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Utopia Talk / Politics / More Bad News
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 18:35:32

APPLE is going to open a new campus here in America and hire about 20,000 new employees. Plus they are going to pay $38 Billion in taxes on $250 Billion that they will bring back from overseas to build that campus.


Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 18:37:41

That puts them at the top of the 130 plus companies that are showing their appreciation for Trumps new tax law.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 19:45:46


No comments?

Anarchist Prime
Wed Jan 17 19:47:09
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 19:48:21

So there is life out there.

Wed Jan 17 20:04:56
Why should we cheer on the largest company in the world plundering almost $50 billion dollars from taxpayers? It's fucking highway robbery and you're congratulating the thieves.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 20:06:59


Wed Jan 17 20:08:40
Apple avoids paying nearly $50 billion in taxes on that money simply for letting it sit and earn interest outside of the US for a few years.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 20:14:05

If you could save that $50 billion, wouldn't you?

You do know that Obama tried to do this for years, but couldn't get the job.


Seems he had other priorities during those first two years.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 20:15:07
*-but couldn't get the job done'
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 20:35:29

BTW, he is not stiffing The American Taxpayer.

He is subtracting 35 Billion from the deficit.

Employing 20,000 new workers.

Adding an additional $250 Billion to the economy.

Not to mention untold Billions those jobs and that $250 Billion will create down the line.

Don't you think that is worth mentioning, rather than the $50 Billion the American taxpayers would never have seen anyway?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 20:40:32

Oh, I forgot.

APPLE is also giving each of their employees $2500 worth of stock as a bonus.

Just think if they hold that until retirement.

Wed Jan 17 21:31:53
^ complete fucking moron.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 22:45:08

hood, what don't you not believe?

That each employee is getting $2500 worth of stock or that they should hold it.

BTW, that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach is Trumps never ending string of success'.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Jan 17 22:53:27

Sorry for the double negative.

Wed Jan 17 23:02:57
"hood, what don't you not believe?"

You think I don't believe that Apple is doing this? I don't dispute that. What I dispute is that it has anything to do with Trump. Anyone who gave them a shitty fuck tax holiday would have spurned this. That they have the ability to leverage that and quite literally steal billions from the taxpayer is horse shit. That people who would be spared from criminal prosecution because their IQ is so low, such as yourself, think that this is a good thing is almost depressing.

I mean, should we be impressed that Apple is offering a mere $200 million to its employees when they're ripping us off for literally 200x that amount? This is the company that actively suppressed its employees wages through grossly illegal non-compete deals with rivals. Suddenly a one time bonus makes them great?

"Not to mention untold Billions those jobs and that $250 Billion will create down the line."

What about the untold billions of work that money could have done if Apple wasn't abusing tax loopholes to let it sit offshore? They've caused more harm than whatever positives might come from this.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jan 18 01:17:12

Damn man, I honestly and truly thought that you were smarter than that.

Thu Jan 18 07:35:20
Am I supposed to appreciate the opinion of a vegetable?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jan 18 10:39:43

Not quite one of those yet.

But, I have had a full and varied life. I would venture to say I have met a lot more people from more walks of life than you ever will.

Thu Jan 18 10:49:01
That's an easy prediction, considering my general disgust for people. But it is entirely irrelevant.
Thu Jan 18 12:18:34
Hot Rod,

Do you know when Ivanka Trump will move the production of her products to the USA and pay bonuses to her employees and tax to the US state?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jan 18 12:39:13

parmounted, since she is working for the government she has no say over her business. It is in a kind of trust that is probably overseen by her brothers.

Thu Jan 18 12:55:40
Will her brothers move the production to the USA? Or will it remain in China?
Anarchist Prime
Thu Jan 18 12:56:19
"since she is working for the government she has no say over her business"

Tentacle Rapist
Thu Jan 18 13:17:38
Jesus Christ Hot Rod, are you even capable of independent thought? Apple is one of the most abusive companies in the world when it comes to shuffling money around to take advantage of tax havens and tax loopholes. Look up the deal they made with Ireland for Christ sake. Just because Trump is a republican POTUS, does not mean he is a perfect creator God like you seem to think.
Thu Jan 18 14:06:10
"Apple is one of the most abusive companies in the world when it comes to shuffling money around to take advantage of tax havens and tax loopholes."

Not one of, they are the most abusive. They have had the largest cash stockpile for years. They're pretty much the definition of a parasitic company that just hoards capital and hurts the economy.
Anarchist Prime
Thu Jan 18 14:22:28
they be saving for a rainy day
Thu Jan 18 14:36:39
Nobody thinks $250 billion for an office campus is.... A bit absurd?

Thu Jan 18 14:40:34
Maybe the deal is to rent an office in Trump tower or some place.
Thu Jan 18 14:48:39
For $250 billion their next campus could be located in the Sea of Tranquility. And I wouldn't put it past Apple to make that call.
Cold Rod
Thu Jan 18 15:47:39
"If you could save that $50 billion, wouldn't you?"

So now you support this where you were against this? Hypocrite much?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jan 18 17:11:10

paramounted - Will her brothers move the production to the USA? Or will it remain in China?

Why don't you call them and ask them.

Some of their business practices that I may not agree with, but keeping their cash overseas rather than bringing it back here and paying an additional 35% income tax was never one of them.

This is a win, win situation.

And I was always for a lower tax on business' for the cash they held overseas.

Cold Rod
Thu Jan 18 17:13:26
LOL what a fucking crock of shit.
Thu Jan 18 17:28:41
"keeping their cash overseas rather than bringing it back here and paying an additional 35% income tax was never one of them."

It seems you're full on retarded. There was no additional. They would owe 35% taxes minus anything they already paid to foreign governments. If they earned $100 and already paid $20 in taxes, they would only owe the $15 difference between US taxes and foreign taxes.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jan 18 18:27:21

I believe you are wrong.

Thu Jan 18 19:24:44
Your fantasies have no merit in reality.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jan 18 21:19:06

I believe you are wrong.

Fri Jan 19 17:47:00
How is he wrong. Apple admitted they will pay the 38 billion tax penalty.

You fucking tard.
Fri Jan 19 17:48:04
Even fucking says it in your op.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 18:04:01

Look it up, I think you will find there was no deduction involved.

Just the 35% Income tax. Which, by law, is not a penalty.

If it wasn't for the 35% rate all of the companies would have brought it home decades ago.

Fri Jan 19 18:39:56

I think you'll find there is.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 19:05:36

I stand corrected, but what would you do?

Let your money work overseas, or bring it home so you could pay the 35%?

Sat Jan 20 04:31:55
They weren't "letting it work," it was just sitting earning interest. They were holding $250 billion dollars out of the economy - stifling job growth, wage growth, expansion, all because of base greed.

Yes, I would have them bring their money back and pay their goddamn taxes like the rest of us have to. You do realize that their promised investments and wages, plus all the taxes they should have paid, would still leave them with like $100 billion in cash, right? Fuck Apple. They should be burnt to the ground for their gross misconduct against US citizens and (more specifically) their employees.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 07:56:10

"They weren't "letting it work," it was just sitting earning interest."

Earning interest is one way of letting money work.

As long as it is earning interest it means that someone has borrowed the money at a higher rate.

BTW, what they did was perfectly legal.

Sat Jan 20 08:01:07
Yeah because ethics be damned and fuck over the country and your employees because you can find a loophole allowing it to be legal.
Sat Jan 20 10:20:51
"Earning interest is one way of letting money work."

When you're a little old lady living off retirement, certainly. When you're the largest fucking corporation in the world, no. No, it really isn't.
Sat Jan 20 11:21:35
Tbh government should have the option to shutdown companies that do that.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:12:23

That is totally insane,

Sat Jan 20 18:24:05
I wonder how different a person HR would be if he was instead born to a mother with brown skin who had crossed the border illegally into the USA 10 days previous?
Sat Jan 20 18:26:20
^^^ was meant for another thread. Sorry... yet still strangely relevant.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:35:33

I would hope that I would be the same kind of person as I am now.

I wonder how you would feel if you were a Marine over in Syria while your wife and three kids were back here in the States with no money coming in. Not even enough to buy formula for the baby.

And the reason there was no money coming in is because of those little "BROWN SKINNED" kids that have zero right to be here in The United States.

Sat Jan 20 18:39:45
"And the reason there was no money coming in is because"

False. Fucking. Premise.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:54:28

No, not if the shutdown lasts too long.

The military will not get a penny until the shutdown is over.

Try to remain calm, don't want you to have a heart attack,

Sat Jan 20 19:05:59
What, exactly, is insane about shutting down corporations that implement decades long tax evasion schemes so that they can defraud the government & tax payers for $81 billion dollars (the total Apple should have had to pay, before the newest tax law).
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 19:21:32

I guess you missed this.

"BTW, what they did was perfectly legal."

And what you suggest is totally illegal. That company you want to dismantle belongs to a great many stockholders.

Sat Jan 20 20:17:39
Having a conversation with Hot Rod is like having a conversation with a bag of rocks only the bag of rocks never raped little kids and isn't racist.
Sat Jan 20 21:13:20
And a bag of rocks can be useful.
Wrath of Orion
Sat Jan 20 21:14:13
Hey look, Racist Rod is back and showing us just how much he's afraid of brown skinned people!
Sat Jan 20 21:27:24
"That company you want to dismantle belongs to a great many stockholders."

Stockholders have a responsibility to be aware of the business dealings of the companies they own stock in. If you own stock in a business that performs catastrophically terrible and the stock loses all value, nobody sheds a tear. Why would it be any different for stockholders of companies that are that corrupt?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 22:04:09

One case is mismanagement,

The other is government tyranny

Give it up hood. We know that I won this discussion because the sand box kiddies are calling me filthy manes.

A certain sign that they have given up.

Sat Jan 20 22:05:51
Paying taxes is not government Tyranny.
Sat Jan 20 22:06:43
Not at 35% anyways. We can discuss Tyranny when it's 50+, sure.
Sat Jan 20 22:09:38
"Give it up hood. We know that I won this discussion "

It must be wonderful to be this blissfully delusional.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 22:29:19

Taxation is theft.

But, we must obey the laws or go to jail.

Or should we?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 22:31:21

hood, you did not show my proof that I won.

"We know that I won this discussion because the sand box kiddies are calling me filthy manes."

Sat Jan 20 23:08:11
That's not proof, just you whining.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 23:11:26

*That's not proof, just you winning.*


Wrath of Orion
Sun Jan 21 00:39:26
As usual, Retard Rod has no idea what evidence, facts, and proof are.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 06:40:20

Perhaps, but I definitely know what the truth is.

Sun Jan 21 06:49:41
No, you really don't. Numerous times you have been shown where you've been wrong.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:03:22

And when I am wrong I admit it.

While you and your ilk never do.

Sun Jan 21 07:06:52
No, what you actually do is admit that you are wrong...then defend your actions and attempt to twist it around to then only declare you were right.

Which cancels out when you 'admit your wrong.' It is called being incorrigible.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:16:10

While you continue to insist that your stupidity is correct.

Sun Jan 21 07:37:38
This must be projection by you.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:57:30

You made an assumption that clearly is not a facy.

We are talking about facts.

Where are your facts?


Sun Jan 21 08:01:34
Your posts.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 08:08:19


Sun Jan 21 08:18:11
Concession accepted.
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