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Utopia Talk / Politics / OT - Listen "friend"
The Children
Fri Oct 14 12:41:01
So this asshole told me to go do this and you know whatever right.

So I went downstairs and started doing that shit. Barely 2 hours later, he comes down with this big asshole look "what, youre still doing this".

What else am I doing if not this than. So I told him "whats your problem, its not done yet".

And he looked at me and said:
Listen "friend", when I say do this I expect you to do it fast and sweat a lot like a good sweatshop.

That asshole actually said that to me. That motherfker. prolly cos noone else was around and than he went upstairs. Wtf I could have ripped his skull out.

So i been thinking a bit bout this and I think Im going to report this to the supervisor. I mean what are my options?

If I dont, he will walk over me again next time.
If I go agressive, they will turn the whole thing around and blame it on me and fire me.
If I report him, he will get his ass grilled or at the very least talked to. That will prolly mean he is gonna hunt me down whenever he can, but imo looking like he is already having the piss on me anyway. So who gives a shit.

That being said, I think I made like almost 2 grand from all the overtime work I put in last two weeks. More money than you motherfkers make in 3 months. They said they pay double for nighthours but I dont trust them. Gonna calculate every fking penny I earned.

Fri Oct 14 12:53:23
Ditch digger?
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 14 12:53:36
"when I say do this I expect you to do it fast and sweat a lot like a good sweatshop. "


The Children
Fri Oct 14 12:53:50
Yup, kids, life is hard. Been working overtime almost like 20 hours a day for the past two weeks. Im so tired right now, Im gonna sleep all weekend.

Fri Oct 14 12:55:17

I'm glad I unblocked TC. How else would I have known for certain that he is indeed a chinese sweatshop worker, if not for his own verification?
The Children
Fri Oct 14 12:59:51
That asshole is going to get it to him but more importantly, Im gonna dig up where he lives and than its payback time.

Two months down the road, he will wake up and his front door and windows will be covered with graffiti and his tires punked out.

Sam Adams
Fri Oct 14 13:00:37
don't they shoot you for that in sweatshops TC?
The Children
Fri Oct 14 13:01:15
I dont believe in an eye for an eye, boy.

I believe in two eyes for an eye.
He is gonna get it. I havent done shit to nobody there. So whatever it is, he has it coming.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Fri Oct 14 13:08:06
"I believe in two eyes for an eye."

is it because your 2 eyes are comparable to 1 eye for a normal person?
Fri Oct 14 13:08:11
Are you scrubbing the floors at Burger King, TC?
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 14 13:10:02
"is it because your 2 eyes are comparable to 1 eye for a normal person? "


This thread might be one of the greatest threads in UP history.
Sam Adams
Fri Oct 14 13:10:49
TC when you find out the address of your sweatshop boss can you post it on UP?

I want to bribe him to make fun of you more often.
Firestorm Phoenix
Fri Oct 14 13:58:55
bwahaha! Tote those boxes, you minimum wage slave!
Fri Oct 14 14:04:53
He works at a shipyard. See other thread.
Fri Oct 14 14:11:54
I dont believe in an eye for an eye, boy.

I believe in two eyes for an eye.
He is gonna get it. I havent done shit to nobody there. So whatever it is, he has it coming. "

Don't do it, TC. Try to outfox this guy, be cunning. Try to implicate him in something, spread some vicious rumors about him. Make him paranoid, like somebody is always trying to get him and make him think his job is on the line. And smile at him.
Fri Oct 14 14:18:14
Seduce him and give him a VD.
Fri Oct 14 14:20:39
You should challenge hm to a game of PlayStation.
Fri Oct 14 17:50:22
Assuming TC is being truthful, and he made $2K in two weeks... With a majority being due to overtime.

40 hours per week(no overtime):
$2,000/80 = $25/hr

60 hours per week:
$2,000 = (40 * X * 1.5) + (80 * X) = $14.XX/hr

80 hours per week:
$2,000 = (80 * X * 1.5) + (80 * X) = $10/hr

Fri Oct 14 17:53:17
Not terrible for being completely unskilled and unintelligent. He should be thankful for his overlord's generosity.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Fri Oct 14 19:21:32
"like almost 2 grand"

which is anywhere from 1.5k to 2k. and if he's getting double hours for most of his overtime, he's likely getting $10 an hour.
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 14 19:21:35

TC, when you have a job you are expected to put in a solid days work.

The Overseer
Fri Oct 14 20:17:31
So you were being slow and someone senior to you told you to work faster.

This is normal when you don't have skills. Obviously you can bitch or quit because you're pissed at being told to actually work for your pay, but.... How long did it take you to find this job again?
The Children
Sat Oct 15 07:39:50
Listen peasants, thats 2 to 3 times more than what you burger flippers earn easily.

The Overseer
Sun Oct 16 04:23:11
Your ideas on a normal wage appear to be very low.

And with the attitude displayed in response to being told you're slow, you'll be back to leaching off unemployment benefits fairly soon.
Sun Oct 16 04:24:24
"Your ideas on a normal wage appear to be very low."

Very high for chink standards though.
The Overseer
Sun Oct 16 04:26:00
Extremely, but he's only getting that because he's spent years stubbornly refusing to even prepare to go "back" to China.
Sun Oct 16 04:27:38
"I believe in two eyes for an eye."

Why do you favor universal blindness?
Sun Oct 16 04:39:07
In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king.

That said, I'm surprised the guy had the balls to say that...he must either really be sure of his job, or thinks you won't do a thing.
The Overseer
Sun Oct 16 05:29:45
>>That said, I'm surprised the guy had the balls to say that...he must either really be sure of his job, or thinks you won't do a thing. <<

If he has any idea of how long TC has been unemployed for and how few marketable skills he has, I'm guessing it's #2.

Although I can't really imagine why an employee would be fired for telling a slow new worker to stop wasting time.
Sun Oct 16 22:37:05
TC, you should find a job where you don't have a boss. It's much better to have a well-paying job where you choose if and when to go in, what you do and when, and where you don't have to answer to anyone in particular.

Get yourself one of those, don't be a wage slave.
The Overseer
Sun Oct 16 22:51:49
Yeah, you used to be against wage slavery and thought people were suckers for working for the man.

That's why you were going to be a youtube millionaire.

What changed?
The Children
Mon Oct 17 15:01:39
Lol that stupid moron got GRILLED today. I told the supervisor about last fridays incident and he called him right there in the office where he confronted him with it.

I stood there and watched that moron chicken out and claim how he only said it "jokingly".

Lmao. Moron got OWNED.

I know he is gonna hunt me now, but who gives a shit. Come and get it I say. Ahaha.

so what
Mon Oct 17 15:14:43
Well you may make more money than HR, but he has wasted more money than you ever will.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Oct 17 15:51:31
Who's ready to start the "TC Unemployed Date" pool?
Honest Politician
Mon Oct 17 15:52:29
I give him until christmas.
The Overseer
Mon Oct 17 16:26:57
Done to avoid being sued.

What you've really done is drawn his attention to the fact that you're slow and a Whinger. Safe bet that this guy will suffer no serious consequences.

You'll be watched though.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 17 16:30:56
or beaten to death in an alley
Mon Oct 17 17:30:33
What's the O/U that TC gets fired before next week?
Mon Oct 17 17:48:24
It takes a while to get rid of a crappy employee. Unless he backs out, he'll def make it a week.
Mon Oct 17 17:51:22
oh god, TC must be a troll

Mon Oct 17 17:58:27
Easier to fire someone the less time they have been around. After 6 months/1 year, it becomes significantly harder, since you have to explain why they suddenly became worthless after so much time of being fine.

I give him 3 months.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 17 18:05:21
they should accuse him of espionage, no one would have trouble believing it
Mon Oct 17 20:20:47
Depends. What's the regular trial period for a low-level job in the UK? That.
The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 07:13:10
I'd like to thank Nimatzo for reminding me of this thread.

Which also highlights that TC needs others to fight his battles for him.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 07:21:07
why do u keep postin shit that happened long ago, bitch.

ur one bitter jealous and highly inferior betamale. ur like one of the bitches who keep tryin 2 talk down me coz ur so fkin jealous of what i am and what u r not.

ur a pussyass weaklin.

ur the kind of pussy who wuld get up and change seats coz some douche weak pussy starts flippin out cos ur sittin on his seatnumber.

The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 07:23:03
Well, first off, because nothing has changed.

About the only thing that's progressed in your life since this is your age.
The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 07:31:58
Seriously, how has your life improved since that day?
The Children
Wed Jul 20 07:34:21
4 starters, i aint no pussy ass wage slave like u.

The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 07:41:10
Unemployed is something you were before you took that job, so no progression there.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 07:45:35
it always surprises me how u say that "unemployed" like as if it is actually a bad thing like weak, bitchass, beta, faggot. which r what u r.

thats infinitely worse. who says unemplyed is bad. u say unemployed. i say i am a free man, a motherfkin badass who does what he wants.

look at ur slave mentality. ur mentality is so fkin twisted ur like all those bitchass weak fags. i dunt know what goes on inside ur head, is no wonder how ur a weakass pussy.

The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 07:50:26
There's a lot of rambling there that does nothing to change, or even disguise the fact that your life has not improved in any way since that day.

All I need to do to achieve your qualify of life is to quit my job, default on my mortgage and get a divorce.

These are horrible things, because going down to your level is a horrible thing.
Wed Jul 20 07:58:19
Thank you for finding it! Classic.
The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 08:04:17
I really need to get round to making a new search engine...
Wed Jul 20 08:08:37
Yes, yes you do. With the decline in members we need to rely more on nostalgia!
The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 08:14:38
I've made the sync link available for long enough. Easy for a person to DL a personal copy, but yeah...
The Children
Wed Jul 20 09:07:11
can u 2 pussy faggots get any weaker. what kind of man r u. i always called u boys but ur not even boys. ur not of the male species. u r bitches in a males body.

not even that, ur not a woman. ur little girl inside a mans body. u fags r a disgrace.
Tentacle Rapist
Wed Jul 20 09:14:44
'That asshole is going to get it to him but more importantly, Im gonna dig up where he lives and than its payback time.

Two months down the road, he will wake up and his front door and windows will be covered with graffiti and his tires punked out. '

So you are lazy, worthless, and stupid, and seek to prove all three?
The Children
Wed Jul 20 09:20:32
r u a man or r u a pussy faggot like camaban.

when someone treats u like shit, u just gonna let him walk all over u like the weakass faggot that u r.

lifes all bout that 1 time moment when u look at urself in the mirror and then u either see a badass vikinish war or a pussy ass beta fag.

which r u,faggot.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 09:27:51
4 ur information, i never punked his tires nor did i smash his windows.

who do u think i am man. i aint no savage.

i did smeared dogshit on his front door. fck that piece of shit.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 09:28:45
might aswell tell it. now u know bitch. nobody walks over me. nobody treats me like shit. i am not 2 be messed around with.

Wed Jul 20 09:39:36
This reminds me. I have had two separate instance where someone stepped out of line with me at work. Both those people regretted it when I went ballistic and proceeded to chew their heads off. They apologized immediately as they realized they had fucked up. I am a very calm and polite person and rarely yell or get angry, so I think they were in shock. We shook hands and it was water under the bridge, like grown ups. Shit happens when people are under pressure, I understand. While neither of them were my boss, in both cases they outranked me in the company ladder.

TC, you took it in the ass, bit your lip and then ran crying to daddy. Text book example of a beta.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 09:42:03
no, kid. u took it up the ass. i got my revenge. warrior style, motherfker.

Wed Jul 20 09:42:36
>>i did smeared dogshit on his front door. fck that piece of shit.<<

Instead of talking man to man and setting him straight, you snuck and smeared dogshit on his door. LIKE A BITCH! LOL!
Wed Jul 20 09:43:42
Dogshit warriors. ATTACK!
Wed Jul 20 09:44:57
Thanks again Camaban, this thread has now delivered twice!
Wed Jul 20 09:49:09
Visualize a small beta looking Asian walking the streets of London, angrily looking for dogshit so he can get his revenge.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 09:49:54
Goddamn, the TC multi has always been beta as fuck.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 09:51:32
talkin man 2 man? lmao u fkin idiot.

we alrdy entered yellin man 2 man stage, motherfker. the hour of talkin was long passed. i was gonna get my revenge either way. he was quite big 2, but i wasnt a pussy and he knew i was strong as fck and culd fck him up.

bottomline is this. i got my fkin revenge and i know where he lives even now.

motherfker who r u then. u yelled at some faggot. oohhh im so impressed. not.

reminded u? fckface, u know what this reminded me? how u bragged in here year after year how great ur wage slave existance is when in reality some faggot yelled at u regularly. lmao
Wed Jul 20 09:57:51
I raise my voice and people realize their mistake, that is all it takes, that is the essence of alpha. "Weaponizing" dogshit has never crossed my mind, ever.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 10:04:16
"I raise my voice and people realize their mistake, that is all it takes, that is the essence of alpha. "Weaponizing" dogshit has never crossed my mind, ever"

>> false, u raised ur voice against a faggot. thats all it took 4 a beta fag 2 back the fck down.

u raise ur voice against an alpha male like me, u wuld get ur ass handed 2 u.

reality is, u got yelled at by a fag regularly. that plus ur bus ride commute of 2 hours, pretty much confirms how much ur wage slave life stinks.

i got my revenge. u got a fag pretendin 2 back down but only waitin for da opportune moment 2 get back at u. thats what all fags do. ur life stink.

Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 10:16:51
"u raise ur voice against an alpha male like me"

Except you're just about the most beta person ever. Every post you have ever made screams about your denial of being an impotent, beta fuck that means nothing to anyone in the world.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 10:21:37
^another jealous betafag tryon 2 talk down an alpha male.

Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 10:28:33
"So this asshole told me to go do this and you know whatever right.

So I went downstairs and started doing that shit."


"And he looked at me and said:
Listen "friend", when I say do this I expect you to do it fast and sweat a lot like a good sweatshop.

That asshole actually said that to me. That motherfker. prolly cos noone else was around and than he went upstairs. Wtf I could have ripped his skull out.

So i been thinking a bit bout this"

Beta as fuck.

"Lol that stupid moron got GRILLED today. I told the supervisor about last fridays incident"

Hilariously beta.

Protip: When you stop coming to an internet board boasting about how alpha you are (but actually posting about how beta you are), you might have a small chance of someone believing you're an alpha. Maybe Retard Rod - he's pretty gullible.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 10:31:17
ur momma, bitch

Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 10:40:24
"ur momma, bitch"

Third grader levels of beta.
Wed Jul 20 10:46:17
Come on TC, be smart, not belligerent about this. It was indeed a dick comment. But in my experience the best way to deal with this in the long run is to be humble, ask him for even more advice on how to do better, work your ass off to improve according to his desires.

At some point soon after that he will be your bitch without even knowing it. Then you can start using his level in the power structure at work to improve your conditions.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 10:57:02
alpha like me askin 4 advise from a beta. the moon will turn green before the laws of nature reverse.
u ever seen a wolf leader eat last before the beta wolvies have eaten there fills first. never gonna happen.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 10:58:23
This is an old thread, Hrothgar. Besides, nobody as beta as the TC multi could ever make someone his bitch.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 11:00:53
only a bitchie beta fag whines the way u do. tryin 2 break down every word i said tryin 2 play semantics like a beta fag.

lmao who the fck r u tryin 2 convince, u pussy faggot.

just another beta idiot tryin 2 talk down a alpha male.

Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 11:05:42
Actually, I'm not trying to convince anyone. Everyone here knows you're beta as fuck. Like I already said, only a beta would continually try to convince everyone on an internet board they are the most alpha person in the world. And that is pretty much the only thing the TC multi posts.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 11:05:43
im a manly man, u little fag.

i dunt need 2 convince anyone. i look at the mirror and all i see is a badass chinese warrior.

u look at the mirror, u see a weak pussy fag who prolly cant even open a simple can of beans.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Jul 20 11:06:49
"i look at the mirror and all i see is a badass chinese warrior."

The Children
Wed Jul 20 11:08:56
thats what ur uncle and aunt said when they saw u 4 the first time in da hospital.

it pretty much has summed up ur whole life.
The Children
Wed Jul 20 11:20:13
warrior, u bitchass faggot.

was i born in the ancient, i wuldve been a badass warrior.

Wed Jul 20 12:59:27
"So this asshole told me to go do this and you know whatever right.

So I went downstairs and started doing that shit."

Man, he is bossing you around like he is the alpha male.
Tentacle Rapist
Wed Jul 20 14:50:16
'when someone treats u like shit, u just gonna let him walk all over u like the weakass faggot that u r.'

I have a job where this doesn't happen, so the scenario is irrelevant. Try learning something useful.

'lifes all bout that 1 time moment when u look at urself in the mirror and then u either see a badass vikinish war or a pussy ass beta fag.'

I descend directly from the great heathen army so I'm not really worried when it comes to that
The Overseer
Wed Jul 20 18:02:17
An Alpha will personally take his revenge face to face.

Doing nothing but putting your head down and working, or even quitting outright, is closer to being alpha than whining to a superior about it and sneaking dogshit onto his front doorstep. It's not alpha, but what you've claimed to have done is something a weakarsed beta who couldn't stand on his own would do.

Instead, you were fired a couple of weeks later - as soon as they figured they could get rid of a useless person such as yourself after a complaint was made. There was no triumphant post about to telling them to shove their job up their arses before walking out. They made the decision.

So, what happened here was:

1. You showed the world you're a delicate little flower.

2. You showed the world that you're useless

3. You showed the world you need others to 'fight' for you. (The guy you complained to didn't fight for you. He put on enough of a show to fool a gullible halfwit like yourself before kicking you to the kerb)

4. You were fired a couple of weeks later. You probably earnt that guy a pat on the back for his method of dealing with worthless employees. Who came out ahead there? (Hint: It wasn't you)

5. You showed you're not alpha enough to do shit face-to-face, but sneak around like a bitchy beta who's afraid of being caught.

6. And because of your completely beta decisions, including but not limited, at all, to that incident, your life is continuing to be wasted. You say you're happy to be unemployed, poor and waiting for death, but your actions tell us otherwise. For you, unemployment isn't a choice, it's something that's forced upon you. In part, by your complete inability to get anyone to vouch for you. (If I were willing to go back that far, instead of simply choosing my two most recent employers, my first employer is still happy to describe how the sun shines out of my arse... It's blinding)

The only place you're an alpha is in your own empty claims. Even in your head, you're clearly a beta.
Wed Jul 20 18:27:14
The Children
Thu Jul 21 02:56:33
"Man, he is bossing you around like he is the alpha male. "

>> curse of the wage slavery. when someone in higher position tells u 2 do something, u gonna say no? ull be packin ur shit and going home 10 after u said that.

changes nottin bout my status as alpha male.


aussie wall o text. u think im gonna read that.

all u need 2 know, is that im alpha and my alpha ego has alrdy gotten revenge.

meanwhile ur a beta pussy faggot.
The Overseer
Thu Jul 21 03:01:46
An alpha wouldn't have spent as much time being worthless as you and so would be the one telling a beta to hurry up.

>>aussie wall o text. u think im gonna read that.

all u need 2 know, is that im alpha and my alpha ego has alrdy gotten revenge.

meanwhile ur a beta pussy faggot. <<

I know you can't read that much.

Your ego and intelligence wouldn't allow it. Too much truth.

That's your beta ego, BTW. That can't accept that it was smacked down and doesn't have the balls to do anything face-to-face.
The Overseer
Thu Jul 21 03:07:24
BTW, an alpha wouldn't become selectively illiterate when confronted with unwelcome facts.

That's also a beta move.

I'd ask if you've ever confronted a challenge like a man, but you're the one who proudly insisted (including after clarification was requested) he'd run away from every challenge.
The Children
Thu Jul 21 03:20:04

ur just another beta fag who been tryin 2 talk me down. ur very life screams beta and beta. everyone sees it. u know it. deep down even u know it.

only reason u cant accept my alphaority is coz ur so bitter and jealous u gotta talk down. but thats all it is. just talks.

like beta fags and puppy wolves that talk shit but when the feastin begins the alpha male eats first. puppie wolves eat only after ive gotten my fill no matter many of there time they spend complainin and talkin down on me.

fck beta pussies. fck beta fags. go cry me a river.
The Overseer
Thu Jul 21 03:26:36
Says the person who went screaming to someone senior when his poor widdle feelings were hurt.

The person who claims a lifestyle is great, then cries every time he fails in his attempt to escape it.
The Overseer
Thu Jul 21 03:27:36
The Children
Manage User Sun Mar 16 14:56:15
"There is no challenge you haven't run away from.

>> exactly, now you startin 2 get it, u dumbass. only took u an hour 2 crack that code.
The Children
Thu Jul 21 03:31:31
when beta faggots whine about alphas, u know ur at the top of alphaness. pure alphaority. just crazy superiority.
The Overseer
Thu Jul 21 03:33:03
In what specific way are you superior?


You're on the bottom of an increasingly deep shitheap.
The Children
Thu Jul 21 03:36:13
go whine and cry some more betafaggot. nottin is gonna change. ur life is still a pathetic excuse of a beta fag cryin everyday about alphas dominatin the daily life.

ur bitterness and jealousy aint gonna change a thang, biatch.

u weakass pussy faggot.

it actually feels good knowin that beta fags like u r jealous and constantly cryin about my alpha status.

The Children
Thu Jul 21 06:15:10
your failed coup should put u back in ur place. recognize ur inferiority kid. once a beta, always a beta.

u cannot expect a born alpha

it dunt work this way
1) badmouth alpha, bitch and whine.
3) new alpha?

no no no, no, no biatch. it dunt work that way. ur bad genes have sealed ur fate since the day u were born.

The Overseer
Thu Jul 21 06:40:34
That empty list is as honest an answer to my question as is possible.
The Children
Thu Jul 21 06:47:48
ur mind is empty, biatch. u got a losers mentality. a beta mindset.

but its almost like brainwashin. it has gone so deep inside u, it is basically ur genes and dna now. u have mutated in2 it. its so far, u dunt even know ur a beta faggot.

so delusional and so crazy have u become.
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