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Utopia Talk / Politics / Fred, a question...
Sun Aug 31 23:45:31
Ok, Now I hear you say you don't want anyone candidate thats running (major party) as pres. but to me I see you attack McCain/Palin ALOT more than obama/biden, I sympathize with hating the candidates (although Palin seems ok IMO) so the questin is who do you see as the lesser of the evils?

For me it's no contest, if I wanted communism I'd go to NK, atleast they dispense speed to their subjects, hell I'd probably vote for (eww I can't even beleive I'm saying this) Michael Moore before obama tse tsung
Standard of Reason
Sun Aug 31 23:48:36
Fred's chosen candidate has more in common with Democratic policies than Republican, so between the two I would bet on Obama being his lesser of evils.
Sun Aug 31 23:50:49
McCain is a medium rare at best, pink in the middle, he has more in comon with the mainstream democrat than Republican

Personally I Benstein as President with VP Bill Nye, but thats just me
Real Fred
Sun Aug 31 23:51:59
"the questin is who do you see as the lesser of the evils?"

Obviously Obama. We lose either way and I don't think they'll ever be a 3rd party elected in my lifetime. McTaint has 1 foot in the grave, he;s another 4 years of Bush, and Palin is a joke.

Obama won't say what he'll change and Biden is irrelevant.
Sun Aug 31 23:54:14
Yeah, but with the dems in congress, atleast less will get done with McCain, and with these candidates, the less damage the better

For Gods Sakes, this "man" paraises not only Communists, but Stalinists
Eikeys Ghost
Sun Aug 31 23:56:06
Bah - they are both evil.

Obama is vastly more evil than McCain.

Biden is a bigger jew lover than any of the 3, oh

'm sick of argueing the evils Obastard.
Sun Aug 31 23:57:03
Jew or not I'd vote for Stein
Sun Aug 31 23:57:23
Or Optimus Prime (another Jew)
Real Fred
Sun Aug 31 23:57:54
"Yeah, but with the dems in congress, atleast less will get done with McCain,"

How you figure? The 2006 congress was elected with the understanding they'd get us out of Iraq immediately. They then proceeded to OVERFUND every fucking war fund request Bush made and BLOCKED any effort to impeach. Every last one of those bastards should be taken out and shot.

Until the US gets off the 2 party system and implements REAL term limits, we are fucked.
Mon Sep 01 00:19:02
what's funny is, 8 years later after obama's term is over and when the America's economy has underwent a series of major booms, stock is in their bull market, when people can get a top quality health care with a very cheap price, students are finally able to locate where Iraq is on the map and America has once again rose as the envious nation of the World, you'll all be arguing who the greater supporter of Obama was 8 years ago.
Mon Sep 01 00:22:49
poison, It's more likley I'll get high and somehow pull off a bloody putsch
Mon Sep 01 00:23:40
fred, So most politicans suck, I just can't beleive that this nation is so dissalusioned as to revert to communism
Mon Sep 01 00:26:34
habebe, I don't mind this country becoming like Europe. I personally envy European socialist system. Free healthcare, free university education, and people are lot more aware of environmental issues and know how to take care of their body. Sure thye have high tax rate but that doesn't necessarily mean you are gonna be piss poor and be begging out in the street. It just means you won't be able to afford 4, 5 condos in Fiji and live in some 10 acre mansion, but then I doubt any of the UPers are capable of earning that much even with America's tax rate, and even if you can, that's a waste of money and lots of ric people still exist in Europe.
Mon Sep 01 00:29:50
Europe is socialist, thats disgusting, but thats McCain (pinko) obama isn't pink, he isn't black, he is RED
Mon Sep 01 00:30:49
^learn to speak english
Mon Sep 01 00:32:34
You've never even heard me speak....I type internet, not english

And on the internet I enjoy starting sentences with "and", I also hate periods
Mon Sep 01 00:33:58
"thats McCain (pinko) obama isn't pink, he isn't black, he is RED"

that's not "internet langauge". that's a fucking illiteracy.
Richard Cranium
Mon Sep 01 00:35:10
I understood it just fine.
Mon Sep 01 00:35:15
No, I can read it...:)

I never was one for grammar
Real Fred
Mon Sep 01 00:36:33
"I understood it just fine."

Me too.
Richard Cranium
Mon Sep 01 00:37:52
He said in response to you that Europe is socialist and its disgusting to idolize them. That McCain is a pinko, a socialist resembling eurotards. Obama is not, nor is he black (thats the cryptic part to me) he is RED, meaning a dirty communist.

Mon Sep 01 00:39:49
maybe it's a cesspool language. Kinda like how English was a peasant's language during the middle ages.
Mon Sep 01 00:46:21
"For me it's no contest, if I wanted communism I'd go to NK"

You won't get communism in NK.
Mon Sep 01 00:46:27
Fred, I can understand where your coming from. Bush sucks, as does McCain. I also share your frustration with this war (which has left us overly vulnerable). It would be nice to not be in war, obama has promised to get us out, and he may. Now I don't beleive it's wise to get out of this war (as nice as that may be) now that we are in the midst, I think we just have to handle it differently (another thread). But is all of that really worth giving the Presidency to communist? (although when your choices are that and an inept old left wing republican who seems to be pandering to bush supporters for god knows what reason...)
Mon Sep 01 00:51:11
Thank you Richard

I will say this though, I don't hate Europe, I like the people, just not their politics, but they are free to run their lives/countries how they please, so long as they don't interfere with our sovereignty (I'm not a fan of the U.N., in theory maybe, not in practice) and I must admit, for them it seems to work "ok"
Richard Cranium
Mon Sep 01 00:52:19
It works for them because they are fleecing the wealth of third world nations like no other.
Mon Sep 01 00:55:58
habebe fuckin idiot obama's not a communist, you dumbass. To be a communist he'd have to be rooting for no tax (government just takes away whatever you make and distribute equally) and collapse of private capitalist system (no privately owned businesses). Do you see him saying that on T.V. you fucking idiot? Communism roots for anarchy and you'd have to be a brainless moron to be thinking Obama proothign that.

He's for closing the gap between the rich vs poor (by raising the tax for the higher income, public health care and cheaper education.
Mon Sep 01 00:58:10
Socialism can be useful in certain aspect of economy. If American Education was run under monopoly, only the richest of the richest would be able to afford to get the edcuation. sounds a bit extreme but definitely a counterpart possibly to the European's free educations system.
Mon Sep 01 00:59:07
Poison, Well, he's not going to come out and bluntly say "I'm a commie" or that he wants to kill rich people..that would be political suicide

But remember an old saying that history has shown to ring true, "The masses are more likley to beleive a big lie than small one"
Mon Sep 01 01:05:46
The most socialistic president we ever had was FDR and he's noted as one of the most significant president in the history of the U.S.

Economy's in shit right now. You'd be an idiot to think laissez-faire will eventually solve the issue because we are too much into the turmoil. Time for government to take control of some sectors and work their way into fixing the problem.

Europe has public health care (free) and are they low-quality? no, they are quick responsive and are very well above average in terms of the service and the treatment they get. So the whole "health-care quality shit" is a myth. You give McCain way too many credit just solely on that "experience" alone when he voted 95% for the failed Bush policy in the past. You just assume Obama will fail due to his "lack of experience".

Well I'd much rather get a novice president with opposite mindset of the duncehead that's seating on the white house than some 70 something year old political old-fart that's very likely to continue Bush's policy for the next who-knows years.
Mon Sep 01 01:06:13
Yes, even I am not for "extreme" anti-socialism

I beleive in free education, and I think the US could greatly benefit from better education

But am I a staunch supporter of Capitalism and all the splendors it brings if properly tamed

Poison, Have you ever read up on Friedman? I really reccomend "Free to choose" (sitting next to me) and "Tyranny of the status quo"
Mon Sep 01 01:07:17
I have those books and have read them.
Mon Sep 01 01:12:55
"The most socialistic president we ever had was FDR and he's noted as one of the most significant president in the history of the U.S."

Lousy cripple...I like Ike!

"Economy's in shit right now. You'd be an idiot to think laissez-faire will eventually solve the issue because we are too much into the turmoil. Time for government to take control of some sectors and work their way into fixing the problem. "

If you think the US is currently anywhere near LF, your blind or ignorant, the government is ALOT of the problem, and you want MORE government intervention?!?! are you nuts? governments (especially the US) has been shown time and time again to be extraordinarily inefficient, and you want these retards in charge of the economy?!

I give McCain very little credit, I despise his politics, just not nearly as much as I do obama's

Btw, How is your FDR's SS plan doing?
Mon Sep 01 01:13:37
It's a damn shame nothing sank in from reading them
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:15:42
god ***DAMN*** poison is retarded
Mon Sep 01 01:18:27
Your and my philosophy differs. I don't care what you think, I just don't want another 8 years of McCain. Unless Obama's a sub-human species it'll be really hard to top the current administration's incompetency in handling any sort of domestic as well as foreign issues. I KNOW McCain will be implementing a near identical policy as the current president (just like you *know* that Obama will further mess up this country) and I don't want that.
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:29:09
"I just don't want another 8 years of McCain. "

What? tard.

"I KNOW McCain will be implementing a near identical policy as the current president"

Do you now?

"(just like you *know* that Obama will further mess up this country)"

Obama has SAID he wants the inefficient government to run healthcare. It's already screwed up the roads and education, so why the hell not the last bastion of decency in this country?

Obama has SAID that problems that are not the fault of government should be solved at taxpayer expense.

Obama has SAID that he wants to have a "civilian whatever death squad" (aka SS, aka Gestapo) with equal funding as the military. (read: BAD FUCKING NEWS)

Obama has SAID that he wants to bomb nations that don't agree with us. Pakistan leaps to the front. He also pledged fealty to Israel, making Iran and Syria logical targets in the near future.

There is a list of upwards of 30+ things that Obama has lied directly about, from the time he wrote his book, to the time he campaigned.

Obama's "Uncle" at the DNC was a fraud. His mother had no Brothers. You can look that up.

Yup - Change I can believe in. Bigger and better lies than the other guy... The lesser of two evils is OBVIOUSLY McCain, that said, I'd rather put a bullet in my brain than vote for either of these corrupt, lying hacks.
Mon Sep 01 01:30:57
Mon Sep 01 01:32:01

hopefully this will change your mind, poor souls....
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:35:03
How many milligrams of Zofran will I need before watching that lame ass Obama speach? 32? 64? a million?

I've already been introduced to too many puke inducing things these last 7 days. I don't need another one.
Mon Sep 01 01:36:53
If you aren't inspired by that speech, you are simply not human. I cried while listening to him talk.
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:40:24
You cried because you are an EMO pussy.

Smart people would probably hurl at the garbage that chowderhead spews.

Get him away from a teleprompter or a script and he sputters and stammers and lies (st. louis? Kansas City? Which is it, Dumbass?) worse that GWB when he's hopped up on Meth.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Mon Sep 01 01:43:17
man you racist dog all his speechs are high rated you mad he dont wanna invade africa n shit so you can get your hard on over innocent dying

america has enough of this war shit already its time for change its time for obama
Mon Sep 01 01:45:08
poison, I can agree to disagree on philosophy...

But remember talk is cheap, demagogues are great at it, but good leaders do something
Mon Sep 01 01:45:51
Damn this is like 4th time I'm listenign to Obama's DNC speech and I'm still inspired.

"Next week in Minnesota, the same party that brought you two terms of George Bush and Dick Cheney will ask this country for a third. And we are here because we love this country too much to let the next four years look just like the last eight. EIGHT IS ENOUGH"

DAMN STRAGHT! How can you not love this man. This man loves this country so much and you can just hear his sincere truth and feeling behind each and every words he speak.
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:49:08
Yup... you got me figured out.

I don't like one guy so I must be a racist. Tell me, do you take your logic classes from Billah?

You've also got me pegged on the war thing - except for the part where I think we should pull ALL of our troops home, and stop fucking with the world like it's poison's blow up doll. And by ALL i do mean troops from Germany, Japan, S. Korea, Iraq, Saudia Arabia, and the 80 other countries we are fucking around in.

Obama ain't gonna change nothing except the amount of money you have in your pocket to spend on KFC and Grape drink, JMB. And that amount is going to go down. Unless you a ho smackin' pimp... then you might get a raise.
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:50:12
"Damn this is like 4th time I'm listenign to Obama's DNC speech and I'm still inspired. "

i was nauseated from migraines last week...

That speech actually made me puke. What a tool.
Mon Sep 01 01:53:05
McCain: That's not the change we can believe in *grins like a pedophile*

Eikey: *while beating off* god.. that man is just so fucking sexy... *strokes off*
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Mon Sep 01 01:53:16
yeah dude you hate anything that dont smell like bushs shiz am i right?

you wouldnt be happy till bush got a 3rd term an declared war on iran russia korea china and fuckin africa man

what the hell is wrong with you nigga?
Mon Sep 01 01:53:54
*hopes to kill Poison*
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:56:22
"One last bit of head slamming idiocy. Courtesy, Barack Obama in his speech on Thursday night in the "House That Jake Plummer Built."

"More of you have lost your homes and more are watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars you can't afford to drive, credit card bills you can't afford to pay and tuition that is beyond your reach. These challenges are not all of government's making. But the failure to respond is a direct result of a broken politics in Washington and the failed presidency of George W. Bush."

One poster summed it up best with this response.

So basically, even though these problems aren't the government's fault, the government should fix them. Another way of putting that is, the fault lies with people who spent more than they earned, and Obama is going to make the fiscally responsible people pay for it.

MY TAKE: Amen, amen. Liberal ideology always goes thusly. "Probably, you (lightly informed citizen) are incapable of running your own life. Likely, you are a victim. Don't worry, you may not feel like a victim, but we have a category of victimhood to fit just about everybody. But good news! If you vote for us, we'll give you something, or "fix" a "problem" that is totally out of our ability to "fix." When that "fix" doesn't take, we won't admit our mistake, we'll just ask for more money. Uncle Sam is here to help." Makes you want to vomit. "

Czabe.com - Steve Czaban and such.

Poison's "100K" will be worth about a buck twenty five after Obama is done with it.
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 01:59:36
"McCain: That's not the change we can believe in *grins like a pedophile*

Eikey: *while beating off* god.. that man is just so fucking sexy... *strokes off*"

I wouldn't be making comments on such things if I were you, crybaby. Oh and please please please link to where I support McCain. That'll be a good chore for you while you clean off your laminated keyboard.
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Mon Sep 01 02:03:09
your damn attacks are limited to mr.obama you damn racist mcbush vurger

i dont see you talking shiz against mclame its only against obama

so stop talking outta that windy asshole already
Mon Sep 01 02:10:05
eikey is unemployeed and lives off his wife. yet he calls me "pussy". eikey claims he is college graduate but look what that has led him to.

all in all, eikey's jus an idiot who whines about everything.
Mon Sep 01 02:15:32
"all in all, eikey's jus an idiot who whines about everything. "

A college graduate who cannot find a job is a great indicator of a society in crisis; there's an inflation of academic degrees and a lack of jobs.

Only the idiots and the careless would just say the fault lays with those who cannot find a job.
Mon Sep 01 02:17:52
It's primarily the individual's fault. 'sabout time eikey put his ego aside and start working at whatever job he gets, whether it be McDonald's or some retailer.
Eikeys Ghost
Mon Sep 01 02:28:11
"i dont see you talking shiz against mclame its only against obama "

This thread isn't about McCain, now is it? Give it a couple days... I'm sure I'll be ripping that idiot just as much.

"eikey is unemployeed and lives with his wife."*fixed*

"yet he calls me "pussy". "

You are the one crying about a speech from a god damned POLITICIAN!!! The only thing lamer is if you cried at Brett Favre's 'retirement' speech.

God damn EMO pussy.

"eikey claims he is college graduate but look what that has led him to. "

You just can't avoid your asian grammar can you? And the only one having a problem with it, is you and your lame ass asian excuse of a system of 'ought'.

Say what you want - I get laid. You have to pray you get laid - making posts about 'I get laid Friday at 11:00PM' Is he legal this time?

"'sabout time eikey put his ego aside and start working at whatever job he gets, whether it be McDonald's or some retailer."

if money were an issue, maybe. It's not. So piss off. Go cry more to obama talkies.
Real Fred
Mon Sep 01 10:15:06
"eikey is unemployeed and lives off his wife. yet he calls me "pussy". eikey claims he is college graduate but look what that has led him to."

Eikey has figured out a way to be a house husband without children. That is easily one of the most admirable "jobs" there can be, and I commend him for it. There's really only 2 downsides to Eikeys situation, and those are:

1. living in Michigan

2. pain from his medical problem

And there's really not a whole lot he can do about either of those. So Eikey has it pretty damn good overall, and you'll NEVER be half the man Eikey is, Poison. Your vagina prevents it.
Richard Cranium
Mon Sep 01 10:20:58
I want eikeys job.

Damn it.
Mon Sep 01 12:15:40
eikey has a medical problem? first time hearing it. didn't know he was crippled.
Richard Cranium
Mon Sep 01 12:22:05
Physical problems are harder to detect over the internet. Mental illness such as yours however is quite obvious.
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