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Utopia Talk / Politics / mark hamil did NOT know luke wuld die
The Children
Sat Dec 23 17:52:04
damn thats some douchebaggery.


WOW hello darkness my old friend.
he didnt even BLINK his eyes.

WOW so apparently the rumor is also, the dude bend over and whispered in his ear during that scene, that "this is what happens when u fuck with disney".


smart dude
Sat Dec 23 18:00:32
Conspiracy theory.
The Children
Sat Dec 23 18:02:10
which jedi has died from exhaustion of usin some force trick before?

Tentacle Rapist
Sat Dec 23 18:23:12
So, feel like explaining how he was fucking with Disney, or how he didn't know when they would have given him a copy of the script before they started filming?
Sat Dec 23 23:11:20
"which jedi has died from exhaustion of usin some force trick before?"

Well, to be fair which Jedi has ever mind tricked dozens (hundreds?) of people all at once from many light years away?

But still, stupid way portray and kill off one of the most beloved movie characters of the 20th century.

If they needed to kill the character for the story, it should have been something more obviously fantastic and heroic. Pulling a star ship out of orbit with the force on top of himself, or thrashing that entire ground attack with the force - something like that.

Wasted opportunity and pissing on the Luke character of the original 3 movies.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 23 23:20:16
"Wasted opportunity and pissing on the Luke character of the original 3 movies."

+1 Deer.
Sun Dec 24 00:18:52
I love how the media is chatting about how great the movie is and how everyone loves it. My anecdotal experience is fucking nobody liked it. Everyone here on UP, over at /tv/ at 4chan all my RL friends and my fucking coworkers hated this film. Not one person i know liked it.
Sun Dec 24 00:51:48
TC is a piece of shit like usual. Really must be some kind of giant idiot manchild forever alone red piller.
Sun Dec 24 01:14:28
I don't know if I'd say I HATE it. I mean, I still had a fine time kind of viewing it that opening day as a popcorn type flick.

But for me it's certainly a movie that feels worse the more you see it/think about it.
Sun Dec 24 01:25:11
Seriously can a mod change the title, just make it OT - Star Wars.

Maybe ban TC for a month.

This is really bullshit modding.
The Children
Sun Dec 24 01:42:47
"So, feel like explaining how he was fucking with Disney, or how he didn't know when they would have given him a copy of the script before they started filming?"

>> u stupid or what, motherfucker?

Mark hamill has been VERY loud and vocal about how SHITTY star wars 7 and 8 are. The last 3 years, EVERY interview, show, party he has been too, has seen him talkin straight up SHIT about star wars 7 and 8.


Go look on youtube alone, more than 30 of such videos (all different events) where he SHITS on star wars.

the men in suit obviously had enough of him and got rid of his character once and for all.

just look at him right before the premiere. he was jumpin around and excited and shit and then look at him after...he was shocked and angry.

he did not know.
The Children
Sun Dec 24 01:46:54
here an example of him shittin on star wars 7

The Children
Sun Dec 24 01:48:27
not on the poster, kid.

they shat on him. 4 real.

The Children
Sun Dec 24 01:48:40
The Children
Sun Dec 24 01:52:19
it clear what they have done 2 him now. look at all the events where he SHAT on star wars.

they got rid of him coz they didnt want him around no more.

so they post editted him dyin in the Last Jedi. he didnt know. u culd tell his face from right before and after the premiere.

and if da rumors r 2 be believed, they even told him this what happens when u fuck with disney. thats some top level douchebaggery right there.

The Children
Sun Dec 24 01:55:19
heres another example where mark hamill was sittin next 2 the writers, shittin on star wars. look at how uncomfortable she was.


The Children
Sun Dec 24 02:15:21
this is explained.


look at how heavy he was breathin...
he was FUMIN.

its clear 2 everyone what has happened.
Sun Dec 24 03:52:52
Wow this film was shit. Like fucking garbage. I thought the prequels were horrible for shitting on my childhood but this movie was even worse because they took the actual characters from the original trilogy and shit all over them.

The film literally has no theme or message. It's all a bunch of visual effects and #metoo social media bullshit. The young minority characters escape the evil white guy characters. That's it. There's no real character development. The characters that seemed to have potential the first all end up as stupid caricatures flying around doing their own fucking thing. Their relationships are a joke. The bad guy is a fucking emo retard.

Fucking. BULLSHIT.

And they contracted this shit director to make another trilogy.

Yeah, fuck you disney. At least Rogue One was good.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 24 09:13:43
“At least Rogue One was good [for a children’s movie]”
The Children
Mon Dec 25 03:29:45
deleted for what though?

its the truth, mark hamill got cucked by disney!


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