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Utopia Talk / Politics / 6200 "journalists" across 1000 platforms
Fri Feb 07 00:48:49
were on da payroles 2 write "chaynabad" every week

but now they gonna have 2 get a real job coz da govurnment they was workin 4, turns out 2 be broke now

Fri Feb 07 00:57:55
lmao so it turns out wut everyone been saying all da "Chaynabad" is propfunda turns out 2 really be propfunda of da highest orders and shits

rofl "2 prove chayna model deeply flawed"
xcept it doesnt need ur "provin" doesnt it.

rofl imagine thats all u r, writin shit and lies every day about other peoples, sometimes dunt even hide da racism...
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