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Utopia Talk / Politics / Habebe is going mad pt 2
Member | Tue Feb 11 17:43:54 https://www.livescience.com/technology/neuroergonomics-aims-to-monitor-workers-brains-to-boost-productivity-is-that-okay Just to annoy them, I've been singing the song that doesn't end, over and over. It's seeming to work |
Member | Tue Feb 11 17:48:30 Seb, I agree, from my research, it doesn't seem easily possible. I want to get to John Hopskins, because they are one of the best neurological departments on the east coast, about a 5 hr drive. I WISH I could explain it. The shrinks so far seem to just blame it kn stress and send me off. There is more to it. I know and agree, I sound mad, but, what if I'm accurate? |
Member | Tue Feb 11 17:49:25 Have you taken any covid vaccine shots? |
Member | Tue Feb 11 17:50:28 About songs… Sing this song and the police will put you in jail http://youtu.be/KHDFYQKlT3A |
Member | Tue Feb 11 18:01:14 "but, what if I'm accurate?" Then your opinions are so important that someone is paying for tens of thousands of work hours to spy on you, since this has been going on for a while, while simultaneously revealing their covert operations to you. What is it about you and your opinions that makes you so much important than anyone else? You sound so much like a crazy brit I met who lived in a van after the social services took his kids away from him and he stopped paying his bills. He was a british Maga fan who knew that the royal family were trying to assassinate him. In reality, he had just slowly concocted a fantasy world and crept into it and slammed the door shut after him because he couldnt face taking responsibility for all his mistakes |
Member | Tue Feb 11 18:29:45 He didnt hear voices, but he found secret clues and threats in newspaper articles online etc. He sat in McDonalds everyday scouring the internet in his utter boredom and isolation from normal life, finding secret messages to him. Otherwise, if you could get him to change the subject, he seemed perfectly normal and if he had had a job or a social life where he didnt have the time to burrow down into the stupidest recesses of the internet searching for excuses, he probably wouldnt have ended up thinking all that nonsense. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 18:42:20 I bet you are going through problems in real life, the fear of unemployment or some other practical issues that worry you. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 18:49:54 It was poverty that drove the brit into believing the royal family were trying to kill him. He stopped paying his bills simply because he couldnt afford them, and as his social life started falling apart due to poverty, he withdrew more and more into a fantasy to hide away from the fear of losing everything. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 19:06:21 Hab if it is stress then what are you stressed about? |
Member | Tue Feb 11 22:00:34 I'll update you when I get to John Hopkins. If I don't make it, something unfortunate perhaps has happened. My name is Christopher Goetz. They keep arguing that ALOT of people could lose their jobs over what they did to me. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 22:12:27 I think they are trying to distract me with other stuff. They keep pushing that I delete any trace of some chick I used to date out of my phone andnthat I go to rehab. Which makes no sense, they then say I shouldn't try ro make sense of it. Why I thought, maybe she was a CI or something, IDK. Haven't talked to her since like last fall /late summer. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 22:13:23 At one point they had me thinking they were the cops, and that they were going to kill me. They even told me to jump in front of a semi truck before. Clearly I didn't listen. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 22:19:15 My brother James Ryan Goetz is local fireman. Literally he lives at the fire house. Has many first responder type friends.This all started around a time when I went to Mcleod hospital. My medical records only say a great deal of decision making. Odd thing is, two ambulances came out. I called 911 because they seemed to be here very quickly, 911 said they didn't arrive yet, so who was the first ambulance? Also, that ambulance faked getting stuck in the mud it seemed. And I over heard the EMTs saying they need to get approval from some big wig. All wierd. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 22:25:14 If I am Accurate, there is no way this is legal. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 23:02:35 This is why I wanted to find an investigative reporter. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 23:05:43 Friends and family have seemingly known things I've only said in private. Steven M. Gebeaux Durham, North Carolina Is the attorney that sees to know something, I don't have the money to keep calling him. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 23:06:48 He told me not to get a mental health evaluation, until I heard back from him. But my money had run out to pay him. His :secretary" is who got back to me and just said that I needed to examine my medical records more thoroughly. |
Member | Tue Feb 11 23:40:53 Something with that weird phone number everything was being forwarded too as well. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 00:33:11 Again, O hear alotnof misinformation from them. But the idea it was a prank at Mcleod hospital, July 5th, 2024, is feasible. It's the only time I recall being sedated at a hospital. They said it was a prank, supposed to be only a week, and alot of ppl could lose there jobs over this. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 00:33:11 Again, O hear alotnof misinformation from them. But the idea it was a prank at Mcleod hospital, July 5th, 2024, is feasible. It's the only time I recall being sedated at a hospital. They said it was a prank, supposed to be only a week, and alot of ppl could lose there jobs over this. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 00:34:34 Hypothetically, if there was an implant, what's the best way to find out? |
Member | Wed Feb 12 02:27:57 If anything happened to you at McLeod hospital is what triggered this, it wasn't an implant. Habebe, my guess is you probably aren't going to be able to walk into John Hopkins. I wouldn't make the best the enemy of the good. If you are having trouble getting people to take it seriously, keep a diary with specifics. Write down what the voices are saying and when. You can use this to help provide a better picture of what's happening to you than you might be able to convey in a consultation verbally. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 02:54:49 Seb, Partly, that's what I'm doing here. |
large member | Wed Feb 12 03:14:15 I nuked the self-doxing habebe. I did it for your own protection. It is not part of a grand scheme. Enough of us know to check up if you go missing. Remember that we found Hot Rod without great difficulty. |
large member | Wed Feb 12 03:16:04 Habebe Member Delete Manage User Tue Feb 11 22:19:15 My brother xxxx is local fireman. Literally he lives at the fire house. Has many first responder type friends.This all started around a time when I went to Mcleod hospital. My medical records only say a great deal of decision making. Odd thing is, two ambulances came out. I called 911 because they seemed to be here very quickly, 911 said they didn't arrive yet, so who was the first ambulance? Also, that ambulance faked getting stuck in the mud it seemed. And I over heard the EMTs saying they need to get approval from some big wig. All wierd. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 03:47:58 Jergul, Thanks. Probably a good thing. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:20:17 Seb, Yeah, I'm trying to find a closer hospital with a good neurological depth. It can't ve in SC. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:21:11 Steven M. Gebeaux Durham I need to talk to this guy. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:24:47 They won't stop. They keep saying they can't stop, it wasn't meant to go this far, it wasn't supposed to be this way. But that if I go to an in patient rehab they will make it make sense. I don't need rehab, I swear to God I've only been smoking cigarettes. I'll take polygraph, mental health evaluations, drug tests etc. An investigative journalist, a good neurologists, something. They are driving me literally mad at this point. I didn't do myself for no good reason, I'm at my worst end. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:24:57 Witts end* |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:25:44 All I'm asking is for the benefit of the doubt. I know***** it sounds crazy. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:34:55 I've tried any tests to try and figure out how this is working. I abandoned my phones, drove 40 miles to just before the NC border, and I still could converse in aanner I can't readily explain. But my family blows it off as if it's normal, but shy away from polygraph. They are not very expensive around here, I offered to pay for them myself. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 05:38:36 All I'm asking, is the benefit of the doubt. Please. Deductive reasoning shows me its not located in a single location. It's not my phone. Maybe somesort of transmitter?! Idk, please look into this. |
iChihuaha | Wed Feb 12 06:32:13 Ok, lets say it is an implant. This would show up on an xray. Can you order and xray? If there is something there, you could go to a journalist or some independent organization. But what if there is nothing here, what is the next step? |
Member | Wed Feb 12 06:36:14 I tried getting x-rays or MRIS at Mcloed, they kept coming up with excuses. Said I needed blood work, I'd actually went in for a hernia, a separate issue that I hoped could get looked at. I've never heard of blood work for a hernia. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 06:36:43 I've given blood a few times, even then they just come up with excuses. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 06:45:36 I had wondered about the hernia, it likely is just a hernia. But I only discovered it in the shower somewhat recently. Maybe this summer. It's in my pelvic area.Hurts when I cough. After a mental health evaluation at a non connected hospital, that's something else I want checked off the list. Probably just a hernia, but, deductive reasoning. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 06:47:17 I've had a feeling of a hernia for much longer, the bulge is 99.9% a hernia. |
iChihuaha | Wed Feb 12 07:09:25 Blood work is standard for practically anything. When you say excuses, what do you mean? |
Member | Wed Feb 12 08:20:50 Habebe: Keep a journal, don't just use this forum. You need something you can physically show the doctors. A note book is good because it is tangible. Trying to show them this forum probably won't really help, not least because threads don't last long. Hope things improve |
Member | Wed Feb 12 08:24:12 "I don't need rehab" Do you think, if the voices were in some way a product of your mind, they might be using rehab to mean something more general than rehabilitation from substance addiction? Like, getting medical attention in the broader sense? |
Member | Wed Feb 12 12:40:38 They are fairly specific, they keep mentioning the owls nest, it's a local rehab. They didn't want me to try for the one in Harrisburg. Again, weird. Right now, I'm starting a new job, getting trained soon for other work . Going to get some money, and try and contact some neurological department not in SC. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 12:44:04 Again, I get alot.of.lixed messages, seems intentional. My family seems to frown upon getting treatment out of the area... Any hospital not linked to these three, and with a quality neurological department sounds good to me. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 12:45:47 1. Checked for tumor 2. PET scan But, by a non related hospital. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 12:51:05 3. Maybe conts x t Neuralink This isn't as advanced as that in capability. But, they could understand similar techniques. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 16:00:46 I would bet money you are going through a deep depression. The fact that they all say youre depressed and "send you off" sounds very much like youve told them details you haven't mentioned here. Not that you should. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 16:01:52 http://www...nditions/psychotic-depression/ |
Member | Wed Feb 12 16:03:06 I think you need to tell people you are hearing voices. I dont think you have told people that or stressed it enough. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 16:07:23 "Psychotic depression Hearing and, in some cases, feeling, smelling, seeing or tasting things that are not there; hearing voices is a common hallucination The delusions and hallucinations almost always reflect the person's deeply depressed mood – for example, they may become convinced they're to blame for something, or that they've committed a crime." |
Member | Wed Feb 12 16:19:17 Much as your rightwing world will tell you that psychotic depression is just libruhl fags whining about their pussies and that all money must be cut immediately to help people in this situation, in the real world it happens every minute of every day. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 16:58:00 I've discovered a loophole!!! 1. I go and tell the shrinks the truth, I talk to voices. What happens? They say it's a tumor? No They say I'm crazy, I can collect a SSD check for that, move to an African village, or tour them, maybe the Phillipines. I've long had a taste for dark meat, and my money goes further. Or, this situation comes to light, and I can collect a bigger check. I'm Happy either way. Check mate. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 17:04:42 "1. I go and tell the shrinks the truth, I talk to voices." So you havent told them that. "they all say youre depressed and "send you off" So you've only told them something you havent mentioned here about whats going on in your life, such as getting laid off or something. The story thickens. Dont suffer needlessly by succumbing to the expectations of the stupid, cruel, Lord of the Flies rightwing fratworld that judges your right to exist without pain based on how popular you are at frat parties. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 17:09:43 Wtb, Local hospitals. They call it stress and release me. Why? I beleive they are in on it, not a concern. I need to tell this truth to non linked shrink. WTB, You would love to see me committed, yes? please, do me this favor, and help me get seemed schizophrenic. What do have to lose? Pm me, I'll give you all my information if you do this, what do you have to lose? |
Member | Wed Feb 12 17:24:41 Habebe, youre welcome to PM me, but I dont think I can offer actual practical help in your local community from a different country. I suspect they call it stress because youre telling them details youre not mentiong here, such as work-related problems. Of course I wouldnt love to see you in any sort of harm whatsoever and have nothing to lose or win from anything that happens to you. I strongly suspect you are going through what is called a psychotic depression, and need help, however. If I, and others stress you absolutely need help, such that you interpret it as "loving to see you committed", its because you show such extreme symtoms of having lost it and in concrete need of help to everyone not locked inside your mind. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 17:29:09 But if you want to get committed, I would suggest mentioning that you hear voices telling you to be violent |
Member | Wed Feb 12 17:37:19 I do think that you've been met with a level of compassion here, however, plus that youre anonymous, that you could come really clean here and unload things going on in your mind that you may not have dared tell anyone. Surprisingly, Utopia, for once, is actually showing some genuine compassion. |
Member | Wed Feb 12 18:24:00 I just posted it publicly on Twitter and Facebook I can't go.to mcleod ,MUSC or the pines hospital Jergul and Nimatzo can find me |
Member | Wed Feb 12 18:24:10 I have no other choice |
iChihuaha | Thu Feb 13 04:26:46 “Utopia, for once, is actually showing some genuine compassion.“ When the realization sets in that you are the most garbage human being on UP. Ooof. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 15:02:43 "I can't go.to mcleod ,MUSC or the pines hospital" Habebe: I don't know what problems you've had in those places, but you need care asap. It's already been 2 weeks since you first posted about this, and ~ 9 months since you said the voices started. You can't keep waiting for care. Without treatment it will get worse. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 15:10:33 "At one point they had me thinking they were the cops, and that they were going to kill me." I am not a doctor of any sort, but this sounds like paranoid schizophrenia or a related condition. If it is, the longer you go without care, the more distrustful and frightened you will become. You will alienate everyone close to you, and you will become more and more isolated. That will only make your condition worse. Please get care. You don't want to live in fear 24/7. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 16:00:40 Murder is right. Be very clear about the voices. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 21:52:08 I need an x-ray of my skull, I skipped on my dad's ramp in the rain, and went for an X-ray, they said they don't do x-rays for skull damage. intent://www.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x88556697c5f87e6d:0x4d865917eeade2e2!11m1!4b1?entry=s&sa=X&ved=0CB4Q4kBqFwoTCKiBwK2hwosDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAG#Intent;scheme=http;package=com.google.android.apps.maps;S.browser_fallback_url=https://www.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x88556697c5f87e6d:0x4d865917eeade2e2!11m1!4b1?entry=s&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjjrOGuocKLAxXBFlkFHTskHoIQ4kB6BAgCEAA;end |
Member | Thu Feb 13 21:54:59 Why wouldn't they x-ray a skull, he said they only do MRIs and I'd have to go, the hospital, he didn't even look at it. Is that normal? |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:00:41 I translate lot of medical exams. Im nothing like a doctor, but Ive learned that MRIs are healthier and generally preferred. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:02:28 If you went to John Hopkins: "X-rays of the skull are not used as often now due to the use of CT scans and MRIs." http://hop...d-therapies/xrays-of-the-skull |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:03:01 Youre just displaying paranoia. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:04:33 Again, that seemed odd, now I'm determined to get an x-ray of my skull. How could one get an x-ray of their skull and guarantee everything is on three up and up, can't be those hospitals, or apparently even local urgent care. Again, what could the harm be? |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:07:05 the harm is that x-rays are unhealthy. Thats why they leave the room when theyre x-raying people. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:10:46 But an x-ray would show an implant. Again, what's the harm, if it's not that, rules out my unlikely theory. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:12:46 So would an MRI, without exposing you to radiation. Why would you not accept the healthier scan rather than the radiation danger they are trying to stop using? You dont realize how paranoid you sound now. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:15:26 Its in black and white on their website "X-rays of the skull are not used as often now due to the use of CT scans and MRIs." "MRI scanners create images of the body using a large magnet and radio waves. No ionizing radiation is produced during an MRI exam, unlike X-rays. These images give your physician important information in diagnosing your medical condition and planning a course of treatment." |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:20:21 If there was metal in your skull that they were trying to hide, MRI is what they would NOT recommend Due to the strong magnetic field, you must inform your doctor prior to the appointment if you have any metal in your body. Detailed information will be needed, such as the type and location, to determine your eligibility for MRI. If you have metal in your body that was not disclosed before your appointment, your study may be delayed, rescheduled or canceled upon your arrival until more information can be obtained. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/magnetic-resonance-imaging-mri#:~:text=MRI%20scanners%20create%20images%20of,planning%20a%20course%20of%20treatment. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:23:14 If it's an implant, again, I know it sounds crazy, but what's the harm. Mri, would the magnet interfear? |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:25:34 How many times will you ignore my answer? The medical profession is trying to discontinue using x-rays because they expose the patient to radiation, which is not a good thing now that they have more modern and less dangerous alternatives. Also, that page says MRI produces better quality images. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:31:52 I probably translate 3 medical exams a week and I never, ever see x-rays used anymore. Its always MRI since probably 5 years back now. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:40:29 Also, the voices today said when I picture an image they can see it, but when I look at something they don't. I also learned I can think things with out phonetically they can still know them, as if our minds are sort of linked, but, I can't monitor theirs. What possible BCI technology could possibly do this? Agin, I get it, sounds bat shit crazy, but if I'm right (big IF I get it) Mcleod hospital would owe me a fortune. I totally get it, Occasionally razor, simplest explanation, but if I can have proof it'd not my crazy theory, then obviously it's a tumor or mental health disease. I need to find a NC facility to get an x-ray. Check off the crazy theory first and, then if I know it's not that, go down the logical list. Anyone here a Gambler? What's the harm? Help me find a NC facility, ASAP and if I'm right 10% off the top. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:40:34 Honestly, you sound very ill to me and in serious need of help, else this will end badly. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:41:07 Wtb, You work in the medical field? |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:42:14 Wtb, I do sound ill. But, if we can check off the crazy theory first, we know I'm ill. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:43:56 Wtb, If I'm wrong, I swear I will admit the EU is greater than the US and that Trump is traitor and register under the socialist party of America. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:45:23 No. Ive translated loads of medical documents, probably hundreds of thousands of words and have picked up some stuff, but Im nothing like a doctor. But anyone here will tell you this sounds seriously ill. The level of paranoia in thinking that when a doctor refers you for the healthiest and most modern form of exam rather than an outdated and harmful form of treatment, which practice the entire medical profession is trying to discontinue, and you translate that as part of a conspiracy to hide an implant in your head is really serious stuff to anyone. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 22:53:22 I regularly consult a friend who is a medical doctor who has turned to psychiatry and is the head of a clinic, and I can assure you that if he heard this he would say you need immediate attention. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 23:02:23 Wtb, You are right. But, I want to rule out the crazybtheory first. Then on to the more likely. That way I known its neurological or mental health. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 23:06:00 You havent told them about the voices and your belief in a tracking device in your head, right? You need to do this immediately. The risk of unintentionally harming someone close to you if you are suffering from psychotic depression is very high, Im reading. |
Member | Thu Feb 13 23:14:55 Honestly, I wouldnt even be worried about being committed for a couple of weeks, in your situation. That feels like it would be a relief, if I was in your shoes. People being very nice and gentle to you all day, fresh linen and 3 meals a day, watching movies, and most important of all, you'd finally have taken the first steps on the road toward a light at the end of this dark tunnel. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 00:25:58 MRIs are NOT prefered over xray in every situation. MRIs are great when scanning soft tissue. MRIs have bot replaced x-rays. The sane applies to alleged foreign bodies inside a human body. And btw certain body parts are more sensitive to radiation than others, surprisingly the brain is not one of them, your gonads are. The reason hospital personal leave the room, is because otherwise they would get exposes 10 times a day every day they work. Unlike the patient who is getting dosed once every other year. Fucking moron thinks he knows things because he translates documents. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 00:53:45 Say you actually had a metallic implant in your head, using an MRI that uses high power magnets would be dangerous. Sigh.. habebe stop taking medical advice from morons. Those of us who are not complete retarda have spoken with you and given you advice on the level of human to human, brother to brother. We have not started to give you detailed therapeutic advice based on on the frequency at which certain words pop in tye text we translate. The fucking moron didn’t even bother to use google and is potentially giving you dangerous advice. Though any doctor suspecting you had metallic objects in your body wouldn’t put you in an MRI machine. Stop doing this bro. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:01:51 The voices say they are ramping it up. I need to get to a medical.malpractice attorney for a referral. At this rate I refuse any other medical care, or jail medical care. This way it can be legally documented. If I end up anywhere else, and the voices suddenly stop, I've been fucked. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:04:52 If I get arrested, something has also happened. I tried 3 times to turn myself in for an old bench warrant, they refused. Didn't want to be bothered. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:05:23 Dangerous advice? John Hopkins knows more than you, broken little hater. This is not a good thread for your rage at me having snapped you like a dry twig. Of course that is why staff leave the room. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:07:40 They say it's happening tonight. You know how keep tabs on. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:15:00 If I don't post tomorrow morning, check up on me. Could be false alarm. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 01:26:56 lol you fucking moron, from your own link: "MRI may be used instead of computed tomography (CT) when organs or soft tissue are being studied. MRI is better at telling the difference between types of soft tissues and between normal and abnormal soft tissues." I guess you have no understood why private hospitals in the US, who buy and operate expensive MRI machines set up marketing webpages to tell you how great they are? Fucking moron. Here is John Hopkins explaining how great CT scans are: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/computed-tomography-ct-scan Here is John Hopkins page explaining the difference between CT/X-ray and MRI and when you need which one. http://www...nd-therapies/ct-vs-mri-vs-xray Fucking moron. The moral of the story is, do not take advice from someone who thinks translating words makes him some how knowledgeable in the field where those words are being used. WTB has shown in literally every domain of knowledge and science that he is completely illiterate. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:40:39 "Say you actually had a metallic implant in your head, using an MRI that uses high power magnets would be dangerous." He doesnt. And they will ask him before treatment which actually could lead to an answer that would reveal his actual problem. This is literally feeding a dangerous paranoia. Stop it. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 01:47:40 That would be another example of when you wouldn't use an MRI, you fucking idiot. Because people actually have metallic implants for medical reasons, you fucking moron. |
Member | Fri Feb 14 01:49:57 Habebe, what would you tell the lawyer? That someone has committed malpractice by placing a tracking devide in your head? |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 02:08:59 Why, are you going to give him legal advice based on legal documents you have translated, you fucking moron? |
Member | Fri Feb 14 02:57:15 The only advice any lawyers who isnt a completely corrupt ambulance chaser is going to give you once you inform them that you want to sue a doctor for having secretly implanted an EEG transmitter is that you need to seek mental healthcare. Perhaps that would be a good thing for you to hear. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 03:23:42 Perhaps you're struggling with being the decent person you think you. Some people, despite not being the brightest, have a natural goodness about them, they’re good friends, compassionate, and nurturing. But you seem to be missing all of that. We’ve pretty much got your life figured out, right? You started as a Nazi in your teens (you were for various reason unable to solve the problems you had), worked as a bartender in your 30s, and only in your 40s did you begin to do what I’ve been doing since I was 7, reading books, questioning the world, and growing as a person. For you, being a decent human is a political theory, and that’s why you struggle to separate people from their ideas and have trouble grasping the nuances in analysis, or distinguishing between normative and descriptive viewpoints. Why you failed in this thread and continued to struggle, I mean you are borderline losing your temper in this thread on several occasion because the person who needs help isn't listening to your advice. Jesus Christ man... |
Member | Fri Feb 14 05:53:34 Nim, WtB - are you helping? Maybe take it somewhere else. Habebe: It really sounds to me like what's happening here is you are subconsciously avoiding things. Please go and see a doctor. Explain you are hearing voices, explain what they are saying. There's no way you have an implant, and trying to persuade them to x-ray, MRI etc your head isn't going to get you the help you need. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 14 06:27:39 Yes, I am helping by making clear that WTB is a fucking moron, whose post are best ignored by those seeking advice. That is part of the help, the personal help I am providing I have no reason to detail or explain here, it's done in person on a phone. |
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