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Utopia Talk / Politics / Russia Hackers Makes Trump Look stupid
Tue Jun 06 17:04:11
Well, Trump decides to betray Qater based on information that was planted by Russian hackers....

the wanderer
Tue Jun 06 17:44:44
it's U.S. investigators who say it was planted by the Russians so Trump probably won't believe it
Hot Roid
Tue Jun 06 18:01:52
fake news
Wed Jun 07 09:40:32
OP has zero evidence this actually happened.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 07 09:54:29
this is the story:

& if you believe CNN is fake w/ fake sources just because Trump says so with HIS zero evidence, then you got problems

(& it doesn't suggest it was the only thing causing tension, just timing-wise seems related to what pushed things over the brink)
Wed Jun 07 12:02:05
CNN is fake news because they tend to run stories with unnamed sources and treat those stories as fact.
Wed Jun 07 12:06:14
Pentagon publicly praising Qatar for support of US military operations.

At some point, Trump-Mattis gap becomes untenable.


Mattis is probably gonna get fired soon.
Trolly McDick
Wed Jun 07 13:00:27
Lulz mt thinks journalism always has named sources. Lulzier mt thinks fox news doesnt use unnamed sources.

Lulziest, mt is a known retard.
Wed Jun 07 13:18:33
When did I say anything about fox news? But yes, generally speaking a new agency will have a named source when they run a story, otherwise it's just gossip. A complicated issue, I know.
Wed Jun 07 13:21:05
At this point, it's a he said-she said situation where neither party is a reliable source. Forgive me for being underwhelmed.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 07 13:25:06
"CNN is fake news because they tend to run stories with unnamed sources and treat those stories as fact"

EVERYONE uses anonymous sources, and ALWAYS have... has all media up to this point been fake? they note it's from a source so it's not treating it as fact (as idiot Trump does with his zero evidence, zero source claims)

remember that alleged Comey memo stating all the Flynn stuff that was read over a phone by an anonymous source to whatever news place awhile ago... guess what? it's exactly as described in Comey's release today

anonymous sources aren't fake, and no one runs it as fact they say 'according to anonymous source', and they usually get multiple sources to confirm before running things
the wanderer
Wed Jun 07 13:26:51
"At this point, it's a he said-she said "

what are you considering as the 'he' and 'she'?
Wed Jun 07 13:29:40
US intelligence agencies and Russia. As I said, neither source is reliable.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 07 13:47:05
that's your choice then :p

if anyone wants to continue calling CNN fake (or sources fake) they need to start showing examples, and they should be demanding Trump do so, not just taking his word for it
Wed Jun 07 14:08:23
CNN lost all credibility when it ran that tabloid piece about Trump pissing on Russian hookers. CNN is a fake news source. Trusting them to deliver you need that isn't bent to fit a specific narrative they endorse is idiotic.
Wed Jun 07 14:08:36
Need = news
the wanderer
Wed Jun 07 14:25:57
you'll have to cite the news story... or are you just trusting some other source claiming CNN ran a fake piece saying Trump pissed on Russian hookers?

the dossier was real, reporting on it is not fake, & it was real enough to have Obama & Trump himself briefed on it which was the reporting i recall (& also recall CNN stating numerous times that accounts in it were unverified)

...& i believe it was hookers pissing on a bed Obama had slept on... which is almost not hard to believe given his constant false attacks & hatred of Obama & the types of things his long-time butler said about Obama which was probably standard discourse between the two... but not sure CNN ever even went into that detail, i may have heard that elsewhere
Wed Jun 07 14:29:39
Eh, I'm not going to look up the video. CNN ran with the story as a lead on every "news" show they had for several days. I already posted a video of it when it happened because it was so absurd. Several people posted on that thread. I don't need to prove it yet again.
Trolly McDick
Wed Jun 07 16:24:22
In other words, MT is still a retard and can't back up his claims.

The end.
Wed Jun 07 18:10:41

FoxNEWS: You said "hackers", not "hookers", right? :o)

Thu Jun 08 07:39:15
UPDATE: Apparently Trump realized he was made a fool of again by the Russian hackers (hookers), ans called the Emir of Qatar and extened an olive branch(apologized) and invited him to the White House.

Progress: Trump realizes he is a moron.
Fri Jun 09 05:57:39
I am the shocked.
werewolf dictator
Fri Jun 09 10:44:46
libtards make selves look retarded again by blaming every thing in world on russian hackers based on zero evidence
UP factcheck
Fri Jun 09 10:48:01
Claim: werewolf dictator claims that russian hackers didn't influence the tensions caused by a farce or fake memo in the middle east.

Fact: FBI along with other intel advised this pccurred and informed the President.
werewolf dictator
Fri Jun 09 11:19:14
lol did you see their 'evidence' after not even looking at dnc servers.. evidence in report was 'rt covered third party candidates and questioned fracking'.. up factcheck is really this dumb

no wonder hillary and her libtard followers invaded iraq and mass murdered hundreds of thousands of people and wasted trillions of dollars.. they don't even require fake evidence any more
werewolf dictator
Fri Jun 09 11:21:10

libtard nazi russia-hating congressman owned by one of few genuine non-fakenews journalists left in usa
Fri Jun 09 11:26:04
Well then, i guess this explains why after this infromation was released where Trump initally condemned has now extended understanding and try to clear things up?
UP Factcheck
Fri Jun 09 11:27:35
Claim: UP factcheck is dumb.

Fact: false.
werewolf dictator
Fri Jun 09 11:53:43
who do you believe america.. always reliable wikileaks which says it was not russians behind leaks.. or the always wrong us intel officials who lied you into iraq war [and who present zero evidence for their absurd russian conspiracy theory]

large member
Fri Jun 09 18:40:54
Russia may seize U.S. diplomatic property in Moscow and complicate life for an Anglo-American school unless Washington hands back two diplomatic compounds in the United States before July, the daily Kommersant newspaper reported on Friday.

In December, then U.S. president Barack Obama ordered the expulsion of 35 Russians over what he said was their involvement in hacking last year's U.S. presidential election, allegations Moscow flatly denies.

The U.S. authorities seized two Russian diplomatic compounds, one in Maryland and another on Long Island, at the same time. Moscow did not retaliate, saying it would wait to see if relations improved under the incoming U.S. president, Donald Trump.

Kommersant, citing unnamed diplomatic sources, said on Friday that Moscow wanted the compounds back before a possible meeting at the G20 in Germany in July between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump.

If that did not happen, the newspaper cited the sources as saying Russia could retaliate by seizing a U.S. diplomatic dacha, or country house, in Serebryany Bor in north-west Moscow and a U.S. diplomatic warehouse in Moscow.

It said that Russian authorities could also complicate life for Moscow's Anglo-American school by altering its legal status.

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on Thursday that Moscow was still waiting for the return of its U.S. compounds and could retaliate in kind if that did not happen.
Sat Jun 10 12:40:10

"who do you believe america.. always reliable wikileaks which says it was not russians behind leaks.. or the always wrong us intel officials who lied you into iraq war [and who present zero evidence for their absurd russian conspiracy theory]"

Hmmm ... our guys or the enemy? That's a tough one. :o)

werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 20 18:40:08
but but but.. russian hackers said fake news msm


Qatar: QNA hacking linked to countries boycotting Doha

Attorney general says evidence shows cyberattack on state-run news agency is linked to states that cut ties with Qatar.

The attorney general of Qatar says his country has proof that the hacking of its state-run news agency in May is linked to countries that have recently cut ties with Doha.

"Qatar has evidence that certain iPhones originating from countries laying siege to Qatar were used in the hack," Ali Bin Fetais al-Marri told reporters in Doha on Tuesday.

He said it was too early to explicitly name the countries responsible for the hacking and declined to comment when he was asked if individuals or states were behind it.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt severed their relations with Qatar on June 5, in a dispute that was escalated after a cyberattack on Qatar News Agency (QNA) on May 23.

US and European officials have said that while US government agencies and experts were convinced that the news agency and the Qatari government's Twitter feed were hacked, they have not yet determined who did the hacking.

Doha launched the inquiry after accusing hackers of publishing fake remarks attributed to Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on QNA's platforms.

Qatar's government categorically denied that the comments, in which the country's leader expressed support for Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel - while suggesting that US President Donald Trump may not last in power, were ever made.

"There are international laws governing such crimes, especially the cyberattack. [The hackers] will be prosecuted according to the law," Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Qatar's foreign minister, had said at the time.

The Saudi-led bloc of countries accuse Qatar of supporting "terrorism" and advancing the agenda of their regional arch-rival, Ian - charges Doha strongly denies.

Marri also said that a list of individuals and entities designated by the Arab countries as "terrorists" was "baseless," adding that Qatar would legally pursue those who had done harm to it.
Tue Jun 20 18:44:58
Did you even read your article?
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 20 18:52:34
but but but russian hackers.. said fake news msm



French Cyber Security Leader: No Trace of Russian Hacking Group in Emmanuel Macron Campaign Leaks

Associated Press
Jun 01, 2017

(ST.PETERSBURG, Russia) —The head of the French government's cyber security agency, which investigated leaks from President Emmanuel Macron's election campaign, says they found no trace of a notorious Russian hacking group behind the attack.

In an interview in his office Thursday with The Associated Press, Guillaume Poupard said the Macron campaign hack "was so generic and simple that it could have been practically anyone."

He said they found no trace that the Russian hacking group known as APT28, blamed for other attacks including on the U.S. presidential campaign, was responsible.

Poupard is director general of the government cyber-defense agency known in France by its acronym, ANSSI. Its experts were immediately dispatched when documents stolen from the Macron campaign leaked online on May 5 in the closing hours of the presidential race.Poupard says the attack's simplicity "means that we can imagine that it was a person who did this alone. They could be in any country."
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 20 18:52:53
delude = moron
Tue Jun 20 19:09:48
werewolf dic = never been right about anything.
Tue Jun 20 19:13:11
So Werewolf dic doesn't think Russian hackers ever hacked the pentagon, cia, rnc, or dnc.

Yep, that is werewolf dic for you, repeating fallacies after fallacies. And associating other secluded incidents to portray as the Russian hasn't hacked the US as well. Only werewolf dic would be this stupid.....well hold up. Don't want to get ahead of myself.
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 20 19:19:32
delude is totally qualified to work for fake news msm.. or for crowdstrike.. or for usa intelligence finding who has done hacking and who is hiding wmd

iow delude = complete moron
Tue Jun 20 19:20:06
werewolf dic = werewolf dic. 'nuff said.

sit down child.
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 20 19:22:21
werewolf dictator is giving you real insights to save you from stupidity of usa intelligence and fake news msm.. you should listen and learn dummy
Tue Jun 20 19:23:50
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 20 19:29:28
the level of intelligence of delude who is fit to work for usa intelligence and fake news msm

Trolly McDick
Wed Jun 21 11:52:36
The lulz at werewolf

Wed Jun 21 11:56:14
None of those systems were involved in vote counting, however.
The Politician
Wed Jun 21 12:01:41
So that means russia didnt hack!
Wed Jun 21 12:14:24
Of course they weren't so that means we should not acknowledge that russia tried to interfere in our affairs.
Wed Jun 21 12:15:06
No, it means that efforts were likely directed at garnering voter demographics for targeted dissemination.
Trolly McDick
Wed Jun 21 12:24:46
Fake news.
Wed Jun 21 12:26:10
"acknowledge that russia tried to interfere in our affairs."

Sure. It's acknowledged. Countries routinely interfere where possible in foreign elections with high stakes.

Now what? It's 8 months later.
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 14:14:37
so according to a self-identified dickhead troll.. fake news outlet identifies russia as spying on usa [as usa spies on everyone.. including allies and even all its own citizens.. with 10% of its total budget devoted to spying on russia]..

therefore any fake news story about russia hacking people is actually true despite being discredited [like stories of russia hacking qatar.. and fake news stories of russia hacking macron.. and bogus report of hacking destroying 80% of ukrainian artillery which crowdstrike says thus proves russia was the ones authentically proving dnc was up to undemocratic shenanigans against bernie sanders]
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 14:22:11

it's the retards who talk about yellowcake and aluminum tubes all over again

[except who ever hacked the dnc and who wasn't russia deserves to be thanked for authentically exposing undemocratic shenanigans of debbie wasserman schultz and company against bernie sanders and forces resignation in disgrace]
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 14:35:19

always reliable wikileaks "1,000% Sure Russia Didn't Hack the DNC's Emails"

but but but wmd.. and russia.. and qatar.. and macron.. and ukrainian artillery.. and "thorough investigation" by 24 people from 3 agencies who don't even check dnc servers and who could find zero evidence to report

damn delude and dickhead troll are dumb
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 14:45:18
how would Assange know the original source

and why is he breaking the story on Hannity... that's where you go to 'break' false stories that have no evidence
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 14:48:25
but but but 17 agencies all agreed [like they do for irrefutable iraqi wmd intelligence] which hillary says is hard to get and which my #fakenews msm keeps repeating


“The [intelligence community assessment] was a coordinated product from three agencies: CIA, NSA and the FBI, not all 17 components of the intelligence community,” said former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper during a congressional hearing in May. “Those three under the aegis of my former office.”

Franken: The intelligence communities have concluded, all 17 of them, that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.

Clapper: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement, Senator Franken, it was- there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office.

Franken: But all 17 signed on to that?

Clapper: Well, we didn’t go through that process. This was a special situation because of the time limits and […] the sensitivity of the information, we decided – it was a conscious judgment – to restrict it to those three. I’m not aware of anyone who dissented, or disagreed when it came out.
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 14:55:41
wikileaks has 100% accurate record of authenticating documents so of course they would know.. the russians would also know and they said they didnt do it

meanwhile the people who say russia did it is discredited crowdstrike and 3 agencies that don't do proper investigation and said iraq had wmd even though it meant killing hundreds of thousands of people and wasting trillions of dollars

it's obvious who has trustworthy record and who does not
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 15:15:50
yeah people who choose to go on Hannity and the Russians who said they didn't go into Ukraine are very trustworthy

there certainly are a lot of top people testifying under oath about their complete certainty of Russia interference for mysterious reasons
Wed Jun 21 15:38:15
werewolf dic....
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 15:39:00
when has wikileaks ever released something unauthentic.. never

and if russia invaded ukraine then where are the videos of tanks rolling over border or russian marines wading on shore.. of course there was already russian troops stationed in crimea [they had bases there] and russia has some observers in ukraine [just as usa does] but putin has never denied that
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