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Utopia Talk / Politics / da long CON continues
Member | Mon Mar 03 05:27:47 anotha day, anotha SCAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDj1_sU-uOs rofl wut is there 2 wonder about. she thought she livin in decent society where services r up 2 par and certain level of professionals and shits... in reality it is just a bunch of minimum wage jobs done by ppl with 2-3 jobs at a time. one day they get a package they gotta deliver. its heavy as shit so they scan it open it and see shitton of gold... wut u xpect they 2 do? a) deliver that shit as xpected like da good solid company they r b) xcept they aint da solid company they r just minimum wage workers and this is 2 years of salary. so yea they pocket that shit and make it disappear. good luck findin out who and where took it, dumbass fag. they r long gone da mistake she made wasthinkin she livin in decent society, she lives in SCAM world. its 3rd world out there. |
Member | Mon Mar 03 05:33:11 have u seen da trains filled with packages gettin robbed and plundered and da boxes opened and litered all over da place... happens every week means that 1000s of peoples order shit online and nevar receive any crap thats what ur society in reality is. that what delivery is in ur country is this dumb fag clueless. she sendin gold by mail. like what da fag she actually thought it wuld get delivered and not disappear in da middle of transit, which is just pretty words for "mam, im sorry 2 inform u, but ur shit got stolen" wild wild west out there, 3rd world status |
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