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Utopia Talk / Politics / Big balls obaminated - ot
Member | Tue Mar 04 20:22:31 Fun little story of my day today. As my best friend coined "oh the shit you get up to". Heading to work, literally about a hundred yards from my house I see a couple arguing on the side walk, the woman is holding a small dog, maybe 20 lbs. The man abruptly snatches the dog from her, violently throws it to the ground and then kicks it in the head. Like a full on kick. I pull over and don't remember what I yelled. He runs away. The dog is lying on its side. Woman is sobbing profusely. I'm trying to handle all that's happening. I dial 911 as the woman grabs the dog which was thankfully just knocked unconscious. She then sobs and said to me "this is why can't leave him, he does the same to me". I give all the information to the dispatcher and police are currently looking for him. I have my knife by my side tonight and will keep it on me because the fucker saw my car and he literally ran away, by my house where I park my car. That is all. Shit is wild. I am disappointed that I am the only one who intervened. Also enjoying a sober moment as I realize I could've died if that Mexican gangster looking fucker had a gun. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 01:56:55 I hope the dog is okay. |
iChihuaha | Wed Mar 05 02:09:10 I am disappointed to hear an American say they only have a knife. I know the laws are a bit more retarded in California. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 02:32:37 Guns scare me. I've held one and I was scared about it going off accidentally. Fuck my brother in law nearly shot his daughter because she was sleep walking and he thought it was an intruder. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 02:40:11 The dog was alive the last I saw it and I live across the street from an animal hospital. But it's weird how much I blacked out. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 05:52:09 "literally about a hundred yards from my house" Quit doxxing yourself. You've already revealed the city you live in, and there is now an incident report that can be used to lead some idiot other than the POS abuser right to your door. Get jergul to take this down before wtb sees it. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 05:56:38 What am I saying? This can't really be taken down except by TC. |
iChihuaha | Wed Mar 05 06:07:03 He may also want to get a special meteoroid insurance for his house. Sure this kind of stuff happens, but exceedingly rare chance. Who the fuck is obaminated? Nobody. Is the idea that someone from UP is going to care enough to do more than write an angry letter to his employer? Even that would today be a Herculian task given all the distractions you would have to avoid typing the email. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 09:31:11 I'm not worried about wtb or really this guy now that I've slept on it. There is a reason he ran when he saw me getting out of my car. He knew the dog couldn't fight back. He knew I could. If he comes at me it will be a reckoning. As to writing to my bosses? Well you don't know the agency I work for or the high school I coach at but to be totally honest, I have posted nothing here that they don't quietly agree with. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 10:04:21 Anyway ... you did a good thing. :o) |
Member | Wed Mar 05 12:36:38 Man, if this abuser can backtrack him all the way to his house based off one of the most obscure websites on the internet, give that man a job at DOGE. |
Member | Wed Mar 05 14:35:47 Read that again. |
iChihuaha | Thu Mar 06 03:48:37 On the other hand though, what has this woman done for you that you would risk your life for her? Does she have anything you need and that she is willing to sign over in a deal? |
Member | Thu Mar 06 07:00:01 I don't think he's got big balls so much as a dangerous surplus of empathy undermining Western civilization. |
Member | Thu Mar 06 15:01:53 I don't know the woman but I suspect she would go down on me if I requested. Not that I would. But I don't think it's difficult to get her panties to drop half way to China. |
Member | Thu Mar 06 15:11:44 That wasn't random at all. |
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