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Utopia Talk / Politics / Checking UP sociopathy levels
Sat Feb 17 22:10:09
I got 1.5 and 3. http://openpsychometrics.org/tests/LSRP.php
Sat Feb 17 22:11:45
The right wing extremists here are gonna crash the algorhythm
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Feb 17 22:25:22

1.8 & 3.1.

You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 35.37% of people who have taken this test.

You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 74.89% of people who have taken this test.

smart dude
Sat Feb 17 22:25:50
Your score from primary psychopathy has been calculated as 3.

Your score from secondary psychopathy has been calculated as 3.2.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Feb 17 22:35:24

Does my score mean I am going to flip out an start tracking all of you guys down?

smart dude
Sat Feb 17 22:42:33
No because you don't have the slightest clue how to do that and you never will.
Sat Feb 17 22:55:13
You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 35.37% of people who have taken this test.

You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 29.26% of people who have taken this test.
Sun Feb 18 00:44:57
2.9, 2.8

I found myself answering a lot of neutrals. These tests are always stupid.
Sun Feb 18 01:25:59
2.3 and 3.2

Also pretty neutral. Do I admire a scam? Well it depends on how you ddfine admiration. Bernie Madoff was a scumbag but the extent of his scumminess was remarkable.
Sun Feb 18 07:45:58
You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 41.76% of people who have taken this test.

You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 39.13% of people who have taken this test.
large member
Sun Feb 18 08:01:39
You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 19.6% of people who have taken this test.

You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 24.72% of people who have taken this test.
large member
Sun Feb 18 08:03:41
Or 1.5 and 2.
Sun Feb 18 08:55:57
Its fun that saying you have no interest in chasing money gives you a higher 2nd score of psychopathy. I get the logic - breaking social norms is indicative of anti social behavior, going against the group's most common norms irrespective of whether the norm is good or bad, but it also means that being anti-nazi in a nazi dominated society is anti social/psychopathic. Just shows how strong the group's norms are according to psychiatric science
Sun Feb 18 10:22:28
1 and 0
Sun Feb 18 15:41:34
1.4 / 2.2

So he lost at his own game (Hot Rod scored like him) and then he suddenly realized the methodology was bunk, nay the entire discipline! Classic WTB.
Mon Feb 19 06:17:12
Unfortunately its not possible to debate with you through your never ending, seething internet troll rage, so Ill just state that its a complete falsehood that Ive said its bunk - quite the opposite: the assessment that social norms are so overpowering that breaking them is considered anti-social is fully understandable. Thats all.
Mon Feb 19 06:38:43
"Unfortunately its not possible to debate with you through your never ending, seething internet troll rage"

Don't lie to me boy. The reason it is impossible to "debate" with me is because some people are more interested in "debating" rather than reading and understanding, so instead they read into what is said, what they think people mean.

"its a complete falsehood"
My bad then. There is a similar thing going on when one takes the "Big 5" personality test, depending on what sex you choose certain traits like "agreeableness" shift. The scores are relative to everyone else who took the test.
Mon Feb 19 08:07:00
FYI, psychopathy is more than just behavior that runs against societal norms. You could have an entire society of people who feel no compassion, constantly lie to each other, attempt to manipulate others for their own gain, etc etc. They would still all be psycopathic.

Don't conflate psycopathy with anti-social (i.e. against norms) behavior. They are related, but not equivalent.
Mon Feb 19 11:10:08
My 1 and 0 was actually 1.6 and 1.

I entered in my original post a zero for psychopathic emotional affect when the scale was 1 to 5 with the purpose of personal interest.

Reading and understanding is what you want or are able to get from a self educating tool.
Mon Feb 19 11:16:40
Doing psychological experiments in a thread about psychology. That is so ”meta”.
Mon Feb 19 11:27:22
1.6 and 2

Is this a good result? I don’t need to worry?
Mon Feb 19 11:29:35
I enjoy gently tugging on pigtails.
Mon Feb 19 13:20:29
You are fine para. You need to take the anti-semite test.

Mon Feb 19 13:22:21
You know I wrote that sentence and then I googled anti semite test and... I have no idea why I am acting surprised that such a test exists.
Mon Feb 19 13:22:39
He really doesn't though...
Mon Feb 19 16:43:45
I played the game but really don't know or care what the results say about me. Ain't going to change me at this stage of the game. Probably wouldn't have changed me if I knew what this meant 50 years ago ;)
Mon Feb 19 21:19:29
Your score from primary psychopathy has been calculated as 2.1. Primary psychopathy is the affective aspects of psychopathy; a lack of empathy for other people and tolerance for antisocial orientations.

Your score from secondary psychopathy has been calculated as 3.3. Secondary psychopathy is the antisocial aspects of psychopathy; rule breaking and a lack of effort towards socially rewarded behavior.

You score for primary psychopathy was higher than 50.45% of people who have taken this test.

You score for secondary psychopathy was higher than 81.09% of people who have taken this test.
Tentacle Rapist
Tue Feb 20 10:07:28
I wonder what the odds are that they are using Sociopathy and Psychopathy in the medical sense? Most people really don't know what either of those words mean.
Tue Feb 20 11:15:26
Well technically psychopathy and sociopathy don't exist in the medical field anymore. They're all just antisocial personality disorder now.

But if wtb's comments about non-standard behavior are in line with this test, then they aren't measuring psychopathy.
Tue Feb 20 11:39:54
5.0 / 4.9

I assume this is out of a hundred?
Anarchist Prime
Tue Feb 20 11:53:41
1.8. 2.9.
Tue Feb 20 11:59:30
So what are you all getting on Nimatzo's anti-semite test?
Tue Feb 20 13:40:20
Swedish figures between 1973 and 2004, show that 63% of all violent crimes were committed by 1 % of the population.
Wed Feb 21 18:38:51
You are a 2% Anti-Semite
large member
Thu Feb 22 03:45:30
Swedish figures between 10973 and 2005 show that 97% of all violent crimes are commited by one gender.

What does that tell us?
Thu Feb 22 07:24:39
That prosecution of violent crime is wildly one sided and that systematic changes need to be put in place to recognize female violence and prosecute accordingly.
Anarchist Prime
Thu Feb 22 07:27:59
"That prosecution of violent crime is wildly one sided and that systematic changes need to be put in place to recognize female violence and prosecute accordingly."

so let it be written,so let it be done.
Thu Feb 22 08:26:44
The majority of victimes 80+% are also men, interestingly irrespective if the perpetrator is male or female. Just that women are less likely be an offender.

so in addition to what hood wrote, I will increase the resolution on that with,

Global figures show that when it comes to domestic violence, we are "equal". These facts are however not the basis of any "stop violence against women" effort.

Women are very good at communicating the problems and we are very good at listening. Men, not so much, they just go kill themselves, another area where we are not equal, even though more women attempt suicide. Let us get "real" about equality!
Thu Feb 22 08:28:32
And by "real" I mean informative videos aimed at women on how to best off yourself, it can be a very technical process :)
Thu Feb 22 09:24:15
At any rate, the fact that 1% of the population commit the majority of violent offences says 2 things.

1. There is a significant heritable component, this is supported by epidemiology studies that factor in genetics done in Sweden on twins, non twin siblings and even cousins.

2. "Mens" violence against women is a "retarded" conspiracy theory.

I have seen the figures floated around that 70-80% of people in prison suffer from anti social personality disorder (I have no idea how true it is) but it seems reasonable given everything else. There is legitimacy in the way that Sweden and other nordic countries approach crime and specifically violent crimes, as a disease.

It is therefor that movements like metoo that rely heavily on concept creep are ultimately unproductive and divisive since it bungles together many category of undesirable behavior that have nothing to do with each other. There are cultural and social components, but specially for the most heinous crimes genes matter a great deal.

Some people are born with a greater propensity for violence, fearlessness and risk taking. Provided an certain type of environment many of these (mostly boys) may have become good soldiers or policemen, societies sheep dogs. But since most of these boys are born to often shithead fathers or absent fathers, such environment will often turn them into wolves. Then there are those that are sociopaths, your rabid dogs, hopeless cases.
Thu Feb 22 09:32:06
"Then there are those that are sociopaths, your rabid dogs, hopeless cases."

You clearly don't understand sociopathy.
large member
Thu Feb 22 10:11:09
"Some people are born with a greater propensity for violence, fearlessness and risk taking"

We call these people "males".
Thu Feb 22 14:41:26
Maybe I don't, but there are those individuals that are hopeless causes, outside the reach of we could do to help them, beyond locking them up. That is what I mean.
Thu Feb 22 14:43:19
>>We call these people "males".<<

Lulzgul I do enjoy you sniffing my ass in every thread, but echoing my exact words, is taking a step too far.
Thu Feb 22 15:07:04
"Maybe I don't, but there are those individuals that are hopeless causes, outside the reach of we could do to help them, beyond locking them up. That is what I mean."

Fair enough, those definitely exist.
large member
Thu Feb 22 15:21:23
Not at all. You had qualifiers I removed.
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