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Utopia Talk / Politics / Patton
Member | Fri Jan 13 01:42:18 After reading the Koran and observing North Africans, he wrote to his wife, "Just finished reading the Koran – a good book and interesting." http://en....itudes_on_race_and_nationality |
Member | Fri Jan 13 01:43:39 I hav 2 admit it maks gud toilat papar |
Member | Fri Jan 13 01:49:28 rofl da ragi is stund were did u go ragi? |
Member | Fri Jan 13 01:51:09 ragi u puled dat stunt 50 tims alredie 2 r not smart enouf 2 fool da white man |
Member | Fri Jan 13 01:55:01 do u remembar da gud old days ragi http://foryouarab.ytmnd.com/ |
Sam Adams
Member | Fri Jan 13 01:59:28 "I hav 2 admit it maks gud toilat papar " correct |
Average European
Member | Fri Jan 13 02:11:10 "In spite of his regard for the Koran, he concluded, "To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. . . . Here, I think, is a text for some eloquent sermon on the virtues of Christianity."" |
Member | Fri Jan 13 02:20:39 Ofcourse, he misunderstood the Arab patriachal society as being a manifestation of Prophet Muhammad's teachings, which is a common error. |
Member | Fri Jan 13 09:03:15 His point is still correct tho. Islam may not have invented Arab patriachism but it embraced it and is helping to keep it alive to this day. |
GTFO HOer | Fri Jan 13 16:54:28 Pretty sure mohammed embraced the patriarchal thing himself, too. There is absolutely no way a 9 year old marrying an adult can produce a relationship of peers. |
iChihuaha | Fri Jan 13 18:41:59 In spite of his regard for the Koran, he concluded, "To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. . . . Here, I think, is a text for some eloquent sermon on the virtues of Christianity."[ LOL, from the same paragraph. |
Member | Fri Jan 13 23:18:39 "His point is still correct tho. Islam may not have invented Arab patriachism but it embraced it and is helping to keep it alive to this day." Incorrect. Islam infact rejected and denounced Arab patriarchalism. "Pretty sure mohammed embraced the patriarchal thing himself, too. There is absolutely no way a 9 year old marrying an adult can produce a relationship of peers." And what historical context do you base this on? Are you comparing the 9 year olds of today to the 9 year olds of 7th century Arabia? I would say that even most 30 year old women today wouldn't be as mature as most 9 year olds back in that day and age. |
GTFO HOer | Fri Jan 13 23:22:55 "And what historical context do you base this on?" The one wherein the prophet of a faith gives perpetual credibility to Arab patriarchal society in such a way that those questioning it can easily be accused of apostasy. You're actually Persian and not Arab, IIRC? |
Member | Fri Jan 13 23:22:59 Gee I said the same thing after reading "The Speckled Band". |
GTFO HOer | Fri Jan 13 23:26:16 And the maturity level being compared is 9 year old 1420 years ago to 30 year old 1420 years ago. (How many years is my Islamic calendar off by? 1979 was non-coincidentally around 1400, right?) |
GTFO HOer | Fri Jan 13 23:29:12 So current year is 1435ish. Assuming the gal was born after the H in AH happened (which I have no idea if it is true), I wasn't all that far off. I was expected to be waaaay off the mark. What is that Apostate-written book, about the life of our 9 year old from her POV? I read that. :) |
Member | Fri Jan 13 23:36:32 They Use a freaking lunar calendar for God's sake. |
Member | Fri Jan 13 23:39:52 "The one wherein the prophet of a faith gives perpetual credibility to Arab patriarchal society in such a way that those questioning it can easily be accused of apostasy." By marrying a young girl, which was normal in all societies of the time? Incorrect. Look at the philosophy of marriage before the Prophet, and after the Prophet. Before the Prophet, marriages were arranged. The girl had no say. Whereas the Prophet taught that a marriage is null and void without the consent of the female, and that marriage was more than a physical relationship, it was a spiritual parternship in which a woman was a full half, rather than a subject. "Gee I said the same thing after reading "The Speckled Band"." What aspect of your life bears any resemblance to that of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)? Nothing. You are completely alien to him. Wake up and smell the smelling salt, and understand that you are following the footsteps of european pagans, not the Semitic Jesus, Prophet of God, spiritual ancestor of Muhammad. |
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