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Utopia Talk / Politics / "March for life"
Fri Jan 19 15:55:27
Trump is really enjoying his base. The "I believe in pro-choice" candidate then changing his mind suddenly only because "a close friend who was going to have an abortion decided not to." Caters to the fanatical and illogical crowd of pro-lifers.

You know the same ones that wants to protect the sanctify of life because some think an embryo is a child and it starts at concept. While they also ignore that complications to save a woman's life is the least priority. Also favoring death penalty.

It's a hypocritical stance nonetheless but with Trump spear heading it is anyone all that surprised?

Trumpicantards rejoice because they delude themselves thinkin they are pro-life.
Fri Jan 19 15:58:06
Trump also believes in foundation of family. As he has had extramarital affairs, paid hush money, has expressed wanting to date his daughter. Everything opposite of family values. But hey, if you are an evangelical and be forgiven for your sins. You're golden!

Trumpicantards rejoice as they piddle in their cesspool of hypocrisy.
Sam Adams
Fri Jan 19 18:21:31
I dont get why black abortions are somehow bad.
the wanderer
Fri Jan 19 22:13:39
“Right now, in a number of states, the laws allow a baby to be born from his or her mother’s womb in the ninth month. It is wrong. It has to change.”
~stable genius

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