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Utopia Talk / Politics / Looks Like
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 11:12:07

the demorats are going to shutdown the government, tonight.


Fri Jan 19 11:19:26
Hundreds will die.
Fri Jan 19 11:44:30
Prepare for photos of heartbroken children outside the Smithsonian.
Fri Jan 19 11:45:28
rugian you fucked it up.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 11:46:02
the military will collapse
Fri Jan 19 11:47:02

Fuck me.
Anarchist Prime
Fri Jan 19 11:50:17
putin wins again!
Fri Jan 19 11:55:52
Another day in america.
Fri Jan 19 11:56:57
Total tangent here, but I recently decided to watch HBO's John Adams miniseries and my mind was blown when I realized that Thomas Jefferson was played by none other than Stannis himself. All those in Washington will bend the knee or he'll destroy them.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 12:18:15



Schumer is visiting with Trump at The White House as I type this. Trump invited him right after he met with the pro-lifers.

the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 12:27:22
he realized he wasn't allowed to go to Mar-a-Lago during a shutdown so now has to pretend he knows how to negotiate

so far his pattern is tell everyone they get everything they want then go back on the deal when criticized
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 12:45:31
supposedly the White House has vowed no deal will be struck w/ Schumer... a weird thing to say... having to reassure Republicans the supposed master deal maker won't give away the store
Fri Jan 19 15:12:37
"Total tangent here, but I recently decided to watch HBO's John Adams miniseries "

Good series, the cast is strong, Paul Giamati especially, but many others too. I remember discussing it in old UP, I think right before old UP died. I commented how Alex Hamilton is a bit of a douche in 'John Adams" and someone (i think fred) replied, "So is UP's Alex Hamilton". Hard to believe that it has been ten years already
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 17:35:09

tumbleweed, "The demorats have attached DACA too the spending Bill even though Trump made a deal with Chuck and Nancy to hold off on it until March.

Chuck and Nancy are pulling a fast one as usual.

Cheating Bitches."

Fri Jan 19 17:40:30
"Chuck and Nancy are pulling a fast one as usual."

No. Trump is playing that card. Because he was the one that said to have one done by March or it's done.

Deadline approaching. He is using it that way and the dems are responding in this fashion.

For once get your head out of Trumps lying ass.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 17:55:06

For once learn what the hell you are talking about.

Did Trump give Congress until March or not to solve the DACA problem?

He did.

Did Trump or the liberals attach DACA to the spending Bill?

The liberals did.

Now you can kiss where I can't kiss and I don't mean my elbow.

The Bill is in Congress fool, Trump has zero control over it.

Meanwhile tens of thousands of federal employees cannot get paid and most of them have to keep working without a paycheck.

Fri Jan 19 18:09:26
"Did Trump or the liberals attach DACA to the spending Bill?"

Irrelevant point to what the real point is.

"The Bill is in Congress fool, Trump has zero control over it. "

Yes, and many agree that the President should take lead over this.

However, what was precisely my point. But you're too stupid to even assess it.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 18:12:35
Trump claimed to be fine with DACA so no reason not to do it

and Trump also claimed he'd sign whatever congress came up with yet totally went back on it when Graham & Durbin made an agreement

Trump wants 100% of his demands in the DACA bill which Lindsey Graham nicely explained is not going to happen as it leaves Dems with no bargaining chips in immigration reform
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Jan 19 18:14:33



Schumer is visiting with Trump at The White House as I type this. Trump invited him right after he met with the pro-lifers."

Fri Jan 19 19:53:15
Stephen Dillane, the actor who portrays the one true King of Westeros on the popular HBO television series Game of Thrones is in quite a few films, including John Adams. He hasn't established himself in a really defining role (beside Stannis Baratheon) but you can catch him in oscar winning films like Zero Dark Thirty and The Hours.

He also played Merlin in the 04 King Arthur.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 23:39:27
the government has collapsed, time to replace the president
Sat Jan 20 02:37:14
The republicans wanted to shut down the government. Mitch McConnel, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake, Mike Lee and Rand Paul all voted to shut it down. Trump can now go and play golf again and celebrate his one-year anniversary of his inauguration.
Sat Jan 20 02:45:31
"Schumer is visiting with Trump at The White House as I type this. Trump invited him right after he met with the pro-lifers." "

Yep and the timeline as follows according to what was reported:

This timetable of the day leading to the government shutdown was provided to CBS News by a person familiar with the negotiations.

At about 10:45 a.m. Friday, President Trump called Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and they had a good, positive conversation about preventing a government shutdown. Both at this point believed they were not far apart, and neither wanted to see a shutdown.

The two also wanted to work toward a big deal. Schumer suggested that Republican leaders would not move without the president's backing, which Mr. Trump acknowledged.

They agreed to meet to talk about a deal. Schumer had lunch with the president at the White House, in the small dining room off the Oval Office. He said later that they had had a long and substantive discussion, a good meeting -- one in which he had even put a border wall funding request on the table, which has been anathema to Democrats. This went beyond what was contained in the Durbin-Graham compromise. Schumer also agreed to the full Defense Authorization budget and expenditures, which was far above the White House request.

Schumer recommended a brief continuing resolution to fund the government for just a few days, and the president agreed that this was a good idea.
The president said he would talk to Republicans and they'd continue their discussions in the afternoon. Then, a few hours later, the president called Schumer and said that he heard that congressional Democrats and Republicans had agreed on a three-week continuing resolution.
Schumer told the president that it was the first he had heard of that timeframe, and he told the president it couldn't be done. The president said he thought there was already an agreement, even though he had favored the brief continuing resolution he and Schumer had discussed at lunch. He then instructed Schumer to work it out with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Later, the president called Schumer again and reviewed the objections of his chief of staff, John Kelly, and Congressional Republicans to portions of their immigration discussion. They agreed to keep working.

In the afternoon, Schumer also spoke on the phone with McConnell, who told Schumer that he needed to work it out with the president.

After that, Kelly called Schumer later and complained that the outline that Schumer and President Trump had discussed was too liberal. Even discussion of the full border request would not be enough to keep the president negotiating with Democrats.

Though discussions on the Senate floor wore on through the night, the parties could not come to an agreement. There were, however, Democrats who sided with the Republicans in supporting the spending bill, and Republicans who sided with Democrats in opposing it. The bill required a 3/5 majority -- 60 votes -- and it failed 50-49.
In a statement after midnight, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders accused Schumer and Senate Democrats of putting politics "above national security, military families, vulnerable children and our country's ability to serve all Americans." She went on to say, "We will not negotiate the status of unlawful immigrants while Democrats hold our lawful citizens hostage over their reckless demands. This is the behavior of obstructionist losers, not legislators."

McConnell echoed the White House sentiment, referring to the shutdown as a "cynical decision by Senate Democrats to shove aside millions of Americans for the sake of irresponsible political games."


So what appeared to play out was there was some progress. And in Trumpian fashion agreed to go along with it at face value (see meeting from other day of bringing a bill to him and he would go with it, then lie and decide not to do it) consulted his new Bannonesque guy. "oh ppplease what should I ever do, I'm the great negotiator." The response is this is "bad" and then Trump got moxy and said "We can't accept this, this is your fault."

And there you have it. But sure, go ahead and take the stance to blame democrats for the shut down because you know what Trump has to say about government shuts downs?

"He[Obama] needs to lead and not have a government shut down, the buck stops with him."



"the government needs a good shut down."


Sat Jan 20 02:52:37
”"the government needs a good shut down." ”

Didn’t Trump pledge to serve America, and not to shut it down good?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 07:51:21


Please try to get this straight.

Sat Jan 20 08:04:03
No. You're wrong.

Trump, the government. All of them are.

How nice that you ignore McConnell. The one leading the charge that it's the dems fault an he still voted WITH them to shut it down.

But no, hot rod has to type in all caps and cry its the dems fault.

History, actions taken says otherwise. But we all know what you do with facts...
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 10:42:20
they had agreed to address DACA to get the prior CR passed

it's Trump who went back on his word... that negotiation meeting they aired to show Trump was mentally stable was total bullshit, he didn't follow through at all w/ what he said

McConnell was flat out saying he had no idea what Trump wants... a total lack of leadership from the child idiot
the wanderer
Sat Jan 20 11:45:45
does anyone know why McConnell voted 'no'? did he mix up his yes/no? seems weird to criticize the Dems while voting w/ them
Sat Jan 20 11:56:27
It was Trump who told the five republicans to vote no for now, mainly for two reasons, 1) so that Trump can go to Palm Beach and celebrate and 2) to shift focus and blame on Democrats while Trump is partying.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:04:14

Trump did not go to Palm Beach. He is at The White House.

The democrats attached DACA to the spending Bill.

I think The Dempcrats wants DACA to be given the right to stay and they have attached that to the spending Bill.

A few months ago Trump gave Congress until March to settle the DACA problem.

This is not what he had in mind. This is indeed a dirty trick the Democrats are pulling. DACA has ***NOTHING*** to do with the spending Bill.

What the Democrats are doing now is making millions of Americans suffer over a bunch of illegals that have no right to be here.

Sat Jan 20 18:10:43
"DACA has ***NOTHING*** to do with the spending Bill."

You've never seemed to complain when republicans were trying to attach ACA defunding to spending bills that were unrelated. Why the outrage now?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:22:01

I don't recall thm doing that.

And if the did do that I would thing that the Democrats would be reminding us of it.

Schumer was on FOX twice today. Once when he was speaking on the Senate floor and once when he gave a press conference. Plus there were several other Democrats that spoke their piece.

None of them mentioned a word about the Republicans tagging the spending bills like you said.

Sat Jan 20 18:27:44
I wonder how different a person HR would be if he was instead born to a mother with brown skin who had crossed the border illegally into the USA 10 days previous?
Sat Jan 20 18:29:01
Republicans invented how to tag spending bills for unrelated crap.

It was an Obama special sauce they served him yearly.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:37:02

I guess you didn't read my post.

Sat Jan 20 18:38:05
Rod, you're retarded and senile. But here:

"soon after Obama began his second term that month, a coalition of conservative activists led by former Reagan administration Attorney General Ed Meese (who is also an emeritus fellow of the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation), began developing plans to defund the Affordable Care Act.[45] They strategized that they would be able to block implementation of the Affordable Care Act if they could persuade congressional Republicans to threaten cutting off financing for the entire federal government. Meese's coalition produced a "blueprint to defunding Obamacare". The plan, which said "Conservatives should not approve a CR [continuing resolution] unless it defunds Obamacare," was signed by leaders of more than three dozen conservative groups."

So uh, yeah go fuck off.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 18:50:27

That is a totally different situation.

I'm going to have a little dinner now,

Sat Jan 20 21:01:03
In what sense?
Wrath of Orion
Sat Jan 20 21:12:06
Retard Rod's objections generally follow the Liar Liar method of arguing. From the movie...

Fletcher: Your honor, I object!

Judge: Why?

Fletcher: Because it's devastating to my case!
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jan 20 21:55:11

In the Democrats case that hood talks about the Republicans were trying to get rid of that monstrosity Obamacare. That woud have left the door open to a plan that would have been nuch cheaper for Americans.

In this case the Democrats want to keep the DACA kids in The United State so they hijacked the spending Bill which is a dirty trick. Congress was given until March to solve that problem so it is unfair of them to make American citizens suffer when their plight has nothing to do with the spending bill.

Sun Jan 21 04:40:53
"In the Democrats case that hood talks about the Republicans were trying to get rid of that monstrosity Obamacare. That woud have left the door open to a plan that would have been nuch cheaper for Americans."

Where is the plan??? What plan???? Republicans have a plan that will be much cheaper for Americans?????? Which Americans??????

Oh. My bad. You are talking about taxes for the 1%. sorry. nothing to do with health care.
Sun Jan 21 05:28:39
"In the Democrats case that hood talks about the Republicans were trying to get rid of that monstrosity Obamacare. That woud have left the door open to a plan that would have been nuch cheaper for Americans."

The plan the republicans did not have, nor developed, nor wanted to participate in formulating the ACA. So rather than assist the wanted to shit down the government that would potentially be detrimental to millions of citizens?

Yeah, totally different than this go around I am sure. You had a party that didn't get their way so they actively shut down the government.


In this situation they were given a deadline to come up with a bill, which was bipartisan. And it was at the request of Trump and Trump said he would sign it. Only to then deny it, throw a fit, had a tirade because he wanted people from Norway. And now this was an attempt to actively shut down the government. And just to add.... signed on to do so by the same republicans who got on camera and criticized the democrats which is hypocritical to the highest degree.

And you want to say both situations are different?

You are truly the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the planet more so than the fuckheads who are eating Tide pods.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 06:53:56

I don't know how you people get dressed in the morning.

I really don't.

Sun Jan 21 07:00:44
So in other words, you're hit with facts again and you're incapable of countering with a point because you're wrong.

Then I will chalk this one up as you are conceding.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:10:58

How do you know what the Republicans plan was when they never had the chance to make it public?

I guess you are omniscient, is that it?

Sun Jan 21 07:16:34
You've conceded and now you want to continue.

"How do you know what the Republicans plan was when they never had the chance to make it public? "

Did they have an ACA plan or not at the time of it's creation? Did they attempt to actively assist in forming it or did they sit back and claim that the democrats are shutting them out where it is on record that the extension of requiring assistance in this matter was done. But the republicans refused. In fact they took such a hardline position is that the ACA was adopted from a republican healthcare plan in the early 90s. Then was presented to them as even more of an enticement to assist in it's formation. But as said previously, took a hardline position because why? Obama. Democrats.

What now?
Sun Jan 21 07:18:08
So since you want to continue.

How is this different from using tools to shut down the government then and presently?

Tell you the answer, there is no difference. All parties involved, THEN, and NOW, are guilty of it.

Sun Jan 21 07:20:35
Oh and because my thought process is going so fast I forgot to mention this, again.

Trump criticized Obama for not being a leader during this. And Trump is on record calling for a government shut down and his actions show he isn't able to lead in this situation which ultimately to let the shutdown happen. (as he was attempting to flee to go golf, or vacation again.) The same guy who claimed he would be too busy even to do that.

And you have the galls to ignore that and defend him?

You're as much as a piece of shit as he is and anyone who voted for him.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:26:47

You sir, are full of shit.

Show me where he said *****THIS***** is the shutdown that should happen. That is what you are implying.

So, you are either wrong or you are lying.

Sun Jan 21 07:30:43
It was already posted by me in previous posts up. Can you not read? Oh, that's right, you're proving my point of ignoring facts.

Good job.
Sun Jan 21 07:30:43
It was already posted by me in previous posts up. Can you not read? Oh, that's right, you're proving my point of ignoring facts.

Good job.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:38:53

I don't give a crap what you posted.

I am asking for ***PROOF***.

Where did he say that this is the definitive shutdown he was talking about?


Sun Jan 21 07:41:05
I never said that. Now you're making shit up about what I said.

I said he is on record stating there should be a government shut down.

So now you want to lie about posters comments because you want to ignore facts again proving what I said.

good job.
Sun Jan 21 07:41:53
"I don't give a crap what you posted. "

So I posted what you are requiring and you don't give a shit about it?

Once again proving my point. You ignore and hate facts.

Good job.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 07:45:04

I see only two links in this thread and neither of them mention calling for this shutdown. And only one link is yours and that is from MSN, whatever that is.

Cold Rod
Sun Jan 21 07:45:10
LOL hot rod caught lying again.
Sun Jan 21 07:47:14
"I see only two links in this thread and neither of them mention calling for this shutdown. And only one link is yours and that is from MSN, whatever that is."

There are three links that I posted that you are ignoring. Proving my point.

The post and links provided showing Trump supports government shutdowns. As you ignore it. Proving my point.

And now you're putting words into my mouth that I never said. Proving my point of...

ignoring and hate facts.

good job.
Cold Rod
Sun Jan 21 07:48:47
LOL hot rod still caught lying and can't stand it.
Cold Rod
Sun Jan 21 07:49:45
It's hilarious that hot rod wants to claim that Trump never said anything about government shut downs.

Biggest liar on the forums. Along with The Children.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 08:07:34

I see only two links that I can click on and with that I leave you.

I am not about to take on two of you, I have more important things to do.

Such as breakfast and assembling some furniture.

BTW, on parting. The democrats are holding up a spending bill they have no problem with by insisting on something that has nothing yo do with spending.

Sun Jan 21 08:10:13
"I see only two links that I can click on and with that I leave you. "

So because there are facts you refuse to look at the content because they are not 'active' hyperlinks and therefore you give up to avoid seeing the facts supported with what I've said about Trump and government shutdowns and what the repubs used as leverage for a government shutdown.

In other words you're proving my point by ignoring and hating facts.

Good job.

"BTW, on parting. The democrats are holding up a spending bill they have no problem with by insisting on something that has nothing yo do with spending. "

Trump supports such measures...
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 08:11:48

Are they from MSN too?


Sun Jan 21 08:14:32
What does MSN has to do with it?

is another facet of you ignoring and hating facts that is proving my point?

good job.
Cold Rod
Sun Jan 21 08:15:35
Did hot rod just seriously attempt to disclaim a web portal? LOL OH MY FUCKING GOD LOL!!
Sun Jan 21 08:45:29
There a reason I regularly wish death upon rot rod.
Cold Rod
Sun Jan 21 12:11:09
hot rod claiming MSN is fake news. LOL!
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