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Utopia Talk / Politics / usaid funded bbc
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Feb 06 13:34:49 http://www.bbc.com/mediaaction/press-release/4-feb-25 Rofl amazing. |
Member | Thu Feb 06 13:38:22 Oh no! What a scandal! - |
Member | Thu Feb 06 14:23:32 Shit...now how is the BBC going to pay for producing woke propaganda like Doctor Who? http://www...to_unwatchable_woke_propaganda |
Member | Thu Feb 06 15:06:35 USAID allegedly funded celebrities such as Ben Stiller, Angelina Jolie and Jeffrey Epstein too. Although Ben Stiller denies it of course. |
Member | Thu Feb 06 15:33:29 USAID funded anybody and anything that would state the stuff on Hunters laptop was Russian propaganda. Also funded anyone willing to push trans and DEI agendas. |
Member | Thu Feb 06 15:52:03 Wait ... so what was George Soros funding? |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Thu Feb 06 16:30:40 your mom! |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Thu Feb 06 16:30:40 your mom! |
Member | Thu Feb 06 17:39:38 Sam: No. As clearly set out in the article you linked to. BBC media action is a charity set up by the BBC to support local media in other countries. I.e. it's a soft power "support the free press" outfit of the kind Western countries support to spread democracy. |
Member | Thu Feb 06 17:40:45 Rugian: Doctor Who has literally always been "woke". |
Member | Thu Feb 06 19:37:12 My dad in Dr Who http://youtu.be/dHqdzrMiz5Y?t=30 |
Member | Thu Feb 06 23:43:24 that xplains da grey filters used 4 china coverages by big bad coverage |
GTFO HOer | Fri Feb 07 00:05:53 @seb - I do not believe SA, Rugian, etc, want to understand that nuance, not when "lol USAID is funding dr who woke trannie propaganda" is so much easier to understand, and not when "spreading democracy" (a bush jr agenda item, incidentally, and one of the strongest bulwarks against actual socialism as well) is no longer an item on the agenda. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 07 00:11:08 Elon Musk reposted a completely false video about celebrities getting USAID money too completely ridiculous... & -should- cause outrage by all (just like so many things about the other lying piece of shit...) |
Member | Fri Feb 07 00:25:29 ”so what was George Soros funding?” He funded USAID obviously. Or maybe USAID funded George Soros too. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 07 01:01:29 “one of the strongest bulwarks against actual socialism as well“ How are you not familair with the age old socialist strategy of infiltrating institutions? This is especially true for humanitarian themed institutions like USAID that acts like a buglight for leftists activists. We have the exact same phenomenon in Sweden with SIDA, the Swedish equivalent to USAID. SIDA is likely the biggest patrons of Hamas via UNRWA. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 07 01:42:18 These place need to be shut down, the buildings burned to the ground, the land they stood on salted. Soft power should be left in the hands of free market enterprise and culture. Anything that involves government money and is not in some way engineering oriented, will attract leftist activist. Places like USAID are just another form of welfare, just for people with useless university degrees. |
GTFO HOer | Fri Feb 07 02:26:01 @nima - are you stating that it's hard to tell socialism and democracy apart (which could lead someone watching democracy propaganda to accidentally become a socialist, kind of like how women doing yoga are well known to accidentally become hindu, b/c we all know all yoga instructors are actually hindu infiltrators...?), but really easy for someone to have a hard time understanding how far right politics and democracy can coincide? If not, what is the threat of socialists infiltrating pro-democracy propaganda outfits? They certainly shouldn't be able their evil socialist agenda to people who just want free and fair elections! Next question, why is it hard for adherents of far right politics to infiltrate pro-democracy propaganda outfits? If we all know what these evil socialists are up to, and it's not hard to reconcile far right politics with democracy, why don't we on the right just do it too? |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 07 03:11:35 ep You have a narrow view of what "socialism" is, AKA woke, cultural marxism , DEI etc. In the proper context the package is sold as the foundation for democracy, any deduction to the idea-complex "a threat to democracy". >>If not, what is the threat of socialists infiltrating pro-democracy propaganda outfits?<< See above for context. They use tax payer money to brain wash the own populace (NPR like institutions, though in the US context NPR is not very successful, see Scandinavia and BBC for better examples) and export their destructive ideology (USAID). >>why is it hard for adherents of far right politics to infiltrate pro-democracy propaganda outfits?<< "If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative When Old, You Have No Brain." Leftist ideology requires no brain and no reasoning, just feels. Most of it is superficially and intuitively "true" and requires data and appreciation for data and scientific method to dispel e.g the abysmal correlation between violent crime and poverty, "hunting season on black men" etc. Literally everything DEI related is like this, true at a glance, but collapses under scrutiny. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 07:52:52 "This is especially true for humanitarian themed institutions like USAID that acts like a buglight for leftists activists." Maybe it just seems that way because the other side could never be bothered with helping people. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 07:55:56 "If You Are Not a Liberal When You Are Young, You Have No Heart, and If You Are Not a Conservative When Old, You Have No Brain." That saying is a right wing excuse for not having a heart. They pretend that they simply outgrew it, when the reality is that they never had one. - |
Member | Fri Feb 07 09:03:26 '"spreading democracy" (a bush jr agenda item' "Stopping malaria is the same as funding foreign tranny plays" |
Member | Fri Feb 07 09:48:56 Except they aren't funding foreign tranny plays, it's funding local journalism in countries where the press is under attack. I wonder why someone would knowingly and deliberately try to portray one as the other? Perhaps because they are on the side of dictators and wish to undermine support of the free press. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 11:02:26 Musk spreading more lies about USAID http://dea...money-ukraine-trip-1236279748/ |
Member | Fri Feb 07 13:28:19 "Except they aren't funding foreign tranny plays, it's funding local journalism in countries where the press is under attack." USAID is funding tranny plays, I am not exclusively discussing the BBC, just like ep wasn't exclusively discussing it when he brought up GWB African aid |
Member | Fri Feb 07 13:36:52 hey look bullshitbullcrapcooperation aka bigbad&corrupt wrote a positive article on chaaayna 2day fundin must have ended rofl! |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 07 14:04:04 the PoS press secretary's claim of $47,000 for a trans opera was false... shocking, i know (just like the $50 million for condoms... upped by Trump to $100 million to be doubly false) also, if a $47,000 expenditure makes your top list of bad expenses, not exactly proof the whole agency needs destroyed |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 07 14:07:24 + Musk lying about celebs getting money fucking crazy that you gullible sheep just accept constant lies... basically hourly now that Musk joined the team of lie spammers... |
Member | Fri Feb 07 14:20:44 We paid so the National Institute of Science could determine if Tequila or Gin makes fish more aggressive. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 07 14:47:26 in 1975? that's what googling comes up with |
Member | Fri Feb 07 14:52:38 i dont know how many wastes of money from Trumps wall of China to his proposed USD 100 million for a ballroom in the White House should be on that list whch Kargen will suddenly not notive |
Member | Fri Feb 07 14:58:17 leaving aside the 100 million that he wants to spend on being a DJ playing ymca on saturday nights int eh WH and doing the whitest dance moves ever seen on Earth, i cant find a single serious source for that fish claim which ranges from 50,000 to 5 million. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 15:03:21 Also, the guy behind the golden fleece awards was a dem and the biggest scam they apparently revealed was by a republican in Ketchikan, Alaska |
Member | Fri Feb 07 15:07:20 Actually, that record was recently beaten by another alaskan republican, “Don Young’s Way”. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 16:15:45 "We paid so the National Institute of Science could determine if Tequila or Gin makes fish more aggressive." And? Don't leave us hanging. :o) |
Member | Fri Feb 07 16:24:11 I'm guessing tequila was the winner? william when those proposals start becoming more than ideas I will begin to complain. What is being complained about now is spending that has actually happened. Not sure if I posted in these forums or another but Trump supporters were complaining that some Republicans did not support the proposed bill for reducing spending. The proposed bill was going to cut 300 billion in spending in some areas but increase spending on the border and defense by 325 billion. So I was happy that bill was opposed by some Republicans. An increase of 25 billion for a spending cut bill is the type of math Democrats are usually responsible for. I'm hoping they hit the DoD as hard as they are hitting other areas when it comes to these cuts. |
Sam Adams
Member | Fri Feb 07 17:16:57 "and one of the strongest bulwarks against actual socialism as well" If the goal is to stop socialism cutting off funds to the bbc is a very obvious step. |
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