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Utopia Talk / Politics / History of the world.
Sat Feb 03 11:57:53
For the last 50 years, the left has drifted toward being a liberal centrist party. Unfortunately, the right has also continued to drift further to the right, and between 15-50% of them, depending on western country are now basically violent fascists. Its quite possible this will only be resolved through violent conflict again.
the wanderer
Sat Feb 03 12:02:30
third time's a charm! go Germany!
Sat Feb 03 12:22:02
Are your nations now 15-50% Islamists?
Sat Feb 03 12:41:42
So how’s life in Italy? I heard there was a far-right fascist terror attack on africans there today.
Sat Feb 03 12:46:14
Im in southern france. There were riots over half price nutella recently, however. Perhaps you could apply a similar distribution among the immigrant pooulations too, again deoending on western country
Sat Feb 03 12:46:17
Violent conflict is our default negotiation instinct. All negotiations will eventually break down into violence. Not immediately, it could take generations. Because negotiation between people rarely leads to parity, and the more individuals involved the more true that is.
Sam Adams
Sat Feb 03 12:48:23
"For the last 50 years, the left has drifted toward being a liberal centrist party."

Ahaha. What a retard.
Sat Feb 03 13:34:24
WTB really is stupid.

1. Leftists in the aggregate haven't been drifting gradually to the right, sometimes you get a New Labour for a few years but in general leftists have been becoming more extreme in their leftists.

2. "15-50% of rightists are violent fascists" lol. If that was literally true we would have had a dozen Holocausts by now, even Nazi Germany didn't put up those numbers. Your problem is that "far-right" to you means anything to the right of center-left, so even something as basic as border security is considered "far-right" to you.

3. If there is to be a conflict, bring it on. You're the idiots that abhor gun ownership and gratuitous military spending, remember?
Sat Feb 03 13:34:47
leftists -> leftism.
Sat Feb 03 13:41:50
I can't fault WTB for being an outlier though, the entire left's general strategy in the era of PC is to label any idea that disagree with to be far-right, bigoted or racist. For all their preaching of the values of diversity, they have zero respect for diversity of thought. In their eyes, the only way to be an "acceptable" conservative is to agree with 95% of what leftists believe in but MAYBE support some minor cuts to government spending. Anything to the right of that makes you a far-right asshole who needs to be purged in, as WTB put it, a "violent conflict." WTB and the left, the real fascists of the 21st century.
Sam Adams
Sat Feb 03 16:13:59
Those whose vaginas drip at the mere use of the word "gun" are going to settle things with violence? Lol.
Sat Feb 03 17:35:00
Cause the vaginas pay the soldiers.
Sat Feb 03 18:15:28
The problem with labeling people Nazis is that eventually they may accept the label and act accordingly.
Sat Feb 03 18:21:37
They are not violent fascists. They are basically all chickenhawks. Think the gamergate crowd. Basically, they are all fat, white guys who can't get laid or good jobs because of their horrible looks and personality.

And instead of taking responsibility, they compensate by taking extremists views of why they are so unsuccessful: blaming feminists, liberals, etc. Anything that let's them justify not taking responsbility of their own lives and changing their habits.

If anything we need to increase their access to opioids so that they all kill themselves.
Sam Adams
Sat Feb 03 19:13:40

"And instead of taking responsibility, they compensate by taking extremists views of why they are so unsuccessful: blaming feminists, liberals, etc."

Funny, thats exactly what cuckhat and his friends say about their own failures except its big business, white privilege, police, etc.
Sat Feb 03 20:26:06
"so even something as basic as border security is considered "far-right" to you."

Indeed. Take a look at Le Pen for instance: anti-death penalty, completely pro-abortion, no opposition to universal civil unions, less pushy than Macron on increasing the 35-hour work week.

B-b-but she's against unrestricted globalism and Islamic immigration so she's "far right"

fucking lel
Sat Feb 03 21:43:22
She's far right because her party members have a long history of being racists and anti-semite. All her positions are attempts to try to change that history but the voters saw through her ruse with her many mistakes during the campaign.

Again, Forwyn's idiotic revisionist far-right history fails in the face of facts.

Fucking uneducated hick.
Sat Feb 03 21:51:36
I.e. moderation of established political entities is impossible.

We can give up on Muslims then.

Again, Cuckhat's idiocy fails to withstand basic scrutiny and application to other worldly topics.
Sat Feb 03 21:52:29
A Mistake many on the left make is the association fallacy.

"Neo-Nazi's oppose what I am doing"

"Therefore, everyone who opposes me is a Neo-Nazi".

Sat Feb 03 21:54:20
"Fucking uneducated hick."

Hey, fuck you. Us hicks are quite well educated and unlike a bunch of latte sipping limousine liberals we know what side of the bread the butter is on, and its certainly not on the side of a bunch of moral panicking, over educated morons who are full of notions and have no ideological morality.
Sat Feb 03 23:39:35
"A Mistake many on the left make is the association fallacy. "

Media doesn't help that. Forgetting about nu-media blog bullshit like Medium or Jezebel or HuffPo or whatever, too. It's often alluded to or implied to be the case in other media, too.

It's made worse by the fact many don't even consider what they're reading to form an opinion, and by the fact your average reader, and won't read past a headline.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Feb 03 23:43:20

"For the last 50 years, the left has drifted toward being a liberal centrist party."

More like to the left of the Alt-Left.

Sun Feb 04 00:03:44
Yeah dumbasses, talking about how the world is biased against them.

Literally all right-wing media is funded by a select few billionaires who's only concern is cutting taxes for themselves and making a quick buck.

You can cuck yourself all you want. PC culture isn't changing much and everyone who wants a good job will need to be sensitive to the feelings of others as we become a minority-minority-minority country. No longer can white men assume they can get a good manufacturing job at the expense of black men or the irish immigrants or whatever other group you use to push out on the margin.

You're in it with the rest of us now, so get with the times and support shit like Universal Basic Income if you want to improve your life. Otherwise don't be surprised at the political backlash as literally every other demographic group recoils at your idiotic white nationalist bullshit politics.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Feb 04 06:29:09
Tentacle Rapist
Sun Feb 04 13:46:58
You should label your threads better. I thought it was going to be about discussing an awesome movie, not whining about how nothing ever changes!
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