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Utopia Talk / Politics / Chinese smuggling operation in S.Florida
Tue Jan 28 11:07:38
For the 2nd time in the past few weeks smugglers have been busted in Coral Gables with vans full of Chinese immigrants.

Talk about going the long way around!

And Coral Gables is not where you'd expect to find any kind of human smuggling operation.

Why are people fleeing China?

Any comment from TheChildren? :o)
Sam Adams
Tue Jan 28 18:54:44
Chinese immigrants generally have high iq and should be accepted.
Wed Jan 29 02:03:20
”Why are people fleeing China?”

Exactly. Why would you want to flee from China to USA? Maybe it would make sense in the 80-90s. But today? I don’t know. The smart people will remain in China.
Wed Jan 29 02:06:22
yankoid propfunda is powafull. they let hollywood pretend that they is da richest and most advanced and monies r freely given everywhere...

so u get what u lie about. busses filled with mirgants.

owned owned owned

Wed Jan 29 14:20:17

China is clearly not sending us their best.

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