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Utopia Talk / Politics / Harvard Study of Trump's Press Coverage.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat May 20 21:49:47

First 100 Days.


the wanderer
Sat May 20 22:03:48
seems appropriate for the most unfit, childish, dishonest leader in galactic history
the wanderer
Sat May 20 22:05:49
....actually probably should add 'over the age of 12'
Sat May 20 22:30:24
It is like all the negative coverage of Titanic. Totally partisan and uncalled for
Cherub Cow
Sat May 20 23:26:48
Definitely not surprising to see CNN at the top! They've become pretty shameless
Sun May 21 02:35:48
Please, define what is a "negative" and a "positive" tone.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 03:02:14
"Tone is judged from the perspective of the actor. Negative stories include stories where the actor is criticized directly. An example is a headline story where Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer criticized Trump when the Labor Department’s April economic report showed that fewer jobs were created than had been predicted. Schumer was quoted as saying, in part: “Eleven weeks into his administration, we have seen nothing from President Trump on infrastructure, on trade, or on any other serious job-creating initiative.” Negative stories also consist of stories where an event, trend, or development reflects unfavorably on the actor. Examples are the stories that appeared under the headlines “President Trump’s approval rating hits a new low”[9] and “GOP withdraws embattled health care bill, handing major setback to Trump, Ryan.”"
Sun May 21 03:17:51
German ARD > CNN


ARD is a joint organisation of Germany's regional public-service broadcasters. ...
The ARD is the world's largest public broadcaster, with a budget of €6.9 billion[1] and 22,655 employees.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun May 21 10:12:46

Golly Gee, can you liberals explain to me how I am brainwashed by FOX News when they are the only agency that even comes close to fair and balanced while you mainstream hate agencies are lopsided in their hate for President Trump.

I think that one term that might be applied to being brainwashed is someone who listens to only one side of an issue and accepts it as the only truth.

Since I am exposed to both sides of an issue through my choice of an agency and most of you liberals are exposed to just one side of the same issue through your choices then I submit that you are so poisoned by the cant of the left that you people are the ones that are brainwashed to the point where some of you have sunk to the level of True Believers.

I believe that sets the record straight. I am not the one who is brainwashed because I choose to hear both sides of an issue while you choose the dogma of the left.

I hope you will choose to give some objective thought to the conservative side of future issues. You might end up being pleasantly surprised.


Sun May 21 10:16:17
"I think that one term that might be applied to being brainwashed is someone who listens to only one side of an issue and accepts it as the only truth."

I hear the other side of an issue every day by you, and I read what the Trump says. So I get both sides of issues.
the wanderer
Sun May 21 10:18:02
finding a way to give 50:50 coverage to a completely unfit child doesn't make you 'fair & balanced'

and do you believe Fox News coverage of Obama or Hillary was 50:50 positive:negative? give me a break
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun May 21 10:20:23

Paramounted, you too Sir are a True Believer.

You have my sympathies.

the wanderer
Sun May 21 10:33:36
as a Fox News watcher do you still believe Trump's 'i just found out bad/sick Obama illegally wiretapped my phone at Trump Tower'? (a felony... claimed as fact)

...& as you always parrot Trump's position, i suspect you'll start saying 'unmasking/leaking' in defense as Trump now does as if it has any relevance

...& for the record there doesn't seem to be any improper unmasking demonstrated, as i'm sure you haven't heard (& i doubt Trump even knows what it refers to)
Sun May 21 10:46:45
The media is so biased reporting on all the stupid shit Trump does. Shame on them.
Sun May 21 10:47:10
There's not much details of Trump's speech in Saudi Barbaria on Fox News. http://www.foxnews.com They have a big headline, but that's about it. Clicking on it get you to practically useless article if you want to know exactly what Teump said in his speech: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/05/21/trump-calls-for-stamping-out-financing-terrorist-groups-to-muslim-leaders.html

Maybe Fox News are just late and have't published anything yet, or maybe this all they got and will ever publish. Who knows. Not gonna waste my time on Fox "News".

Compare that to an article by Reuters for an example:
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-saudi-idUSKCN18H00U or any other serious media site.

You know, Hot Rod, there's a reason why Fox News readers are misinformed and deluded, and then being made fun of. It is because they don't get accurate info and they don't get the whole story of an issue.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun May 21 11:41:59

Paramount, FOX News carried the speech in its entirety from the first word to the last.

Perhaps your news didn't bother to cover it. Let me recap it for you.

He was outstanding, he said everything that needed to be said and the only country he insulted was Iran.

Plus, he walked away with a $350 Billion arms deal with the Saudis and a substantial arms deal with Kuwait, but I didn't get their amount. I imagine it was substantial though, they wanted fighter jets.

the wanderer
Sun May 21 11:45:48
maybe the Saudis will fly one of our tanks into Trump Tower
Sun May 21 12:08:20
"the only country he insulted was Iran"

Yeah, he was basically blaming Iran and shiia muslims for the horrors of the Saudis terror group, ISIS.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun May 21 12:44:49

The Saudis did not create ISIS, Obama did.

Sun May 21 13:08:48
Lol that lie again. ISIS is Al Qaeda in Iraq. So if we want to blame someone might as well blame Bush
Sun May 21 13:11:25
You are dumb, Hot Rod. Here is Ami Ayalon, the former chief of Israel’s internal security agency Shin Bet, explaining how Israel needs to create a sunni coalition against Iran.

ISIS was Israel's idea. They sold it to Saudi Barbaria.

Sun May 21 13:14:14
"The Saudis did not create ISIS, Obama did."

Oh Hot Rod.
Sun May 21 13:57:24
If the topic was puppy strangulations, there wouldn't be equal coverage devoted to pro and against arguments.

If Trump doesn't want so much negative coverage then he should probably get off twitter and stop fucking things up so much.
Sun May 21 14:48:03
Does anyone but hot rod thinks that this means anything?
Wrath of Orion
Sun May 21 14:59:27
"I think that one term that might be applied to being brainwashed is someone who listens to only one side of an issue and accepts it as the only truth."

Hack Rod describes himself perfectly with that quote. Well done.

And as someone already said, nobody should expect 50/50 positive/negative views on how a turd smells. Only someone as fucking idiotic as Retard Rod would believe that.
Sun May 21 15:03:31
""I think that one term that might be applied to being brainwashed is someone who listens to only one side of an issue and accepts it as the only truth." "

Like how he only watches Fox News.
Sun May 21 15:03:52
I believe rubbing your teeth with chocolate before bed will prevent cavities. Dentists have a monetary agenda to push toothpaste.

Fair news will give equal air time to my belief in choclate preventing cavities, and must give it credible and impartial platforms to merit this position. Anything less is biased.
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 17:00:59
[Aeros]: "The media is so biased reporting on all the stupid shit Trump does. Shame on them."
[Aeros]: "Fair news will give equal air time to my belief in choclate preventing cavities, and must give it credible and impartial platforms to merit this position. Anything less is biased."

Actually, the tannins, polyphenols, and flavonoid in *dark* (non/low-sugared) chocolate can help prevent cavities and reduce the bacteria related to oral health issues, so that might not be a good example. But pretending that it *is* a good example..

I think this goes well beyond the media simply taking the "obvious" position on issues and not giving equal education to "absurd" opposing positions, particularly because there have been so many instances where they'll burn Trump for illegitimate reasons *in addition to* the legitimate reasons (baby with the bath water). It becomes anti-Trump as a point of principle rather than having a well-informed position which demonstrates how Trump is wrong by its own virtue (for instance, if someone were against pro-life arguments, then they may find themselves against Trump (a well-informed reason to be against him). But, if someone simply wants to be against Trump at all costs, then they may let that want inform whether or not they'll be pro-life/pro-choice, even against their own sense of right and wrong on that particular issue).

Networks like CNN start with the premise that Trump must be wrong, and they work backwards from there. It works often or works sometimes, but the result is yellow journalism complete with lazy headlines — headlines which would fail even basic journalistic tests of bias. For example, a sample of today's CNN headlines:
1) "Donald Trump just had a(nother) terrible week"
2) "Astonishing leaks rock Trump presidency"
3) "The Rock, Tom Hanks reveal 2020 campaign"
4) "Trump called a hypocrite for Saudi King bow"

1. "Terrible"; CNN's use of a strong and disembodied adjective to feign universality; shows that they accept "terrible" as a given, whereas impartial journalists would parse how the week was good for some and bad for others and let readers decide to which side they align; also use of "a(nother)" to continue their narrative that Trump's presidency has been a continuous streak of terrible events (something which may be true [though only for *some*], but something which they have cultivated into an apparent truth)
2. "Astonishing" and "rock"(v); clickbait adjective and sensational words which fulfill CNN's own narrative but which may not actually be true (a method of hyping up the "leaks" in order to give them credibility)
3. Very click-baitey (presenting satire as an actual headline); part of CNN's continued coverage of Saturday Night Live; because SNL continues to support CNN's position, CNN continues to report on them every single week
4. Click-bait headline; in the actual video they talk about how it was not an actual "bow", but they still run "bow" to set the narrative

Then there have been wider issues, like the casual use of "some [say]" when they want to legitimize claims. For example, "some were even discussing the possibility of impeachment" — yeah, CNN was. It's like citing yourself on Wikipedia to control fact-sourcing. People ran out and purchased Orwell's "1984" because — so they thought — that Trump, Spicer, and Conway were fabricating truths. In reality, they should have purchased "1984" because — in addition to the admin's and Fox News' own spin — NBC news, CNN, and others have been fabricating truths by using a feedback loop to legitimize their own media narratives. This is why it's not just a matter of "positive" and "negative" coverage only showing that Trump hasn't been an unpopular president — it's showing how invested particular networks have become in controlling a negative or positive narrative of him. CNN has clearly been working towards a Trump impeachment, and they hope to accomplish that by boosting their bias signal to dictate opinions to a receptive subscriber base.

"But at the present moment [the Press] is the only estate. It has eaten up the other three. The Lords Temporal say nothing, the Lords Spiritual have nothing to say, and the House of Commons has nothing to say and says it. We are dominated by Journalism" — Oscar Wilde
Cherub Cow
Sun May 21 17:04:42
*"because — so they thought — [] Trump"
*that Trump hasn't been [a popular] president
the wanderer
Sun May 21 19:11:59
CNN aired a crazy amount of Trump rallies relative to any other candidate (or all others combined even)

they contributed to his win, it's their responsibility to help bring him down (although they still air every little meaningless event he sets up which is annoying)
Cherub Cow
Mon May 22 02:58:15
"CNN aired a crazy amount of Trump rallies relative to any other candidate (or all others combined even)"

That's another funny thing about that Harvard study!:

"Republican voices accounted for 80 percent of what newsmakers said about the Trump presidency, compared to only 6 percent for Democrats and 3 percent for those involved in anti-Trump protests ... When spokespersons for the opposing party get a mere 6 percent of the airtime, something’s amiss."

"The reason is clear enough. Trump is a journalist’s dream. Reporters are tuned to what’s new and different, better yet if it’s laced with controversy. Trump delivers that type of material by the shovel full. Trump is also good for business. News ratings were slumping until Trump entered the arena. Said one network executive, “[Trump] may not be good for America, but [he’s] damn good for [us].”"

Like, CNN isn't even interviewing their own DNC office-holders — they're just interviewing the GOP and then internally complaining about whatever the GOP said. I think that has to do with the click-bait mentality: click-bait titles tend to be profitable. Stir up outrage, then cash in. So yeah, maybe CNN *should* be the one to take down their pet project (Trump), though it's unfortunate that their coverage of impeachment proceedings would just get them more money (so no reason to change). Given the Clinton quote in the Harvard article, I wonder how CNN's ratings spiked when Clinton impeachment proceedings were being tested and whether that influences their current coverage decisions:

"Clinton exploded at his treatment by the press: “I’ve fought more damn battles here than any president in 20 years with the possible exception of Reagan’s first budget and not gotten one damn bit of credit from the knee-jerk liberal press. I am damn sick and tired of it.”"

More from that Rolling Stone interview from 1993: http://www...nterview-bill-clinton-19931209 )
[B.Clinton]: "And you get no credit around here for fighting and bleeding. And that's why the know-nothings and the do-nothings and the negative people and the right-wingers always win. Because of the way people like you put questions to people like me."
Wed May 24 11:27:07
Ah I missed that earlier:
"Percentages exclude news reports that were neutral in tone, which accounted for about a third of the reports"

Stupid study.
Wed May 24 22:31:50


lol! :o)

Thu May 25 12:45:20
“The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”

Hunter S Thompson.
Thu May 25 18:44:58

And every single one of them is a full step up on the evolutionary chain from Donald Trump.

Cherub Cow
Thu May 25 20:28:02
That's debatable, since Trump and most journalists seem to want to make money from being famous and sensational. It's a perfect marriage, really ;)
large member
Wed Dec 13 06:33:46
Not really debatable. But nice to undermine the 5th estate by way of false equivalency.

The road to hell may very well be paved with ironic rad cynism.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Dec 13 10:17:21



Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 10:36:08
Must be serious as he types in all caps.

Shame on you rod for spamming.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Dec 13 10:48:37

Another instance of your inability to converse in the English language.

Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 10:52:25
Says the person typing in caps.
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 12:16:02
so trump avoided ww3 which hillary would have started and lost

on issue voters said they cared about most.. trump has consumer confidence highest in 17years.. lowest unemployment in 17 years.. booming gdp.. record stock markets.. etc..

trump teamed up with putin to win war vs isis

but 90% of press coverage is negative on trump.. with new anti-trump bombshell of totally fake news like every three days [but never any pro-trump fake news by them]

yeah sounds like media is being totally fair and unbiased
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Dec 13 12:39:02

You liberals are aware that Harvard is just about the most liberal university in the country, aren't you?

Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 12:44:37
Werewolf, you are aware that the highest level of consumer confidence was pointed out during Obamas presidency, yes? Happened in December.

But it is okay you and hot rod can happily live together in those delusions of grandeur.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Dec 13 12:45:10

"since Trump and most journalists seem to want to make money from being famous and sensational."

Meanwhile, the clintons left The White House dead broke and are now worth at least $200 Million with a slush fund worth a few hundred millions more.

Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 12:47:40
So you don't like capitalism and people making money?
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 12:57:30
bloomberg.. “U.S. Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Climbs to 17-Year High”


cold rod the village idiot makes up false facts
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 13 12:57:59
Did Jergul really ressurect a 7 month old thread to make a nonsensical and poorly thought-out reply to a comment I made? And repeated the same “false equivalency fallacy” error that I’ve been pointing out for months? ... no one here takes Jergul seriously, I hope.
the wanderer
Wed Dec 13 13:03:50
Trump tweeted about this 'unfair' coverage issue this morning and tagged Fox & Friends so they were probably bringing it up again, so I'll guess jergul was reminded of the thread from that

and I stand by my first post in thread
Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 13:04:48
Lulz at werewolf


Consumer confidence climbed in December to the highest level since August 2001 as Americans were more upbeat about the outlook than at any time in the last 13 years, according to a report Tuesday from the New York-based Conference Board.


Now use your deductive reasoning and indicativenes.

But you don't have any and cant. Because you will claim it was all Trump even though this was and has occured when Obama was president.

First link even talked about who Clinton was in office.

Werewolf cries.
Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 13:13:55
Werewolf will scurry and search for unrelated links and then claim that Trump was the sole reason why the economy grew in the last 9 years.
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 13:15:54
lol cold rod the village idiot links to article saying consumer confidence was higher when clinton was in office.. when i already said and linked it was at 17 year high

what a moron
Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 13:17:10
As I said werewolf doesn't have any deductive reasoning skills nor does not comprehend indicativeness.

werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 13:17:42
dummy cold rod quotes this.. “Consumer confidence climbed in December to the highest level since August 2001”

too dumb to know he is owning himself
Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 13:18:14
Nor comprehend indications.*
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 13:19:00
nice english there you illiterate
Cold Rod
Wed Dec 13 13:19:20
Werewolf continues...
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Dec 13 20:11:35

cr - Werewolf, you are aware that the highest level of consumer confidence was pointed out during Obamas presidency, yes? Happened in December.

If true it is because Trump won the election the month before you Imbecile.

Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 20:48:34
Wow, I see dumb people everywhere.

btw you two nimrods, It is quite apparent that you do not know how consumer confidence works.

1) As it did peak, the continuation of the confidence continued because of the condition of the economy.

2) With the condition of the economy improving, consumer confidence did as well. Which was in part due to Obama's administration and thus continue to grow even during the election.

3) Even while Obama was still president, as was in December and the due to his administration policies and let us be honest the latter, very latter part of Bush and help stimulate the economy. Which leads the credit partially to Bush as well to Obama.

4) Back to the previous election and current President Retard. Because of the growing economy, because stock market (and which you two retards will stop associating it to the economy) consumer confidence is attached with it, its their attitude because of growth and also with growth and a newly elected or re-elected president you typically see a rise when this occurs.


Keep in mind this will fluctuate.

5) This was multiple time in previous years of it rising and falling and rising again. This was just last year in regards to it; (Before Trump was elected)



Now you two retards, stfu.

werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 21:00:15
consumer confidence jumped up big after trump was elected.. because trump was elected.. and consumers knew democrats were on their way out and couldn’t mess up economy anymore

and then after that.. it went up to 17 year high with trump in oval office
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:03:34
Yeah, you're dumb.

If the economy is growing, which it was before Trump was elected, consumer confidence still fluctuates and even it increases, yes, it will still be a "record." Not because Trump had anything to do with it as he had no major legislation passed to stimulate the economy, and even if it had it would not be reflective until late second year at best.

Please stop, you are embarrassing to the subject of economy.
Wed Dec 13 21:08:42
TM don't waste your time on putin fluffer.
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 21:12:40
^retards who don’t know trump led polls on economy before election and can’t understand simple cause and effect of great businessman being elected leading to big jump in consumer confidence which is now even at 17 year high

Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:18:58
Yes, you keep repeating it as if that was some type of accolade for all to see and here and the trumpets shall untune the sky with the proclamation of the 17 year high. Which you still avoid the point and fail to understand how consumer sentiment works.

But you may continue to say whatever the hell you want to fill your head with fantasies to avoid of what actually transpires and how it operates. And because you keep repeating the same thing as a broken record. I then see clearly that is no more but a concession on your end because you unable to form any supported articulable arguments other than "Trump elected 17 year consumer high" as you ignore the various factors that contribute to it, or just remain purely ignorant and be dumb.
Wed Dec 13 21:19:59
That's putin fluffer for you...
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 21:27:09
surprising trump victory causes consumer confidence to skyrocket until it recently reaches 17 year high

this is not difficult for anyone to see except dummies
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:28:52
If will it to be your coping mechanism. Then do so.
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 21:35:33
a year ago in us news and world report

“Trump Victory Shoots Consumer Confidence to 15-Year High”


Consumer confidence surged to a 15-year high in December as Americans' post-election bullishness continues, according to a new report published Tuesday by The Conference Board.

The board's confidence index gained 4 percent on the month to reach its highest level since 2001 – well ahead of analysts' expectations. A sub-index tracking how consumers feel about current economic conditions declined slightly over the month, but a separate future expectations measurement surged nearly 12 percent to its highest level since 2003.

"Consumer confidence improved further in December, due solely to increasing expectations, which hit a 13-year high," Lynn Franco, the group's director of economic indicators, said in a statement Tuesday. "The post-election surge in optimism for the economy, jobs and income prospects, as well as for stock prices … was most pronounced among older consumers."

Considering President-elect Donald Trump ran away with older demographics, it's unsurprising that these people are feeling particularly chipper about the country's economic health post-election.

Indeed, consumer confidence among Trump voters and Republicans in general has surged since Election Day. A separate confidence tracker published earlier this month by Gallup showed 58 percent of Republicans thought the economy was "getting better." Prior to the election, only 15 percent thought conditions were improving.

"The recent increase in economic confidence appears mostly to be a reaction to the presidential election – chiefly among Republicans, who are much more likely to view the economy positively after Donald Trump's victory," the Gallup report said. "Republicans have shifted dramatically from a decidedly negative evaluation of the economy before the election to a positive one after it."



only people as dumb as tm and delude don’t understand this..
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:38:31
It is a shame that you continue your dumb antics.

I know you failed to review the sources that I provided. As you would see that this "record" continued before Trump was elected. Included the source showing the consumer sentiment and how it fluctuated since the mid 20th century.

But as I said previously, whatever helps you cope werewolf and allows you to sleep at night.
Wed Dec 13 21:43:59
"Indeed, consumer confidence among Trump voters and Republicans in general has surged since Election Day. "

"The recent increase in economic confidence appears mostly to be a reaction to the presidential election – chiefly among Republicans, who are much more likely to view the economy positively after Donald Trump's victory," "

""Republicans have shifted dramatically from a decidedly negative evaluation of the economy before the election to a positive one after it." "

LOL, so you are saying among republicans/trump supports /their/ confidence rose, which is obviously a given factor, but only deluded themselves that the economy was in a negative and then suddenly shift that it was positive because their candidate won. And you are trying to make an erroneous claim that even though the economy was improving the entire time which follows the likelihood that consumer confidence will grow generally and still be high, which occurred during Obama's tenure as well, that this was all Trump's doing?

Putin fluffer go find shirtless pics of putin and all it a night. LOL
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 21:47:12
new york times with reuters article

“Rising Consumer Confidence Is Driven by High Expectations for Trump”


A measure of consumer confidence shot to its highest level in more than 15 years in December as Americans saw more strength ahead in business conditions, stock prices and the job market following the election of Donald J. Trump as president.

A separate report showed that house prices continued their steady recovery in October, although a spike in borrowing costs after Election Day could present a headwind to sustained home value gains.

The Conference Board said Tuesday that its Consumer Confidence Index rose to 113.7 this month from an upwardly revised 109.4 in November. That topped estimates in a Reuters poll for a reading of 109.0, and was the highest since August 2001.

Lynn Franco, director of economic indicators at The Conference Board, said in a statement that the gain in confidence was entirely because of rising expectations, as consumers’ assessments of current conditions dipped, and was led by surging optimism among older Americans. The private economic forecasting group’s Expectations Index hit its highest mark since December 2003.


lol the “fluctuating” consumer confidence here was all due to rising future optimism with trump being elected.. while opinions of current conditions with miserable obama was dipping

even dumb idiots like tm and delude should be able to understand this
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:49:30
Yes, this was pointed out in my initial post that you ignored. And still ignore the various factors that attaches to it. Not entirely sure what you are saying other than repeating what I've initially said.

As you continuously fail to comprehend the fundamentals.

But, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:51:28
What I said "consumer confidence is attached with it, its their attitude because of growth and also with growth and a newly elected or re-elected president you typically see a rise when this occurs. "

Then provide a link indicating this which showed from the previous century up until the present.

But now you keep hunting articles which supported what I said.

Thanks for that, I appreciate your support.
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 21:51:44
lol now trolly is humiliated.. he is pretending to say what me and hot rod have been saying all along

nice try TROLL
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 21:52:45
It's like you can't read and you stay in your own bubble.
Wed Dec 13 21:54:21
Putin fluffer has a hard time understanding because when you have a mold of putin's penis up your ass it makes it hard for you to focus on what is factual and what is Trumptual.
Trolly McAwesome
Wed Dec 13 21:59:37
Based upon the sources of what I provided and being a student of economy for too many years now. I predict that next month and in February you will see a dip in consumer confidence. Why? Because attitudes fluctuate and then will the retard claim it is at it's record high? Only when during the next three months it may rise again.

Bu it appears that retard doesn't understand this most simple concept and ignored the that particular fact.

However if this tax plan does completely pass and mirrors the tax plan that utilized in Kansas which virtually caused that state's economy to fail. Let's see how fast that consumer confidence drops and what the retard will say next.
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 22:06:20
i will predict next quarter gdp growth will be at over 3.0% rate for third straight quarter.. something obama could not accomplish in 8 years

but i bet dumbass trolly and delude will be crediting obama for this.. instead of admitting highest consumer confidence in 17 years and lowest unemployment in 17 years and skyrocketing stocks and gdp is all due to trump and economic miracle he created
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 22:08:55
You mean because the economy grows due to the previous administrations policies? Indeed, thanks must be given to them so that the next president would reap the splendors from it and claim it was all his doing when he has no major legislation passed.

Praise be to Obama, amiright?
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 22:11:35
So weretard, what major economic legislation has Trump passed to be a contributing factor to the economy and what has been a result?
werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 22:14:47
obama for 8 years could not grow gdp by over 3.0% for three straight quarters.. and became first president in modern history not to have a year of over 3%growth

i’m sure his secret master plan was to let trump be elected and because of that consumer confidence to skyrocket with rest of economy
Trolly McSerious
Wed Dec 13 22:16:50
So you can't answer the question, all I needed to know. Keep those red herrings going and ignore sources that were provided in comparison of economy.

werewolf dictator
Wed Dec 13 22:26:30
we already have established that trump being elected caused consumer confidence to soar

and we should all know economy grows when people are confident in economy [scott adams predicted not only trump being elected but exactly this happening to economy for example]

asking me about major legislation is irrelevant [although there has been lots] since this has nothing to do with “the price of tea in china” ie economic miracle created by trump
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 04:25:38
So that means "no" that you cannot provide an answer as you continue the broken record routine while ignoring points that were brought up in regards to economic growth and how consumer sentiment correlates. At the same time you call it a "miracle" which now clearly displays how unbelievably clueless and dumb that you are.

Dismissed. Thanks for the humor.
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:01:48
it is mathematical certainty that trump has created economic optimism through his expertise and policies and announced intentions.. and this in turn has led to 17 year high in consumer confidence.. 17 year low in unemployment.. record stock markets and booming gdp etc

listening to dumb troll try to deny this is like listening to dumb troll try to deny 2 + 2 = 4
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:04:16
Keep digging that ditch.
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:04:51
I still see you still fail to answer.
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:16:00
fail to answer what.. your dumb red herring about economic related legislation.. what does that have to do with 17 year high of consumer confidence and 17 year low of unemployment or record stock markets or booming gdp

troll.. go back to living in your communist fantasy world under obama where people have to feed their families by catching rats because obama is first modern president who can’t even manage one year of 3% growth
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:28:13
This was explained to you already. Look all you have to say that you are unable to provide the answer due to Trump not passing any major economic legislation as he continues to ride the waves of the previous administrations policies that is allowing the growth to continue.

Keep digging that ditch.
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:32:25
lol why would i get distracted by your dumb red herring of economic legislation or many executive orders on trade and regulations etc

you keep ignoring the real relevant facts here which is that trump has brought 17 year high in consumer confidence and 17 year low in unemployment while stocks rise to record heights and gdp booms.. now why can’t you bring yourself to focus on that you silly troll
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:34:57
Deeper and deeper broken record.
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:37:12
q.. who was first modern president not to manage 3% gdp growth in even one of his years as president

[hint.. trolly and delude are retards who think this president did great job]
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:38:10
Deeper and deeper broken record.
Cold Rod
Thu Dec 14 10:41:07
Oh you mean Obama who inherited a shambled economy at the time with no economic policies implemented? It's awesome that werewolf continues his poor comprehension of basic economics.
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:41:22
i stick to important facts of trump’s economic miracle and obama’s 8 years of economic disaster.. while you want to divert attention with any red herring you can think of
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:43:06
lol obama inherited shattered economy already on its knees.. and still couldn’t manage a rebound recovery of 3% growth in any year.. pathetic
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:45:22
"Miracle." Lulz
werewolf dictator
Thu Dec 14 10:53:55
trolly would laugh at 2 + 2 = 4 because he’s just an absurd troll [as obvious by name] spouting nonsense

and cold rod and delude would look up to it as wisdom
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:55:50
Trolly McSerious
Thu Dec 14 10:56:08
Fail weretard.
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