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Utopia Talk / Politics / Starship 8 launch today
Member | Mon Mar 03 16:28:11 In about an hour. I've got my catcher's mitt ready. :o) |
Sam Adams
Member | Mon Mar 03 17:55:43 Scrubbed |
Member | Tue Mar 04 02:11:58 surprise surprise! AAAHAHHAHAAAA http://youtu.be/CMSNVgQgctE?t=12 |
Member | Tue Mar 04 07:05:57 That's a horrible song. How did you stumble over it? |
Member | Wed Mar 05 15:13:36 Now targeting tomorrow at ~ 5:30 pm. |
Member | Thu Mar 06 11:19:47 Make that ~ 6:30 pm. ET |
Member | Thu Mar 06 17:42:57 And another failure. |
Member | Thu Mar 06 18:41:36 Another step in making progress toward exploring the great unknown. Well done Elon! |
Member | Thu Mar 06 18:44:12 Murder, spacex can literally catch a rocket for reuse. Your obsession with having musk fail is causing you to miss the forest for the trees. |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 06 20:08:40 An exact repeat of last one. Cool fireworks. Airlines kindof getting fucked by faa |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 06 20:27:41 Fucking badass video. |
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Mar 06 20:29:02 Of the launch catch failure and reentry debris. |
Member | Fri Mar 07 00:36:55 http://www...-commercial-launch-2025-03-06/ Uncrewed heavy launcher deploys French military satellite First operational mission seen as test for European autonomy March 6 (Reuters) - Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket successfully deployed a French spy satellite in its first fully operational launch on Thursday, completing a return to space for a continent facing questions over its role amid a security rift with the United States. The uncrewed launcher lifted off from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, at 1:24 p.m. local time (1624 GMT). Controllers later said its CSO-3 reconnaissance satellite had separated smoothly, completing a trio of military platforms. |
Member | Fri Mar 07 05:13:58 "Airlines kindof getting fucked by faa" ??? |
Member | Fri Mar 07 05:37:07 "Murder, spacex can literally catch a rocket for reuse. Your obsession with having musk fail is causing you to miss the forest for the trees." Cool! That should cut the cost of his next failure in half ... assuming it doesn't fall in a populated area. |
Sam Adams
Member | Fri Mar 07 12:57:51 Faa closed a bunch of routes and diverted them from an area much larger than the realistic debris field. |
Member | Fri Mar 07 15:08:59 Murder, you realize musk intends in sending 5 unmanned ships to Mars Un December, right? It's happening and he is willing to lose money on it because he is adamant that humanity must establish colonies on other planets for us to ensure that humanity doesn't die from war/meteor/super volcano. The question is how many of us would want to travel to Mars and live there permanently? Id consider it but would definitely have hesitations. |
Member | Fri Mar 07 15:19:08 A clean slate with no murders and Sebs might make for a Martian paradise. |
Sam Adams
Member | Fri Mar 07 15:23:45 No socialists sebs muslims or negros. Ahhhhhh |
Member | Fri Mar 07 17:25:08 "Murder, you realize musk intends in sending 5 unmanned ships to Mars Un December, right?" lol! Just stop! |
large member | Sat Mar 08 02:05:41 Obam The only procreation that will take place under Musk initiatives will contain Musk DNA. But feel free to alpha test Mars settlements for his endevour if you like. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 07:38:49 There aren't going to be any Mars settlements. And there sure as hell isn't going to be any baby making on Mars or in space. |
large member | Sat Mar 08 13:57:32 Murder You do not understand Musk at all if you think that. There will be Muskins on Mars. It will be glorious how we will celebrate some surrogate IVF impregnation as a great step for humanity, when actually, it is just Musk doing his thing to people under NDAs. |
large member | Sat Mar 08 14:02:49 This may all be orchestrated by a Musk Trust if he happens to have died before then. But yah, defunding Elon is pretty important. He is a active danger to the future of mankind. Why? Well interstellar colonization and perhaps even solar system stuff represents divergence. Humanity will split into branches. The most dangerous thing to the human species is other human species. Hence genociding all other species long ago. There is no reason for the species that left would want the species remaining to exist. Earth people are a clear danger. |
large member | Sat Mar 08 14:10:10 For reference. A diverging species will start off with 99.6% of genes in common with the root species. Compared to a Chimpanzee that has 99% of genes in common with humans. Divergence will not take long at all. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 14:49:36 Aaaand they all panic at the thought of musk being successful. He is doing it. He has said every 26 months id when mars and earth are aligned. So he will send 5 ships and see how they land and then adjust based on that. Then eventually humans will go and develop domes or live underground and we will ensure that we will survive in the event of a nuclear war, super volcano or meteor. Meanwhile murder, seb and jergul mock the idea and desperately want him to fail. It's hilarious in a very cynical way. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 15:37:56 "You do not understand Musk at all if you think that. There will be Muskins on Mars." No, no there won't. When you've reached the point where even Elon admits that a bunch of people traveling to Mars will probably die ... it's over. And it's not a bunch, it's all. Adult humans can't survive for long on Mars, assuming they even make it there. Human babies simply have no chance. Every single one of them would die in the womb or soon after birth. Plus it should be noted that Elon doesn't have any working plans for the supposed colony on Mars. None of the specialized equipment needed on Mars has been designed, nor is he working on any of it. So no, there will be no Muskins anywhere but this shithole. - |
Member | Sat Mar 08 16:12:44 "So he will send 5 ships and see how they land and then adjust based on that." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az8KzSPJvL0 |
large member | Sat Mar 08 16:35:41 Obam Whatever is outthere by Musk's plane will predominantly be Musk genetically on a fast track to diverge into a distinct human species. There will be no "we" on Mars. Murder I think you are being too optimistic. But risk analysis dictates that even small probabilities with catastrophic conscequences need to be averted. So even if you are probably right, the procautionary approach dictates that the quicker Musk is defunded, the better. |
large member | Sat Mar 08 16:39:48 Divergion is unavoidable no matter who might one day succeed in getting max the genetic material of a few k humans into space. Yah, any lifeboat strategy is the act of splitting humanity into distinct species were all of us will be the human species remaining behind. There truly is nothing in it for us. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 16:58:44 I wonder what he really plans to do with starship. Given he's doing nothing to address the challenge of actually settling Mars; What's that giant payload for? I'm guessing he's gone full bond villain and it's for some kind of orbital weapon system. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 17:55:45 Probably just more Starlink satellites. |
Member | Sat Mar 08 18:00:46 It's just like Elon to build a "Starship" that needs a conga line of tankers to refuel it in orbit just so it can reach the Moon. |
large member | Sat Mar 08 19:05:51 Seriously (though I was serious before, but that is an early adaptor thing)? Its a build it and they will come thing. The heavy lifting will create its own market. |
large member | Sat Mar 08 19:07:40 My fundamental thesis being that any perception of advance filtered through musk is an abomination to be avoided at all costs. Time will prove me right. |
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