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Utopia Talk / Politics / Poor People Have No Values
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 07:52:38

and do not care about other poor people.

~President Barack Obama
Sat Jul 07 08:36:29
You are very poor.
Dickhead UPer
Sat Jul 07 08:37:15
Well this explains PedoRod.
Sat Jul 07 08:38:39
As it should be.
Sat Jul 07 08:45:01
spot on for roddy
Sat Jul 07 09:18:10
obama got welfare rods number

Sat Jul 07 09:19:29
Objectivist, as a Randian, how do you feel about poor people caring about other poor people (altruism)?

Sat Jul 07 09:46:04
Caring for other people is disgusting.
river of blood
Sat Jul 07 09:48:01
Caring for other people is terrorism unless the government does it. Actually, come to think, everything is terrorism now unless the government does it.
Sat Jul 07 09:50:12
"Caring for other people is disgusting. "

are you sure? I mean pedorod is an obectivist too and he's clearly fuming over the claim that poor people arent altruistic enough?
Sat Jul 07 09:53:27
Objectivist, as a Randian, how do you feel about people expecting others to embrace your own ideology and morality.

Why the fuck should they care about what you think is moral unless it benefits them, and who the fuck are you to tell them what is to their benefit?
Sat Jul 07 09:55:59
A true objectivist would deny the validity of all moral codes including his own unless it benefited him to embrace codes at times. Then of course any code could be embraced for as long as it is profitable to that individual.

The difference then between objectivists and nihilists rests in nihilists caring too much.
Sat Jul 07 10:00:19
In case you were wondering how working and overstaying on a tourist visa, then marrying in a state far for the state of entry, then debasing marriage by numerous affairs with numerous partners (sometimes in the same bed at the same time), then contracting cancer and demanding government aid under an assumed name fits together?

Its all self-serving. As was developing the philosophy to begin with...that she is a failed L.R. Hubbard should in no way detract from her endeavour.
Sat Jul 07 10:13:18

This is unfair, jergul. Why, the way you describe Randism, it comes off as psychopathy!

Sat Jul 07 10:28:13

'"I'm in this race because I care about Americans," Romney told CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien. Yet, puzzlingly, he followed this statement with, "I'm not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there." '

That you want to remove.

But anyway, it's the RICH who don't care about the poor.
Sat Jul 07 11:26:38
from last week Pew poll.

"Just 40% of Republicans agree that “It is the responsibility of the government to take care of people who can’t take care of themselves,” down 18 points since 2007. In three surveys during the George W. Bush administration, no fewer than half of Republicans said the government had a responsibility to care for those unable to care for themselves. In 1987, during the Ronald Reagan’s second term, 62% expressed this view."

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 12:32:43

So you all agree that Obama despise poor people and just buys their votes with entitlements.

Guess you people are starting to wake up a bit.

Sat Jul 07 12:37:13
^piss poor welfare leech
Honest Politician
Sat Jul 07 16:27:17
You'll be voting for him since you are getting many entitlements, Rod?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 18:34:37

Not on your life. Only an unmitigated fool would vote for that incompetent fuck.

Sat Jul 07 18:37:42
I somewhat want Romney to win so he can HR welfare benefits in half in the name of austerity. Perhaps he would no longer be able to afford the internet paid for by tax dollars.
Sat Jul 07 18:41:37
^ I almost came.

Sat Jul 07 18:43:39
*he can cut HR's
Sat Jul 07 18:49:13
Ok, now I came.

Sat Jul 07 18:50:10
Incompetent fuck?

You borrow free money. If only the US had the domestic will to use it. A new deal now would be free and give you back the 1950s.


12.5% of global gdp by 2020 due to haemorrhaging from a million self-inflicted wounds.
New Member
Sat Jul 07 19:46:22
Member Sat Jul 07 09:19:29
Objectivist, as a Randian, how do you feel about poor people caring about other poor people (altruism)?"

Forcing someone 'to care' for someone is not altruism, in the same way that rape is not sex; at least not the good kind anyway.
Sat Jul 07 19:49:00
who the fuck was talking abut forcing? No, you can stop right there. No, I wasnt.
Sat Jul 07 19:52:20
When you have the power to prevent someone from taking harm, and you stand by and do nothing, you are evil.

But people are also strange. They tend to not help someone if it would make them stand out from the crowd. They often must be forced to help. If you attempt to aid someone, and want more assistance, you have to specify a person and order them to do what you want, even if it's just to call 911.

People must be forced to aid others, or they will stand by and watch others die.
New Member
Sat Jul 07 20:36:43
William, you advocate taking what belongs to me in order 'to care' for poor people. Perhaps you hadn't considered it before but, you do realize that if you take something that doesn't belong to you and the owner objects, that is force. The only legitimate use of force is that which is in self defense. All other forms, including the form you advocate, are illegitimate.
Sat Jul 07 20:42:26
shut up tard
Sat Jul 07 20:50:30
there is a deep ocean of things going on between humans in all social interactions including any kind of commercial affairs that you are gloriously unaware of and so you believe in a shallow, simplistic model based on the idea that there is no water below the surface of the see - theres just the surface and thats all there is. This is incorrect. Thus, since your foundation is flawed, so will everything be that stems from it.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 21:58:35

The Law by Frederic Bastiat

"What, then, is law? It is the collective organization of the individual right to lawful defense.

Sat Jul 07 22:00:27
"Claude Frédéric Bastiat (30 June 1801 – 24 December 1850) was a French classical liberal theorist"

retarded cunt
Sat Jul 07 22:02:33
heres a quote from an excellent paper (by me)

… law is not the only means of settling disputes. That much is obvious … [r]ather it is important to see law as occupying a particular place amongst a range of possibilities … The law, as we noted, tries to dam the infinite variety of human experience behind the inadequate barrier of a few words … if indeed it offers anything of practical value at all rather than being simply a symbolic totem of power” (312).

Legal professor R. Ireland

Ireland, Richard W. "Law in action, law in books: the practicality of medieval theft law." Cambridge Journals Online - Continuity and Change (2002): 312. 22 May 2012. <http://jou...ulltext?fulltextid=151620>.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:03:18

LOL, "classical liberal theorist"

Sat Jul 07 22:04:35
LOL, your mom is dead and rotting in a mud hole in the ground

Sat Jul 07 22:05:35
* You fucking bastard slime slithering from the cunt of a diseased whore
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:09:56

Billy Bastards list of classical liberal >>>TERRORISTS<<<:

3.1 John Locke
3.2 John Trenchard
3.3 Charles de Montesquieu
3.4 Thomas Gordon
3.5 François Quesnay
3.6 Voltaire
3.7 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
3.8 Denis Diderot
3.9 Jean le Rond d'Alembert
3.10 Richard Price
3.11 Anders Chydenius
3.12 Adam Smith
3.13 Immanuel Kant
3.14 Anne Robert Jacques Turgot
3.15 Joseph Priestley
3.16 August Ludwig von Schlözer
3.17 Patrick Henry
3.18 Thomas Paine
3.19 Thomas Jefferson
3.20 Marquis de Condorcet
3.21 Jeremy Bentham
3.22 Emmanuel Sieyès
3.23 Destutt de Tracy
3.24 Anne Louise Germaine de Staël
3.25 Benjamin Constant
3.26 Jean-Baptiste Say
3.27 Wilhelm von Humboldt
3.28 David Ricardo
3.29 James Mill
3.30 José María Luis Mora
3.31 Frédéric Bastiat
3.32 Johan Rudolf Thorbecke
3.33 Harriet Martineau
3.34 Ralph Waldo Emerson
3.35 Alexis de Tocqueville
3.36 William Lloyd Garrison
3.37 Friedrich Schiller

4 Mill and further, the development of (international) liberalism

4.1 John Stuart Mill
4.2 Juan Bautista Alberdi
4.3 Henry David Thoreau
4.4 Jacob Burckhardt
4.5 Herbert Spencer
4.6 Thomas Hill Green
4.7 Auberon Herbert
4.8 Carl Menger
4.9 William Graham Sumner
4.10 Lester Frank Ward
4.11 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
4.12 Lujo Brentano
4.13 Tomáš Masaryk
4.14 Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk
4.15 Louis Brandeis
4.16 Thorstein Veblen
4.17 John Dewey
4.18 Friedrich Naumann
4.19 Santeri Alkio
4.20 Max Weber
4.21 Leonard Hobhouse
4.22 Benedetto Croce
4.23 Walther Rathenau
4.24 William Beveridge
4.25 Ludwig von Mises
4.26 José Ortega y Gasset
4.27 Salvador de Madariaga
4.28 Adolf Berle
4.29 Wilhelm Röpke
4.30 Bertil Ohlin
4.31 Friedrich Hayek
4.32 Karl Popper
4.33 Alan Paton
4.34 John Hicks
4.35 Raymond Aron
4.36 Donald Barkly Molteno
4.37 Simone de Beauvoir
4.38 John Kenneth Galbraith
4.39 Isaiah Berlin
4.40 John Maynard Keynes
4.41 Milton Friedman
4.42 James Buchanan
4.43 John Rawls
4.44 Murray Newton Rothbard
4.45 Ayn Rand
4.46 Ralf Dahrendorf
4.47 Karl-Hermann Flach
4.48 Joseph Raz
4.49 Noam Chomsky
4.50 Ronald Dworkin
4.51 Richard Rorty
4.52 Amartya Sen
4.53 Robert Nozick
4.54 Hernando de Soto
4.55 Bruce Ackerman
4.56 Will Kymlicka
4.57 Matthew Kalkman

Sat Jul 07 22:12:01
pedo cunts list of classical liberal >>>TERRORISTS<<<:

3.1 John Locke
3.2 John Trenchard
3.3 Charles de Montesquieu
3.4 Thomas Gordon
3.5 François Quesnay
3.6 Voltaire
3.7 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
3.8 Denis Diderot
3.9 Jean le Rond d'Alembert
3.10 Richard Price
3.11 Anders Chydenius
3.12 Adam Smith
3.13 Immanuel Kant
3.14 Anne Robert Jacques Turgot
3.15 Joseph Priestley
3.16 August Ludwig von Schlözer
3.17 Patrick Henry
3.18 Thomas Paine
3.19 Thomas Jefferson
3.20 Marquis de Condorcet
3.21 Jeremy Bentham
3.22 Emmanuel Sieyès
3.23 Destutt de Tracy
3.24 Anne Louise Germaine de Staël
3.25 Benjamin Constant
3.26 Jean-Baptiste Say
3.27 Wilhelm von Humboldt
3.28 David Ricardo
3.29 James Mill
3.30 José María Luis Mora
3.31 Frédéric Bastiat
3.32 Johan Rudolf Thorbecke
3.33 Harriet Martineau
3.34 Ralph Waldo Emerson
3.35 Alexis de Tocqueville
3.36 William Lloyd Garrison
3.37 Friedrich Schiller

4 Mill and further, the development of (international) liberalism

4.1 John Stuart Mill
4.2 Juan Bautista Alberdi
4.3 Henry David Thoreau
4.4 Jacob Burckhardt
4.5 Herbert Spencer
4.6 Thomas Hill Green
4.7 Auberon Herbert
4.8 Carl Menger
4.9 William Graham Sumner
4.10 Lester Frank Ward
4.11 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
4.12 Lujo Brentano
4.13 Tomáš Masaryk
4.14 Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk
4.15 Louis Brandeis
4.16 Thorstein Veblen
4.17 John Dewey
4.18 Friedrich Naumann
4.19 Santeri Alkio
4.20 Max Weber
4.21 Leonard Hobhouse
4.22 Benedetto Croce
4.23 Walther Rathenau
4.24 William Beveridge
4.25 Ludwig von Mises
4.26 José Ortega y Gasset
4.27 Salvador de Madariaga
4.28 Adolf Berle
4.29 Wilhelm Röpke
4.30 Bertil Ohlin
4.31 Friedrich Hayek
4.32 Karl Popper
4.33 Alan Paton
4.34 John Hicks
4.35 Raymond Aron
4.36 Donald Barkly Molteno
4.37 Simone de Beauvoir
4.38 John Kenneth Galbraith
4.39 Isaiah Berlin
4.40 John Maynard Keynes
4.41 Milton Friedman
4.42 James Buchanan
4.43 John Rawls
4.44 Murray Newton Rothbard
4.45 Ayn Rand
4.46 Ralf Dahrendorf
4.47 Karl-Hermann Flach
4.48 Joseph Raz
4.49 Noam Chomsky
4.50 Ronald Dworkin
4.51 Richard Rorty
4.52 Amartya Sen
4.53 Robert Nozick
4.54 Hernando de Soto
4.55 Bruce Ackerman
4.56 Will Kymlicka
4.57 Matthew Kalkman
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:17:42

How very original of you to C&P my post. As I have always said, you are incapable of an original though.

I know you short term memory is deplorable, but *YOU* are the one that called them terrorists. I consider the true classical liberal tto be the heroes of mankind.

I guess that makes you a liar too.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:18:57
*-though - thought
Sat Jul 07 22:19:20
How very original of you to C&P my post. As I have always said, you are incapable of an original though.

I know you short term memory is deplorable, but *YOU* are the one that called them terrorists. I consider the true classical liberal tto be the heroes of mankind.

I guess that makes you a liar too.

you fucking bastard, you need your throat slit wide open, you filthy bastard son of a whore from hell
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:22:46

LOL, more of your liberal "originality."

Stop making a fool of your Billy Bastard.

Sat Jul 07 22:25:46
LOL, more of your liberal "originality."

Stop making a fool of your pedo cunt. you fucking whore cunt. Before I murder you with massive prejudice, you slimy, cowardly, brainless, worthless, lying fuck
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:33:02

I can always tell when you realize you have had your ass whopped in a discussion.

Your upbringing becomes evident.

Now it is back to my movie. Have a nice day

Sat Jul 07 22:35:23

I can always tell when you realize you have had your ass whopped in a discussion.

Your upbringing becomes evident.

Now it is back to my movie. Have a nice day. You degenerate filthy fucking spawn of a dead crack whore's fungii cunt.
Sat Jul 07 22:36:51
lastly, before you fuck your poor nephew in the asshole, you unfathomable piece of worthless lying shit, 'theorists' is not the same thing as 'terrorists,' you retarded fucking cunt
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:42:18

My bad. I misread theorist for terrorist, but considering your devotion to American liberalism it was an understandable error.

My apologies if you feel you need one.

Now you go ahead and have the last word and get some rest. You want to be well rested when you go to the baths later.

Sat Jul 07 22:47:30
Your retardation, you fucking cunt. You misread theorist for terrorist, you fuck, because 1) you have no education, 2) youre dumb as a brick which, as well you know, UP is in full agreement with, as are the other forums youve been banned at, a but considering your devotion to American nazism it was an understandable error.

Your apologies are utterly, utterly worthless, you lying fucking whore.

Now you go ahead and have the last word and get some rest. You want to be well rested when you go to the baths later to fuck your poor little nephew. You filthy fucking cunt
Sat Jul 07 22:53:46
also, stop lying and put that fucking blockuser on before I find your nephew and brother and shoot them in the face, you sickening cunt
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jul 07 22:58:06

I have a new computer and I don't have the blocker anymore.

I decided it is more fum to laugh at your pathetic worn out ass.

Sat Jul 07 22:59:35
I have a new computer and I don't have the blocker anymore.

I decided it is more fum to laugh at your pathetic worn out ass you cunt. Btw, your nephew is gonna die. :)
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Sat Jul 07 23:17:39
"you do realize that if you take something that doesn't belong to you and the owner objects, that is force."

ok. go a week without using a single thing that has government involved.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Sat Jul 07 23:18:20
er, government involvement.

editing and not reviewing is a poor idea.
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