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Utopia Talk / Politics / Salwan Momika
iChihuaha | Thu Jan 30 06:20:26 The Iraqi Christian "Quran burner", has been shot to death in Södertälje, Sweden. Foreign out group in his home country and now shot dead by muslim in his asylum country. Where he was apparently a foreign other as well. |
large member | Thu Jan 30 06:38:15 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salwan_Momika |
large member | Thu Jan 30 06:40:36 He was refused asylum in Norway and Sweden, but was unreturnable it seems. |
iChihuaha | Thu Jan 30 07:03:26 Foreign out group in his home country and now shot dead by muslim in the country that refused him asylum, because it has been infiltrated by muslims. This is better, it goes straight to the heart of the matter. |
large member | Thu Jan 30 07:13:25 I guess wiki is wrong about him lying on his asylum application about belong to a pro Iranian group and losing a power struggle for leadership of a group then? |
Member | Thu Jan 30 09:26:33 Trojan horse Nimatzo crying for a violent, criminal trojan horse who tried to swindle his way into Swedish citizenship and harmed Swedens Nato membership at the same time? Weeding out the trojan horses makes me smile :) |
Member | Thu Jan 30 09:28:29 Alpha Boi is a classic example of an immigrant who imports and brings with him the religious war in his parents country to the country that gave him refuge |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Jan 30 10:43:44 celebrating muslum terrorism wtb? Seak hekp. |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Jan 30 10:44:19 I suspect seb will be along to celebrate this too, shortly. |
large member | Thu Jan 30 12:38:03 Sammy Its on topic of this thread. The fellow killed was also a member of groups affiliated with Iran and sanctioned by the US Government. You can jot it down to terrorist infighting to use your terminology. Its not that simple, but you have a simple view on these kind of things. |
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