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Utopia Talk / Politics / Russians killed in clash with U.S.-led f
Tue Feb 13 11:28:29

MON FEB 12, 2018 / 3:29 PM EST

Russians killed in clash with U.S.-led forces in Syria, say associates

Maria Tsvetkova

(Reuters) - Russian fighters were among those killed when U.S.-led coalition forces clashed with pro-government forces in Syria this month, former associates of the dead said on Monday.

A U.S. official has said more than 100 fighters aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad died when coalition and local coalition-backed forces thwarted a large attack overnight on Feb. 7.

Russia's Defence Ministry, which supports Assad's forces in the Syrian civil war, said at the time that pro-government militias involved in the incident had been carrying out reconnaissance and no Russian servicemen had been in the area.

But at least two Russian men fighting informally with pro-government forces were killed in the incident in Deir al-Zor province, their associates told Reuters on Monday.

One of the dead was named as Vladimir Loginov, a Cossack from Russia's Kaliningrad exclave. Maxim Buga, a leader of the Cossack community there, said Loginov had been killed around Feb. 7 along with "dozens" of other Russian fighters.

The other man killed was named as Kirill Ananiev, described as a radical Russian nationalist. Alexander Averin, a spokesman for the nationalist party he was linked to, told Reuters Ananiev had been killed in shelling in the same fighting on Feb. 7.

Reuters was unable to independently confirm either man's death.

Grigory Yavlinsky, a veteran liberal politician who is running for president in elections next month, called on President Vladimir Putin to disclose how many Russians had been killed in Syria and in what circumstances.

"If there was large-scale loss of life of Russian citizens, the relevant officials, including the commander-in-chief of our armed forces (Putin), are obliged to tell the country about it and decide who carries responsibility for this," Yavlinsky said in a statement released by his Yabloko party.

(Reporting by Maria Tsvetkova; Writing by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Andrew Roche)
Tue Feb 13 11:43:44
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 13 12:13:49
Why the fuck do big countries care about a tiny shithole?
Tue Feb 13 12:32:40
Because Russia's only foreign water port is in Syria? And because Turkey is importing Chechens to fight in Syria. Might as well kill the Chechens while they're in syria
Sam Adams
Tue Feb 13 12:44:46
True. Might as well just sterilize chechnya.
Tue Feb 13 19:51:47
Jergul will be along soon to assure us Russia will now use nukes.
large member
Wed Feb 14 01:33:48
Mercs. Russia does no shit give.
Sun Feb 18 12:53:42
Alot of Mercs. Reports leaking out more then 30 Russians were killed and over 100 wounded.

Sam Adams
Mon Feb 19 09:06:48
The mercenary leader had some deal where he gets captured oil money... so he tried to take an oil field held by americans with some heavy duty defenses, including our guided artillery and tons of air. Lol. What a retard.
large member
Mon Feb 19 09:25:55
You are saying that a company made a push for an oil field using mainly syrian proxies, but it failed and about 5 Russians died in the attempt?

How is that stupid? He almost got an oilfield. The US responds with force what? 4 times a year?

Luck of the draw.

For stupid, see corpses hanging in Al-Anbar for a now defunct security company?
Sam Adams
Mon Feb 19 09:35:05
Lol jergul is butthurt.
large member
Mon Feb 19 10:01:05
Not at all. Well at least not beyond having to explain the obvious to you.

A Russian security company takes an option on revenue from an oilfield under rebel (not US) control as partial payment for the services it provides.

It is a high stakes, high return investment.

It turns out the US does one of its random display of force thingies. And say 5 Russian nationals working for the company die.

The Russian company is most likely renegotiating its contract as we speak and is aiming to cash in on the deaths and gain revenue unconnected to the field.

We will see who holds the field in 3 months to see how the gambit plays out over the mid term.

But "retard"? Nope. Just a businessman in the death market. Not inherently different from Blackwater beyond obvious advances in sophistication.

Though the actual modern pedigree can be found in South African adventures.
Mon Feb 19 11:29:07
US forces ”randomly” respond to aggression. I wonder why they rarely have to do this? Probably because most hostile groups realize there is a large ”non randomness” involved? Most, but not the ones that use lulzgul probability theory and risk management.
Mon Feb 19 13:57:00
Devil's Advocate: A merc group is probably not in the know for specific US "advisor" placement.

Not so much random as throwing a dart at the map and hoping there aren't advisors embedded there that will screech for air support the moment they see opposition forces.
large member
Mon Feb 19 16:02:34
The mistake was likely made by syrian paramilitaries. Don't use arty against the actual "FOB" where advisors are snugly tucked in.

Salami tactics carving off fringe positions has successfully been used many, many times.

The US is not there to engage regime elements and supporting forces of various types. The enclave we are speaking of has been greatly reduced.

Its a mobile warfare thing. There is no reason to believe you would understand without extensive tutouring.
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