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Utopia Talk / Politics / Merete Hodne Face A Six Month Jail Term
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Oct 17 06:48:46

Muslim Tries To Bully The Wrong Hairdresser Into Making All Men Leave So She Can Remove Her Hijab

Posted by Bob Amoroso

Posted by Bob Amoroso

Merete Hodne face a six month jail term for refusing to cut the hair of a Muslim woman.

Posted by Bob Amoroso

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Merete Hodne face a six month jail term for refusing to cut the hair of a Muslim woman.

If you believe in the concept of equal rights, and justice for all, then this story should be of special interest, in that subjugation no matter how minor, eventually leads to submissiveness which by its very nature stands in stark contrast to those principles of “equal right’s for all, and it’s within this context that we should view this not so minor tale.

Last October a Norwegian hair stylist named Merete Hodne was confronted within her own shop by a young Muslim woman who upon entering her salon immediately demanded that all men leave the shop, so she could remove her headscarf.

Obviously by any rational and reasoned standard, almost all of us would view this incident with incredulous humor, believing no doubt that this was a clever prank, perhaps by one of Merete’s coworkers.

However this was anything but a prank, as 24-year-old Malika Bayan demanded that all the men in the unisex salon leave which of course prompted “salon owner” Hodne to refuse and then using a little reverse psychology, stating that she would never purposely discriminate against her male customers, especially by a doctrine that discriminates against basic human rights, and in particular against woman.

Stating that she didn’t “want this evil inside the doors where I’m in charge” and to take her misogyny elsewhere.

Hodne continued. “As most people know hijab-clad women do not get to show their hair to men. My salon is a man and women’s hair salon. It would have been deeply discriminatory if I had banished men from the lounge because of a woman who could not show her hair to them.”

“If hijab are welcome in all other haircutting salons in the country, it shouldn’t be a problem if they are not welcome at my business,” she wrote on Facebook. “I have plenty of experience and can do my job, but there are many other hairdressers who also can.”

Posted by Bob Amoroso

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Merete Hodne face a six month jail term for refusing to cut the hair of a Muslim woman.

If you believe in the concept of equal rights, and justice for all, then this story should be of special interest, in that subjugation no matter how minor, eventually leads to submissiveness which by its very nature stands in stark contrast to those principles of “equal right’s for all, and it’s within this context that we should view this not so minor tale.

Last October a Norwegian hair stylist named Merete Hodne was confronted within her own shop by a young Muslim woman who upon entering her salon immediately demanded that all men leave the shop, so she could remove her headscarf.

Obviously by any rational and reasoned standard, almost all of us would view this incident with incredulous humor, believing no doubt that this was a clever prank, perhaps by one of Merete’s coworkers.

However this was anything but a prank, as 24-year-old Malika Bayan demanded that all the men in the unisex salon leave which of course prompted “salon owner” Hodne to refuse and then using a little reverse psychology, stating that she would never purposely discriminate against her male customers, especially by a doctrine that discriminates against basic human rights, and in particular against woman.
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Stating that she didn’t “want this evil inside the doors where I’m in charge” and to take her misogyny elsewhere.

Hodne continued. “As most people know hijab-clad women do not get to show their hair to men. My salon is a man and women’s hair salon. It would have been deeply discriminatory if I had banished men from the lounge because of a woman who could not show her hair to them.”

“If hijab are welcome in all other haircutting salons in the country, it shouldn’t be a problem if they are not welcome at my business,” she wrote on Facebook. “I have plenty of experience and can do my job, but there are many other hairdressers who also can.”

As expected this Muslim woman is now suing the salon, and perhaps some would have simply complied with her demand, and that might have no doubt been a better solution for the salon…however this is not a minor tale, in that today it’s a hair salon, tomorrow a nation.

Do you think this hair stylist has a right to refuse service to this Muslim woman who is making demands for special accommodations?


hot crack
Tue Oct 17 06:51:22
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Oct 17 07:09:13


Thank you.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Oct 17 07:21:11

And just look at the swill that tumbleweed posts.

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