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The current time is Wed Feb 05 05:51:42 PST 2025
Utopia Talk / Politics / aint laughin now r ya, R YA BUHAHAHA!!
Member | Sun Feb 02 09:54:19 BUHAHAHAH!!!! rememba last year when this came up? GOSH HAS IT BEEN 9 MONTHS ALRDY!!!! NINEEEEE FUCKINNNN MONTHSSS!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! OWBNED OWNED OWNED OWNED!!! http://youtu.be/ZEzvlHj8v4M?t=55 look at how they LOOK. they LOOK PISSPOOR IN HEALTH. But still lyin through there teeth. yea sure buddy wearin same clothes for 4 weeks at a time dunt bother u...LOLOLOLOL yea sureeee thing buddy "well fed" yea sure, airliner food 3x a day aint nowhere close 2 being well fed. that a punishment by itself... rofl NINE FUCKIN MONTHS!!! And of course da classic "we lost da tech 2 go 2 da moon"... how do u lose vhs tape technology? nah, more like filmed in a studio |
Member | Sun Feb 02 09:56:57 BUHAHAHA OWNED OWNED HUMILIATED PISSED ON, REKTED, CLOWNED, PWNED, OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED look at da comments, aint nobody holdin back in da comments ROFL. clowns got pwned and everyone knows it. Stop lyin. 1 week turned in2 NINEEEEEE FUCKIN MONTHS |
Member | Sun Feb 02 10:26:03 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lipckhgG5g and over here we have an ancient device that men made 2 be hip and cool and remind da wild life that we have da ability 2 create sound 4 our ears... now fast4ward 20 years, how does one "lose" such technologies? mmm any guesses? HOLLYWOOD STUDIO!!! |
Member | Sun Feb 02 10:55:13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2SWkWJdn5s HELLO DARKNESS UR OL FRIEND "u may lose some muscle" xcuse me!!??? SOME??? LOOK AT HER. tis be DELIRIUS SPEECH. TIS IS PROPFUNDA SHE IS SUFFERIN HARD and afraid 2 say so in front of tv |
Member | Sun Feb 02 11:54:19 So they are still stuck up there? Not even Trump cares about them. If he did he would have BUILT A SPACE ROCKET NOW ! AND BRING THEM HOME! FAST!!! |
Member | Mon Feb 03 02:23:36 rofl look at her, she look well 2 any of us? she is in complete breakdown mode imagine signin off 4 a week and 9 FUCKIN MONTHS LATER u still up there, ur ship gone coz it malfunctioned, ur eatin horrible food, u have nottin 2 do there, its filthy it crammed, it reeks yea sure, "time of ur life" right does she look like time of ur life ROFL OWNED she wonderin how her country failed and abandonned her. why she signed off on it. but this is wut delusional xceptionalism does 2 u. ur just a numba but ur so deranged u gotta xperience this shit first be4 u come off da clouds and realize ur a numba. a frikkin numba nottin more. 500k health bill incomin when she is back on earth. |
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