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Utopia Talk / Politics / u is math aint mathin
Wed Jan 22 10:05:12
rejoice my yankoids, u gonna warpspeed 2 da 28th century soon with da starly gates and shit

now i aint 2 good with numbas and shit, but correct me if im wrong

500 billion wuld create 100k jobs.

but if u use that 500 billion and gave 1 million bucks 2 1 person each, u culd get 500 thousand new millionaires who wuld each be a small time shop owner

rofl when math aint mathin, another one taken 4 da ride, u gullible fucks

wtf does ai infrastructure even mean. ai needs infrastructure? so da digital needs da roads and bridges and shit or wut

os shit gonna look like stargates u gotta dial da signs and shit and it will teleport u 2 da special lands where u will gain alien tech and shits?

seperate note wut da fuuuucccck happened 2 da spaceyforce?
rofl how da space force workin out 4 ya so far jonny? when u done dreamin bout flyin space fighter jets, u got 10 more buckets of potatoes 2 peel rofl
Wed Jan 22 10:19:27
shitttt dude

i completely 4got bout that spaceyforce 2!

how many years it been. LOLOLOL

is u ppls now patrollin mars and shit? hahaha

meanwhile back on EARTH, back in da real world, one might say da real realitiez, u know, not alicewondaland,

we have them trains going zooff 350km an hour, reversed areas da size of countries back from desert 2 green
while u dream bout spacey forces and hypaloops and shits

Wed Jan 22 10:24:25

"wtf does ai infrastructure even mean."

It means that Trump is butthurt that Biden actually passed a massive infrastructure program.

Wed Jan 22 10:56:31
u know shits bbaaaaadddddd when even reddit mothafuckas and dweebs see through this bullshit


anotha fantasy venture 4 space cadet jonny, he will be workin on this gate until da time he can fly da space fighter jet!

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