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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump releases JFK assassination files
Member | Wed Mar 19 06:02:57 I hear that Trump finally released the JFK assassination files. Conspiracy buffs must be thrilled to finally find out who really killed JFK. So who REALLY killed him? Or is the government still covering up the truth? |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Wed Mar 19 11:22:50 An AI read it all in seconds and then told me that both Hillary Clinton and Jimmy Carter are involved?!?! |
the wanderer | Wed Mar 19 12:28:53 remember when fuckhead was speculating Ted Cruz's father was involved... (& -not- as a joke) ...& that was based on a National Enquirer story... ...which fuckhead claims is a highly respected outlet... ...and in fuckhead's criminal trial, it was established he was in fact in league w/ the National Enquirer to help him bury bad stories about himself while also planting fake stories against his foes ...and how R's don't care at all about any of the many fucked up elements of all that... |
Member | Wed Mar 19 13:22:13 Do we know for a fact that Ted Cruz's father isn't mentioned in these files? |
the wanderer | Wed Mar 19 15:05:26 if insanely obviously unfit fuckhead's apparent deal w/ the devil holds, perhaps Cruz is in there |
the wanderer | Wed Mar 19 15:06:08 ...or written in w/ giant black marker |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Wed Mar 19 15:33:31 The fact that Ted Cruz NOW supports Trump is proof that his father was not involved. |
Member | Thu Mar 20 12:06:48 The usual idiots ... http://x.com/Shayan86/status/1902666848346271910 "Russell Brand posted and then deleted a completely fake document which he thought was from the newly released JFK files and proved British actress Penelope Keith, not Lee Harvey Oswald, killed JFK." |
Member | Thu Mar 20 13:07:15 That may be the funniest thing Russell Brand has done. :o) |
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