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Utopia Talk / Politics / allah akcbar seb
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 13 09:50:46

Yet again.

Dont you get tired of being wrong?
Thu Feb 13 11:02:16
"His asylum request was rejected"

Wow, didn't even survive past the second sentence.
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 13 11:05:28
Yet you didnt deport him, and instead gave him a car, and let him run over 30 people.

Lol you absolute retard.
Thu Feb 13 11:13:32
Maybe he was just feeling unwell and sad because he was unemployed. So he lost control of the car. It could have been an accident and not ”an attack”.
Thu Feb 13 11:25:46
Taliban see this as a chance^^
(automatic translation)


Taliban offer cooperation - and make demands

The Taliban, who rule Afghanistan, are open to co-operating on deportations in view of the suspected attack carried out by an asylum seeker from Afghanistan. In return, however, the Islamists want consular representation in Germany. ‘We have shown our willingness to resume consular services for Afghans in Germany, covering all aspects of migration,’ Taliban foreign ministry spokesman Abdul Kahar Balchi told the dpa news agency.

The Taliban reject a diversion via Afghanistan's neighbouring countries such as Pakistan, as has already been considered by the German government in the past, and see this as a violation of current conventions. ‘We are not prepared to accept irregular procedures that bypass Afghanistan and pose a threat to our national security,’ emphasised Balchi. The Islamists are internationally isolated. Critics warn that the Taliban could benefit from deportations by using them as an opportunity to cooperate with a Western state.

Some more info on the retard:

4:01 pm
Asylum application is said to have been rejected: obliged to leave the country since 2020?

The Afghan man who drove his car into a crowd of people in Munich was a rejected asylum seeker, according to Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU). The man had entered the country as an asylum seeker, but his asylum application had ‘probably’ been rejected. At the same time, it had been determined ‘that he could not be deported at the moment and was therefore allowed to remain in our country’. He is known to the police, but not for violent offences. However, all of this is currently under constant review.

According to the news agency dpa, the suspect came to Germany as an unaccompanied minor at the end of 2016 and was taken into care by a youth welfare centre. He is said to have previously stayed in Italy. A few weeks after his arrival, according to dpa information, the young person applied for asylum, which was rejected in September 2017, against which he appealed - but without success. He has been required to leave the country since autumn 2020.

3:54 pm
Police see ‘indications of an extremist background’

According to the police, the alleged perpetrator has ‘indications of an extremist background’. The Central Office for Combating Extremism and Terrorism at the Munich Public Prosecutor General's Office has therefore taken over the investigation. According to media reports, the man is said to have published an Islamist-themed post on the internet.
Thu Feb 13 11:58:21
"His asylum request was rejected"

"...but he was granted temporary residence and not deported."

Lol Seb
Thu Feb 13 12:09:49
”the alleged perpetrator has ‘indications of an extremist background’. ”

” the man is said to have published an Islamist-themed post on the internet.”

Just one post? What did he post?
Thu Feb 13 12:20:27

Don't blame me for Germany's failure to process failed refugee status determinations.
Thu Feb 13 12:22:24
One thing you can't accuse me of is being unclear.

Asylum seekers arrive, we assess them, if they meet the criteria for refugees, they can stay as refugees and work to naturalisation or return when safe. If they don't, then they must leave.
Thu Feb 13 14:29:53
About 5 brits are murdered by Americans while on holiday in the US each year. I find zero Brits killed by Afghans ever in Germany. About 3.3 million brits travel to the USA on holiday each year and around 2.5 million Brits travel to Germany. The stats are clear.
Thu Feb 13 14:40:58
Remember, if getting murdered while on holiday is something you would prefer not to experience, its a good deal safer to stand in line next to an afghani in germany than an american in the usa
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 13 15:25:00
About 5 brits are murdered by negros while on holiday in the US each year

We can improve the specificity of your stats.

Dont vacation to negroland, i agree.

"If they don't, then they must leave."

Lol. You dont make them leave though.
Sat Feb 15 12:05:25
RIP Mother and 2 year old :(
Sat Feb 15 12:19:24
Its so strange that sensitive and sympathetic whore boi didnt write RIP for any of the 10 murdered people in the school but instead sympathized with the murderer because the poor guy had been pushed over the edge by too many immigrants from Whore Bois region. So strange.
Sat Feb 15 12:23:09
Oh, I get it! Im so silly! The only difference was skin colour!
Sat Feb 15 13:40:02
Because we knew people had died you turd, I just announced the first two deaths, previously there were only wounded. Things just became worse here.

Fundamentally though, I was mever garbage enough to join a nazi gang or equivalent so I feel no need to compensate, vacuously virtue signaling on the internet.

When are we meeting for that hug?
Sat Feb 15 13:45:24
Ah, gotcha, you share the same values as a mass murderer with a decades long history of serious mental illness. Good work, Horunge! I do find it a bit strange that you harbour genocidal racism toward people with the same skin colour as you but are awash with empathy for victims of murder - as long as they’re white. But you do you, you empathetic humanist you, and dont let anyone tell you that only someone with not a trace of genuine empathy would sympathize with the murderous values of a severely mentally ill school shooter who murders people like you! :D
Sat Feb 15 13:58:56
Truth be told, deep down inside I feel sorry for you. I really can’t even begin to imagine how shit your family must have been to have driven you to join a nazi gang, live a filthy hobo
life and sell your body so you could eat.

I’m sorry for being so harsh on you. You deserve dignity, I will show you mercy, because I can. You have my word. Go in peace.
Sat Feb 15 15:16:14
I’m so glad we’ve cleared thing up between us, friend! Here’s hoping that the next time a mentally ill mass murderer whose handiwork you sympathize with murders people who have the same skin colour as you, you get to appreciate his work from a first row seat, Horunge!
Sat Feb 15 15:17:00
Or your daughter ;)
Cherub Cow
Sun Feb 16 07:13:40
[sebfag (traitor to the West)]: "His asylum request was rejected"
[NEXTA]: "...but he was granted temporary residence and not deported."
[Forwyn]: "Lol Seb"

We see sebfag's deception here?

A few scenarios:
1) Conqueror given access to the West, is granted citizenship, kills people with a car in a blatant act of terror against its people.
sebfag response: "[He was just as Western as anyone!]"
2) Conqueror given access to the West, is *not* granted citizenship, kills people with a car in a blatant act of terror against its people.
sebfag response: "[See? The system works! They knew not to make him a citizen. He was kept in the West as part of the benevolent process / "human rights"]"
3) Conqueror *not* given access to the West, is *not* granted citizenship, kills people with a car in a blatant act of terror against its people.
sebfag response: "[Right-wing extremists are the real threat. Anyone can use a car in this way. We need car control.]"

The bureaucrat's syphilitic mind can only see what is written on paper, and the traitor will defend all outcomes that oppose the West. His only principle is the West's enslavement and annihilation.
Sam Adams
Sun Feb 16 12:29:15

Seb killed this kid.
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