DEAD"

Like, how? HAHAHAHAA

Wasnt china supposedly non innovatable? them stupid chiniieeses can only knit ur shoes? and suddenly we have da most advance industries?

Rofl looks like chayna is in reality da most dynamic most innovative smartest market and where all da MOJO is all along...

like how do u fuckers go from that to this and still not realize how much lies they tell u each day, rofl

like how 250% wrong ur media always is
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