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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump bringing jobs back to the USA
Thu Mar 20 02:45:37
Lol, not! Trump guitars sold at exhorbitant prices to Maga idjits...Chinese guitars are infamous for being the cheapest shit in the guitar world and are referred to in the guitar worlds as Chibsons, but Maga morons pay up to 10k for them lol...


Thu Mar 20 02:48:48
"I couldnt give a damn. All I want is for him to harm and kill brown people" - Bolshevik Rugian
Thu Mar 20 02:52:49
The 10,000 USD guitar is probably worth around 200 USD.
Thu Mar 20 09:59:11
It doesn’t matter where they are made. It is the branding that counts.

For an example, Leica cameras and lenses were at a time made in Canada, not in Germany, and people still payed tens of thousands of money for them. It is because people valued the brand.
Thu Mar 20 10:03:46
Chibsons are branded as the joke of the guitar world.
Thu Mar 20 10:05:43
The general rep chinese guitars have in the guitar world:

"Is It Ever Smart to Buy a Chibson
In short: no, it’s usually never smart to buy a Chibson. Unlike the huge amount of Les Paul copies and replicas available for sale, a Chibson Les Paul will never be of a quality that’s even remotely comparable to a true Gibson.

Copies & Replicas vs. Chibsons
For the most part, the more well-known Les Paul copies and replicas are produced by legitimate companies with proven track records. Though these copies and replicas will probably sound slightly worse (or at least just different) than a genuine Gibson, you can rest assured that they’ve been created by professionals, with high-quality materials, in quality-controlled environments.

No so with the infamous Chibson. It’s safe to say that if you saw the entire manufacturing process of a Chibson Les Paul, from beginning to end, you’d run as far away as possible. Most of these guitars are created in sketchy, unofficial warehouses, by workers who are far from professional craftsmen, using the cheapest materials available."

Thu Mar 20 10:16:19
Trump guitar is its own branding.

They are being sold for $1,500

A Trump guitar signed by the man himself are being sold for $10k


These are limited editions also. It means they are quite unique and may be worth a ton of money in 50 years :)
Thu Mar 20 10:21:20
no they are not limited editions, thats a lie, watch the clip
Thu Mar 20 10:22:10
I think you should buy one, william.

You may not like Trump but it’s hard to deny that he is a legend. Or will be. When you are 80 years old you can pass it along to your grandchild and tell him/her all about this era, how crazy everything was when you were young. You can even write a song about it and play it on the guitar for your grandchild.
Thu Mar 20 10:22:39
They received an order for 12,000 unplayable junk guitars from the company selling Trumps "limited" edition of only 1,000 guitars lol
Thu Mar 20 10:27:38
Also, Gibson are famous for suing anyone who copies the les paul, and suddenly theyre dead quiet. They dont dare to sue trump because he'll send his corrupt personal protectors at the IRS and FBI to fuck them up
Thu Mar 20 10:32:01
An all American flagship brand as American as Harley Davidson suddenly fear theirs own president when he violates their copyrights
Thu Mar 20 10:49:15
American products are not what they used to be. Parts are falling off Boing airliners and now from Tesla also. Made in America is not high quality.

Tesla recalls most Cybertrucks due to trim detaching from vehicle

WASHINGTON, March 20 (Reuters) - Tesla (TSLA.O), opens new tab said Thursday it is recalling nearly all Cybertrucks in the United States to fix an exterior panel that could detach while driving, the latest in a series of call-backs for the pickup truck.


Perhaps 10-20 years, Made in China could be considered low quality, but is that really the case today? The Chinese has gotten better and improved. Not all products and brands of course. There are still cheap products. But they also make some good products and at a lower cost than a similar product made in the West would cost.
Thu Mar 20 10:49:51
Russian Rugian and his Bolshevik Buddies:
"See, thats why I love Trump! Apart from being a racist bully, its SMART to lie and con people out of their money! I would too!"
Thu Mar 20 11:33:08
Its so unfathomably low class. Ordering 12,000 infamously bad products and pretendin theyre a 1000 limited edition of a quality product is exactly - exactly - the same level as anonymous hawkers selling fake ray bans on facebook and pretending theres only 100 left hurry hurry hurry!
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