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Utopia Talk / Politics / The amazing Trump-Zelensky meeting
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:42:46 Lol holy shit. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:43:14 where r da vids? |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 11:44:01 stand tough Zelensky! |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 11:47:16 kind of sickening really... |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:49:00 I got on the livestream midway through and they were literally engaging in a full-blown argument with each other in front of the press. I have to catch up on what happened before that. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 11:49:05 wow, now our totally embarrassing fuckhead leader wants us to have sympathy for Putin for suffering over the Hunter Biden laptop... super relevant! & i'm sure Putin really lost sleep over those claims... |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:51:21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH1WNGu4lOQ holy shit |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:53:18 zelensky shows, as he has in every encounter with the Trump filth, very impressive restraint and focus on the goal |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:53:19 i think u gotta skip 2 da part where they sittin next 2 eachother in those big chairs and takin questions from press they start arguin there |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:55:33 http://www...y-will-use-ukraine-rare-earths shits tense, voices raised, arms crossed, ya can feel da emotions, fingers pointed |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:57:52 this is wut vietnam saigon and afghanistan 2022 looks like without da press in da back rooms and shit |
Member | Fri Feb 28 11:59:40 Trump, Zelenskyy and Vance clash over diplomacy with Putin At one point in their meeting, JD Vance said the negotiations were needed as “we tried the pathway of Joe Biden, of thumping our chest and pretending that the President of the United States’s words mattered more than the President of the United States’s actions.” “What makes America a good country is America engaging in diplomacy. That’s what President Trump is doing,” he insisted. But Zelenskyy wasn’t pleased with that, responding that Putin repeatedly broke previous arrangements agreed with other countries. “So, what kind of diplomacy, JD, are you speaking about?” This caused Vance to explode, accusing Zelenskyy of being “disrespectful” and organising “propaganda tours.” When he tries to make his argument, Trump intervenes and tells him: Don’t tell us what we’re gonna feel. You’re in no position to dictate what we’re going to feel … You’ve allowed yourself to be in a very bad position … You don’t have the cards right now with us. You are gambling with the lives of millions, you are gambling with World War Three. And what you are doing is very disrespectful to this country. After JD Vance accusses him for not thanking for the support – despite repeated thanks from Zelenskyy – they get into another heated exchange with Trump raising voice, leading Zelenskyy to wearily start the next sentence saying: Do you think that if you will speak loudly … |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:00:34 'You're either going to make a deal or we are out,' Trump tells Zelenskyy At the end of the heated meeting, Trump addresses Zelenskyy directly: The problem is, I’ve empowered you to be a tough guy, and I don’t think you’d be a tough guy without the United States. And your people are very brave. But you’re either going to make a deal or we are out and if we’re out, you’ll fight it out. I don’t think it’s going to be pretty, but you’ll fight it out. But you don’t have the cards but once we sign that deal. You’re in a much better position [with the deal], but you’re not acting at all thankful and that’s not a nice thing. I’ll be honest. He then wraps the meeting up. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:00:34 'You're either going to make a deal or we are out,' Trump tells Zelenskyy At the end of the heated meeting, Trump addresses Zelenskyy directly: The problem is, I’ve empowered you to be a tough guy, and I don’t think you’d be a tough guy without the United States. And your people are very brave. But you’re either going to make a deal or we are out and if we’re out, you’ll fight it out. I don’t think it’s going to be pretty, but you’ll fight it out. But you don’t have the cards but once we sign that deal. You’re in a much better position [with the deal], but you’re not acting at all thankful and that’s not a nice thing. I’ll be honest. He then wraps the meeting up. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 12:03:52 Trump was repeatedly telling Zelensky to be more thankful... not sure why he should be as Trump's only goal is to recover all our money & then some w/ Trump including his made-up lie of us giving them $350 billion... his mentally-ill need to exaggerate every number ever cited |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 12:15:17 not sure what magat media is going to find fault with with what Zelensky said... presumably they'll just gush over Trump sounding tough (despite being a lying idiot) |
Sam Adams
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:16:16 Lol vance is a complete retard. Sigh. Can we get a good leader just once. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:25:09 Yeah Vance messed up there. Theres tough diplomacy and then there's just being a combative asshole. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 12:25:24 A Statement from 'President' Donald J. Trump "We had a very meaningful meeting in the White House today. Much was learned that could never be understood without conversation under such fire and pressure. It’s amazing what comes out through emotion, and I have determined that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations. I don’t want advantage, I want PEACE. He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace." Trump wants the nobel peace prize, Ukraine's minerals & Gaza's land... he doesn't care about peace |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:27:14 "Lol vance is a complete retard. Sigh. Can we get a good leader just once" But you come off exactly like a Trump minus any money. Wasnt he racist enough for you this time? Didnt he say "IQ" enough times for you? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:33:44 the only thing you differ from trump is russia, because you dont have any money invested in russia - certainly not because of moral differences |
Sam Adams
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:37:38 Your ranting on UP again wtb. Go take your pills and maybe a nap. "Trump wants the nobel peace prize" I think he just wants to hear his name in the news. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:41:07 I suppose the first response someone who has officially been diagnosed with a mental illness is always to take medications |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 12:43:08 he lobbied for a peace prize & complained about not getting one in his first term (+ he loves getting awards in general, even fake ones) |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 12:44:35 press conference canceled & Zelensky now leaving good luck, Z! don't bend to dictators |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:45:29 "wow, now our totally embarrassing fuckhead leader wants us to have sympathy for Putin for suffering over the Hunter Biden laptop..." "It's always Russia Russia Russia!" |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:47:54 The leader of the USA continues to be shockingly disgusting. Z should have just pulled out a knife and stabbed the evil bastard in the throat |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:48:44 for being a supporter of the murder of tens of thousands of his fellow countrymen |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:51:48 "for being a supporter" = for being the no.1 enabler |
Member | Fri Feb 28 12:57:18 "But you’re either going to make a deal or we are out ..." You've got to love the sell job. "We're not going to give you weapons or security guarantees. But if you give us half your mineral wealth, we still won't give you weapons or security guarantees ... but you'll be in a much better position." I wonder why Zelensky wouldn't bite. lol :o) - |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 28 12:58:52 Undignified and shamful behavior by Trump and Vance. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:01:19 Also lol @ threatening Ukraine with World War 3. How would WW3 be any worse for Ukraine? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:04:40 Im actually doing a job for a Ukrainian company atm. Am trying to decide whether sending them a Slava Ukraini would be in bad taste or not. It would be sincerely meant, so I think not, probably |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:07:57 wut we seein here is wut is going on durin vietnam saigon and afghanistan xcept that yellin and accusin happens in backdoors and shit and we never get 2 see it. there will be blamin there will be yellin, there will be cursin and there will be humiliation we just got 2 see it in da open on live tv da collapse has begone. one side was livin in fantasy and got told reality |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 13:09:09 decent chance Trump asks if the intel community could feed Zelensky's location data to Putin |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:09:56 Dont worry, Elons already giving them that |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:14:01 Trump is right though, like it or not. Zelensky isn’t holding any good cards, and he is playing with WW3. It is not in the Americans interest to go to war with Russia. It is not the World’s interest either. And Zelensky ought to show more respect. He can not demand that the world sacrifice itself in a nuclear armageddon. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:14:38 Has Trump ever had a bigger blowup at a public event? Maybe his sit down with Pelosi and Schumer during his first term? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:15:04 hahaha all there minerals canceled not belong 2 u last minute |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:15:42 "A member of Russia’s state-owned news agency gained access to the Oval Office on Friday to cover President Trump’s sit-down with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky – even as the AP and Reuters were barred from the high-level meeting. The White House said the journalist was not authorized to be in the press pool. A correspondent for TASS, a Russian state media organization, was among a group of hand-picked pool reporters" At some level, you have to respect the utter superiority of the Russian mafia over the US state |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:17:51 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh4ojeijk48 they just canceled and kicked him out |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:21:41 This is all good in an evil way. It forces the last conservative stragglers in the EU who vaguely want to avoid arguing with the Whore of America to realize reality |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:24:17 "Nimatzo iChihuaha Fri Feb 28 12:58:52 Undignified and shamful behavior by Trump and Vance." It forces even the deepest deep throat whores of Trumpianism in Europe to realize that something is wrong |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:27:03 " deepest deep throat whores of Trumpianism in Europe" >> dunt get ur hopes up lol, theres 2 many of them |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:27:36 " deepest deep throat whores of muricanism in Europe" >> corrected it 4 u |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:39:08 How dare you Zelenski? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:39:30 ”they just canceled and kicked him out” Lol Right now, Zelensky is on his plane over the Atlantic ocean wondering what went wrong. Dark chaotic clouds over his head. Was I too excited? Was I too tense? Should I have shown more respect? Why am I here? What is the meaning of life? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:42:01 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump A Statement from President Donald J. Trump “We had a very meaningful meeting in the White House today. Much was learned that could never be understood without conversation under such fire and pressure. It’s amazing what comes out through emotion, and I have determined that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations. I don’t want advantage, I want PEACE. He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace." http://tru...Trump/posts/114082877976878390 |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:51:37 Kompromat. Reagan is rolling over in his grave. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:52:26 Ukraine should never have listened to the Yanks back in 2014. And they shouldn’t have listen to the Brits in 2022. Had they not launched a civil war against their own citizens in Donbas in 2014 at the request of the USA, Ukraine would have been intact today and a million of people would not have died. Had they told Boris Johnson to shut up and go home and instead signed the peace deal in Istanbul in 2022, Ukraine would also be intact today and a million of people would not have died. I bet Zelensky and many Ukrainians hates the Anglos today. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 13:52:29 "TheChildren Member Fri Feb 28 13:15:04 hahaha all there minerals canceled not belong 2 u last minute" Yeah, Zelensky left without signing the deal. What a clusterfuck. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:02:27 Republicans are lining up behind Trump on this: "Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie Is this the end of Zelensky’s presidency? He hitched his wagon to Biden and the deep state. They lost and now he doesn’t seem to be playing his cards well." Lol |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:03:39 Another Congressman: "Randy Weber @TXRandy14 America FIRST. Strong, unapologetic leadership on the world stage is BACK!" |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:04:30 And a third: "Rep. Riley M. Moore @RepRileyMoore It is amazing to have a President and VP who put America First! Thank you President Trump and VP Vance for fighting for our country and our people! " |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:05:06 Elon Musk @elonmusk Zelensky destroyed himself in the eyes of the American people |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:06:40 Who are you trying to convince Rugian? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:07:48 You. The GOP stands behind Trump when it comes to Ukraine. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:09:44 "Secretary of Treasury Scott Bessent @SecScottBessent Thank you, President Trump, for standing up for the American people and our nation on the global stage." http://x.com/SecScottBessent/status/1895536042188665111 |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:15:41 "Dmitry Medvedev @MedvedevRussiaE The insolent pig finally got a proper slap down in the Oval Office. And @realDonaldTrump is right: The Kiev regime is "gambling with WWIII." 1:58 PM · Feb 28, 2025" http://x.com/MedvedevRussiaE/status/1895549112440979908 |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:19:03 One has to always remember that Ruginas only objective is to lie; to win what is only a Monoply game to their tiny bacterial perspective of the universe, where only NPCs exist aside for them, by lying and cheating - and who gives a fuck about the suffering we cause to anyone, because none of them are as real as me. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:22:26 Interesting take WTB. "Leftists like me are the ones that care about the suffering of others, that's what I want this war to continue in perpetuity." |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:23:52 That's a false dichotomy and you know it. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:24:55 Rugian: You know my assessment. I gave it after the Munich security conference. The GOP standing behind Trump just confirms it. The US has fallen to an authoritarianism and is an adversary of the free world, not its leader. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:25:32 Members of the Senate are expressing their gratitude to Trump now. "Mike Lee @SenMikeLee Thank you for standing up for OUR COUNTRY and putting America first, President Trump and Vice President Vance! |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:25:57 Rugian: "what I want this war to continue in perpetuity." "Better to live on your knees than die free" is such an American sentiment, isn't it. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:27:48 Seb Authoritarianism apparently now means a democratically elected governing majority that happens to not bend over backwards to placate bureaucrats in Brussels. K. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:28:30 "That's a false dichotomy and you know it." Lies and dishonesty are what intelligent people do, in his world. If you dont lie and completely laugh at the concept of honesty, you are a naive mark. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:29:02 Man the misinformation echo chamber is getting worse and worse. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 28 14:29:59 tsk tsk Rugian. Your are on thin ice when Dukhat politely finds you in a logical fallacy. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:30:31 You keep comforting yourself with the totally not orchestrated damage control operation but actual spontaneous outpouring of praise (the audience will now applause!) republican politicians are doing. The US isn't really relevant to whatever happens next. Pax America is dead. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:31:14 Another US senator: "Bernie Moreno @berniemoreno Finally we have a President who will speak the TRUTH and stand up against Washington’s endless wars. American taxpayers have been funding this war, it’s time to stop the killing and stop risking World War 3!" |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 14:31:26 the dictator & Salacious Crumb made it very clear people need to thank Trump, so sure the cowed R's will do so the stupid thing is the purpose of the meeting was entirely just getting their minerals & offering nothing to help end the war... they want Ukraine to just give Russia anything they want so we can start digging |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:32:36 "Rep. Victoria Spartz @RepSpartz Zelensky is doing a serious disservice to the Ukrainian people insulting the American President and the American people - just to appease Europeans and increase his low polling in Ukraine after he failed miserably to defend his country. This is not a theater act but a real war!" |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:35:10 The Western world couldnt give less of a shit about the lies of unknown US fascist congressmen than they do about unknown fascist ultra conservative members of the Iranian govt, little Rugina. All we know is that we now need to quickly arm ourselves against your deadly violence. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:35:39 Seb Are you suggesting that comments like these aren't genuine outpourings of support? I don't see how. ---- Marsha Blackburn @VoteMarsha Thank you President Trump and VP Vance for standing up for America. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:36:05 Thank god you made this imperative impossible to ignore any longer |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:39:51 We're quickly approaching the point where European secret services will need to start to compile lists of domestic subservients and traitors like Nimatzo. Thankfully, in his particular case, he has already published not only his birth date on embarrassing date sites where he was likely trying to solicit prostitutes but also his name |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:43:00 This was awesome. I disagree with SA and rugian. Vance stood tall when it was clear Zelensky was going to use this as yet another propaganda moment to garner more money for him to launder. Keep in mind this asshole has "lost" half the money we have sent him. Pretty sure that is why vance was so short tempered. The guy is a con artist asshole who is conscription boys into a war they are clearly going to lose solely so he can get getting funds he hides in foreign accounts. And yes. Zelensky should be grateful. He is a dead man if we walk away. This is why the Ukrainian ambassador buried her face. She realized her president was fucking over their country out of ego and pride. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:45:18 I really have to say that Im glad the Western world and the USA have finally reached a line that cannot be crossed. This means every US apologist in the West finally is forced to choose a side. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:47:46 Really? Nobody's going to roast Rugian for including Dmitry Medvedev in his deluge of posts of Republicans supporting Trump? |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:49:07 Nothing Rugina posts is worth refuting. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 28 14:49:56 Obaminated >>Keep in mind this asshole has "lost" half the money we have sent him.<< False. "On February 2, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said he had only received $75 billion of the $175 billion the United States had spent on Ukraine. The cry went up, what happened to the other $100 billion? Was it lost or stolen? The answer is no. Only part of the aid goes through Ukrainian control. A large part pays for activities as a result of the war but not to Ukraine directly. These include the United States training of Ukrainian forces, global humanitarian assistance, additional costs of U.S. surge forces in Europe, and intelligence support for both NATO and Ukraine. As CSIS has reported before, “aid to Ukraine” is a misnomer because 90 percent of military aid is spent in the United States. Of aid overall, 60 percent is spent in the United States, about 25 percent is spent in Ukraine, and the final 15 percent is spent globally." As I have said multiple times, US aids, especially military aid is basically welfare that goes to the US military industry. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 14:50:22 Lindsey Graham: "I think that Moscow is probably more afraid of Trump than ever." http://x.com/CalltoActivism/status/1895565304417435759 (& "I told Trump this was maybe the best television i've ever seen" ... slurp...) |
Member | Fri Feb 28 14:52:48 "Really? Nobody's going to roast Rugian for including Dmitry Medvedev in his deluge of posts of Republicans supporting Trump?" No Brit spent time trying to debate with supporters of Hitler. Their one focus was on killing them. |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 14:54:50 "Vance stood tall" Zelensky: Putin didn't honor the agreements last time Vance: it's disrespectful to point out facts! thank lord Trump now!!! |
the wanderer | Fri Feb 28 15:02:52 and Trump's only response was "Putin will do so under me!" even though offering any guaranteed US support is the very thing he's unwilling to do... |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:04:23 "was so short tempered. " >> i was watchin da whole thing, and i mean da whole thing not just da meltdown part. included in da link i gave earlier. is pretty long actually. but anyway, they was takin questions from journalists and some were pretty stupid questions like zero iq. but anyway, wut i noticed was trump was mostly focussed on "yea i can do a deal" but da other was more like "da enemy is da root of all evil" and wasted no opportunity in xplainin himself. also i noticed his body language and every time trump talked about peace deal u shuld watch da other guys body language. he would often roll his eyes, shake his head or give out disapprovin looks and nods. prolly that is why they were angry at him at da end. but anyway, is like i said in da other thread. one dude was like "yea there gonna be peace" da other dude who relied on first dude for aid, is livin in fantasy world where he was winnin and no deal should be made ever becoz "root of all evil" and becoz he was "winnin" so in that sense, da meltdown was comin and we culd see it happen in real time |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:07:11 ”The guy is a con artist asshole who is conscription boys into a war they are clearly going to lose” Only because Anthony Stinken and Lindsey Graham pushed him to do so. They basically told him that he has to do it. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:09:05 @nim - maybe that is true, the biden admin/military industry screw Ukraine and the American people out of 100 billion. It doesn't change the scenario on the ground. Putin won't give up and Ukraine has no cards left if the united states walks away. He needs us. We do not need Ukraine. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:10:21 Murder You caught that :) WTB I do hope you aren't making death threats against me. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:13:05 Oh, Ill kill you in a second if you continue to wage unprovoked war against innocents and if I get the physical opportunity. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:14:23 Uhhh... |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:17:25 on the one hand, its always a tragedy that some people like you learn to be evil - its the problem that faces psychiatrists who diagnose violent criminals who have learnt to be violent through being subjected to violence (sociopaths) - otoh, when you gather in the millions, history teaches us that you generally have to be exterminated to ensure the survival of our species |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:19:23 If rightwing extremism manages to start WWIII, which is looking quite feasible atm, I will definitely sign up and kill as many of you as possible before its over for me |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:22:23 ”If rightwing extremism manages to start WWIII, which is looking quite feasible atm” It’s the Genocide Liberals who are pushing for war. You have all gone crazy. Insane. |
iChihuaha | Fri Feb 28 15:24:15 Obaminated. Nobody has been screwed out of money, I don't think you actually understood what I posted. There is nothing fishy or unusual about the aid to Ukraine. The checks the US writes are largely Disney dollars that can only be spent buying US military hardware. Ukraine never has control of that money, the USA just delivers goods and services. You just completely changed your argument from ethical/moral concerns that Zelensky has slushfunded half the aid and used it to launder money, to I don't care about the Ukraine. You should be concerned about your soul. Such amoral and unprincipled behavior has costs. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:30:56 Senator Lindsey Graham, who is the biggest neocon in Congress and wants direct war with Russia, calls on Zelensky to resign after his behavior in the Oval Office with President Trump. http://x.com/wallstreetmav/status/1895571311923204115 Graham had no issue funding Zelensky’s war machine, but now that Trump is back, he’s pretending to care about ‘behavior’? Give me a break. This is pure D.C. hypocrisy at its finest. These people have no principles, just shifting allegiances to maintain power. - - Lindsey Graham is a cockroach. He should be sent to Ukraine and be hung from the neck there. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:38:02 http://x.com/papitrumpo/status/1895562503230550018 Haha |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:38:49 Ukraine got played. |
Member | Fri Feb 28 15:45:21 they neva shuld have listened 2 da foreigners who came bearin gifts from afar whisperin in snake tongues about glorious fantasy stories... |
Member | Fri Feb 28 16:12:18 Death to Europe |
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