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Utopia Talk / Politics / I'M BACK!!! :)
Thu Mar 19 21:46:07
I finally got my medication back. I just moved from PA to SC recently and I was worried that I'd have a hard time getting scripts.See, I had one doctor (Osteopath/ AKA DO) since forever, he told my mom that it wasn't a stomach flu...your pregnant.

But I was moving away and just before I left I seen him and got 2 months worth of prescriptions (Adderall/Amphetamine salts) Since you can not get refills by federal law, but you can get multiple scripts as long as they are post-dated.Well, long story short in the move I lost the script for the month of February.Well, for unknown reasons (I have my suspicions) he retired. When I called back about the office canceling out the old script and writing a replacement, they said it was out of the question. I was understanding about that, but then they said for me to get a script for the following month that I would have to see the new doctor every single month, not to merley pick up a script as I had for years but as a charged visit ($135).

I was pissed so once I was down here I figured I'd just get a new doctor. Well, my fathers doctor is a freaking uber pill nazi, they made him take 3 urines and a blood test to refill one month supply of vicodin (he has degenerative disk disease and has 2 damaged disks and 3 destroyed disks in his back) on top of all of that they call him in for random pill counts on ALL of his meds, even the non controlled (he also has heart disease/diabetes and a few other things, so he takes alot of meds).

So I figured that I'd have a much harder time getting my scripts since it's been getting harder and harder to get stimulant meds, but almost anyone can get vics (personally I don't even get the "high" you could get off of vicodin)

But luckily I had my doctors appointment today. I figured with the best case scenario I'd get them in a a week or so because my last months script wouldn't run out until tommorow (even though I never filled it, it was lost). The second thing was that they did not have my medical records from the previous office yet, only my word on what conditions I have and what prescriptions I take at what dosage. Well low and behold he just wrote me up a script of 90x10mg adderalls.

What makes this thread not OT is that the government/society is way overreacting on pharmacutical narcotics, especially stimulants.

I aee two main reasons for this. First when I was young (9-12) it was the hay-day of rittalin (Methylphendidate, not an amphetamine btw, but I believe it is a phenethylamine) during this time any kid that acted out or didn't get great graddes in school was given rittalin and diagnosed as ADD/ADHD. I was given rittalin for about 4 days and had to discontinue it as it made me miserable, moody etc. too many kids were diagnosed and over-prescribed, thus the backlash and over-precautions about doing so now.

The second main factor is the growing popularity of Meth as a recreational drug. Anyone who knows the effects can tell that a LARGE portion of hollywood is using it (Britney spears, Lindsey Lohan to name a few, I can not definitivley prove that but I'd bet good money) also statistics show it is on the rise. The media/government talk about it all the time, and as if it's the plague or something.

I wouldn't mind them having service announcements and such about the drug if they were true, but they are all about as true as reefer madness.

1. "Methmouth" is a myth. I was curious why I hear all the time on TV how meth users cause sever damage to their teeth and yet I knew alot of meth users, some users for 30-40+ years and had perfectly normal teeth. The real truth is this, Amphetamines cause dry-mouth as a side effect, dry mouth is harmful for teeth, the cure for this debilitating disorder you ask? chew gum and drink water! I mean seriously how many drugs can cause dry mouth? The other thing is that they can also cause you to grind your teth and grind them while you sleep (Bruxism) the cure? chew gum instead! chewing gum is very beneficial for your health anyway. As for bruxism (a rather rare side-effect) you can get a mouth guard at wallmart, they cost about 1-3 bucks. But remember there is no direct reaction from the use of meth/amphetamine that causes "meth mouth". If anything I'd argue most meth users probaby brush their teeth more often than non-users as they only sleep like 3 times a week.

I'm done ranting, and now I can focus and actually accomplish things again finally.
Thu Mar 19 21:55:41
I'm guessing you wrote that because you are on your medicine...

I know the feeling.
Thu Mar 19 21:57:37
Glad to see you've moved from the snobby state of PA.
Thu Mar 19 21:57:54
Oh yeah, learn southern hospitality quick. ;)
Thu Mar 19 22:03:33
Snuke, yes, yes I am :) I took my 30mg about 4 hours ago at dinner.

Curiosity, do you take add meds?

To some people who don't have the affliction it's almost impossible to explain, but without my meds (my synthroid as well) I just can not function properly. It's almost impossible to do tihngs like read, or research, debate, organize and even accomplish simple tasks. It's as if my mental "switch" has been flicked from off to on.
Thu Mar 19 22:07:40
Mrpres, Well, my parents moved down here about 2 years ago, so I've actually lived here off/on for about 3 months or so (I visit alot).

I've always considered myself as very hospitable and a good neighbor. But some things still creep me out a bit, like if your at a red light or something and your window is down people just start up a conversation, to be honest where I'm from the avg. reaction would be to either flip you off or just ignore you.

The police in general seem to be alot more easy going, but also alot less effective at serious crimes, they seem to spend too much time trying to get speeders and shit.
The Powers That Be
Thu Mar 19 22:09:35
So you moved to SC, eh?

I'll make sure to hold down Perkasie now that you're gone. :P
Thu Mar 19 22:16:14
The powers that be, Thanks, I'll be up to visit alot, but I'll be staying in Pennsburg.

Although I will visit perkasie/sellersville alot, I recently got in touch with an old buddy of mine I'd like to visit who lives in sellersville.

PLus I got my license back about two months ago so I can drive again.
Thu Mar 19 22:42:26
The south is very bad for traffic and speeding violations. Thing is, they don't really deal with a whole lot of other stuff (depending on where you're living) to really be focused on that. They need something to do right? Heh. And usually state police > locals. Always watch the locals...especially if you're from outside. ;)
The Powers That Be
Sat Mar 21 10:38:43
I'm know all those places well, habebe.

When you head back, PM me and I'll give you my e-mail. I wouldn't mind meeting up with you and maybe grabbing lunch or something.
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