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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Birminghamg mutilator
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 07 03:57:47 A former doctor has been jailed for five years and seven months after admitting he caused "painful cruelty to children" by running a mobile circumcision service. Mohammad Siddiqui, 58, from Birmingham, was a practising doctor at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust when he started visiting homes to carry out circumcisions for money. He was suspended and later struck off the General Medical Council (GMC) register but continued the circumcisions, which "ignored" basic hygiene rules. Siddiqui pleaded guilty last October to 25 charges, including assault occasioning actual bodily harm and cruelty to a person under 16. The charges related to offences committed across the south of England and the West Midlands - including in Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Dorset, Berkshire, Birmingham, Worcestershire and London. Some of his procedures left the children "screaming" in agony, Inner London Crown Court heard on Wednesday. They also lead to a number of young children having to be taken to hospital, including one boy who "almost died", the court was told. During the sentencing, victim impact statements from the families of a number of children were read out. One said: "There can be an inbuilt deference towards those perceived as possessing high social status, such as doctors." Source: BBC I am shocked that western countries still allow barbarity like circumcision to go on at all. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 08:00:34 What kind of foreskined freak shit is this? Circumcised penises are the only civilized penises. |
large member | Fri Feb 07 09:27:52 Because all men, given the choice, would opt for a shorter penis. Showers are for weenies. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 09:45:24 My BIL had a circumcision post puberty for medical reasons. He said it sucks in terms of impact on sexual satisfaction. |
large member | Fri Feb 07 09:47:52 What is BIL? |
Member | Fri Feb 07 10:56:40 brother-in-law |
Member | Fri Feb 07 13:00:34 Circumcision is the way to go. I've never had complaints. |
Member | Fri Feb 07 13:01:15 That said, if I didn't have it done as an infant and was given a choice to do it at 16 id probably never want a doctors scapel near my dick. |
large member | Fri Feb 07 13:16:51 ty murder. Seb That sounds like way too much information. Why would he tell you that? |
Member | Fri Feb 07 13:48:56 He's ... just like that. Costa Rican / Cuban family and over sharers even by their standards, and he has zero filters. I'm pretty used to getting far too much information. |
large member | Fri Feb 07 13:55:04 Gotit |
Member | Fri Feb 07 16:12:52 "Costa Rican / Cuban family" Poor Seb. :o) |
Member | Fri Feb 07 19:30:32 Because seb is making it up, obviously. If you genuinely think a brother in law would talk to his brother in law about his penis then you are gullible as shit. How would that conversation even begin? Seb is as bad as people who brag about their lives (cuckhat) and the people who have absurd stories about experiences they've had (reddit). |
Member | Fri Feb 07 23:08:59 I can assure you that my brother-in-law would absolutely drop something like that in conversation. In fact when Seb said it, I considered joking that we might somehow have the same brother-in-law. And he's not the only person I know who would overshare like that. - |
Member | Sat Feb 08 01:42:11 Obaminated: Different cultures. The way yanks talk about money scandalises middle & upper class Brits, f.ex. He'd probably have been 22 or there abouts, still at uni, and probably high at the time the conversation happened. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 03:53:20 I honestly don't remember my circumcision. Probably because I was just born. I do remember a guy I was stationed with on Midway Island and he won the Liberty Lottery to spend a week in Japan. He got a case of gonorrhea and ended up in sick bay where they had to give him a circumcision. He wasn't a happy sailor and said it was pretty damned painful. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 04:45:00 Obaminated: His dad's a big 60s 70s fan, Saturday nights sometimes we'd all stay up late drinking, and in BILs case smoking with that running in the background. Maybe Joni Mitchel came on. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 05:09:52 I'm surprised that obaminated has made it this far in life without crossing paths with people who don't mind making others uncomfortable. Hell I heard way worse from total strangers at the barber shop when I was a kid. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 08:53:55 Oh it's worse, he seems baffled (not in an autistic way, but in a demented dismissal that reasonable people could be so prude) that this would cause people to be uncomfortable. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 10:26:38 Sure seb. I'm sure this happened. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 11:54:03 You have to remember that IWIshIWasWhiteLikeWilliamTardo comes from a freaky religious background where his mother saw him when was 3 years old curiously examining his P-word, and beat the living shit out of him for being so satanic, and ever since then sex for him has been when you rape your wife once a year drunk on Xmas day to get her pregnant and never speak of it again |
Member | Sat Feb 08 12:08:23 Its important to understand that he was brought up to believe that in the garden of even, Adam only had a pee-pee hole, and one night Satan came along and installed an evil p-word on him. The penis is evil and the pussy is demonic, and anyone who ever mentions them is a whore, and whores were created for manly men to rape and kill. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 14:25:00 So seb made up a story to back up his argument, murder backed him up because it's murder and wtb went crazy. Okay. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 14:25:48 "My sister married a socially retarded man" - seb Rofl.. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 14:29:06 Obaminated: You've lived a very sheltered life haven't you? |
Member | Sat Feb 08 14:31:50 "His dad's a big 60s 70s fan, Saturday nights sometimes we'd all stay up late drinking, and in BILs case smoking with that running in the background. Maybe Joni Mitchel came on." This bit, by the way, was a joke. The first bit certainly happened many times, but was a set up for the Big Yellow Taxi reference punchline. |
iChihuaha | Sat Feb 08 14:32:59 This thread really from bad to worse. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 14:46:58 "You must be socially sheltered if you don't believe my story that my brother in law talked to me about his penis which happens to support my argument " - seb I live in socal seb. I am far from sheltered. This doesn't happen. This is like when cuckhat claimed he was a billionaire. Just stop. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 14:48:34 "But hey it's Puerto ricans! You know how they get!" - not racist seb. Rofl |
large member | Sat Feb 08 14:53:33 Don Obam I suggest you find a different windmill to joust. The reaching is getting painful to watch. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 15:22:17 Jergul you literally made up your own argument regarding a woman who stated she sterilized herself. You claimed she took out her eggs for later use. At no point did she say she did that. You are a desperate partisan. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 15:24:02 Obaminated: Costa Rica isn't Puerto Rica. I find it hilarious that you think I'm so invested in this that I'd make up a story about it. |
large member | Sat Feb 08 16:01:41 Obam I never said that. I said that cutting tubes has zero impact on harvesting eggs for IVF treatment and that IVF treatment is what a woman of 35 should be doing in any event. She should harvest and freeze eggs immediately if not before. She did a smart thing that has zero impact on having kids later is she chooses. And she did indeed use the smart thing to score political points. I am unsure of why a woman taking full control over conception bothers you so much. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 16:02:46 "My sister married a socially retarded man" No, as is obvious, my wife's brother. |
large member | Sat Feb 08 16:02:56 Wait, I have to ask. You have heard of IVF, right? That could be the problem here if you have not. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 17:11:15 obaminated can't admit when he's wrong. That's the thread. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 17:17:28 I would have never believed that anyone over the age of 10 had never met a socially inappropriate person. There are grown men in this world that will whip their junk out in public, and you don't believe that someone would bring up their circumcision? |
Member | Sat Feb 08 17:19:20 ^ obaminated was today days old when he found out that public decency laws exist for a reason. |
Member | Sat Feb 08 18:00:40 obaminateds existence is the epitomy of social inappropriateness |
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