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Utopia Talk / Politics / Who understands science?
large member
Mon Feb 19 04:49:33
An interesting question.

In the sense of being able to read and understand academic papers of doctorate level quality.

I have myself, Crown Royal, and Seb on my short-list. Cherub Cow too when she is not in hipster detached cynicism kewl-kid mode.

I am sure there must be more. Don't feel trolled, I am just interested in getting an overview.
Mon Feb 19 05:20:28
The real questions are
Who here can stay away from motivated reasoning and skepticism? Not you or seb.

Who where thinks you need scientific certainty to discern useful information from studies? People who regularly engage in motivated skepticism.

Who where asserts political positions without any evidence and than scoffs at plausible evidence against those baseless assertions? You and seb.

If the goal is to be something more than pseudo-intellectual, you need more than the ability to read academic papers. It is like discussing with a Christian who insists you can not be a positive atheist", sure technically I am agnostic, but practically I am atheist. Pseudo debates are for pseudo intellects.
large member
Mon Feb 19 05:24:59
I broke down that article for you in your thread so you might now be able to read and understand it.

Just shout out if you need more help.
Mon Feb 19 05:43:19
The Twitterman can.
Average Ameriacn
Mon Feb 19 08:04:52
Ask me anything about guns.
Sam Adams
Mon Feb 19 09:12:21
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahanhaha jergul you thought a gas was not a fluid.
large member
Mon Feb 19 09:19:22
Don't be sad, bro (and wrong but of course. But whatever you have to tell yourself to make sense of your days).
Wrath of Orion
Mon Feb 19 10:35:00
I'm usually doing that multiple times a day.
large member
Mon Feb 19 10:40:59
Added to list. Sorry that I misplaced you.
John Adams
Mon Feb 19 10:48:23
I smell an ulterior motive. xD
The Children
Mon Feb 19 13:09:58
why am i not on ur list.

Mon Feb 19 16:01:36
Nimatzo throwing his hat into the ring.

When the educated world starts giving a shit what a dumbass junkie thinks, I'll let you know when you should open your big dumb mouth again.

Then again, this forum is probably one of the best places to be an ignorant bigot and still get patted on the back by most of the other posters.
Sam Adams
Mon Feb 19 16:07:25
Jegul and cuckhat talking about science lol
large member
Mon Feb 19 16:11:19
Don't be sad, bro.
Sam Adams
Mon Feb 19 16:12:07
Lol if only you knew. Muhahahaha.
large member
Mon Feb 19 16:22:20
I have a fair inkling. Leveraging a degree and creating a valued niche is commendable. But don't make it out to more than what it is.
Mon Feb 19 16:26:18
Let's get real. Most people on this board never get past reading headlines of shitty breitbart articles much less delving into a scientific paper.

Renzo embarassed himself by referencing a paper that had nothing to do with the conclusion he was trying to reach but he was immediately affirmed by the merry band of cuckservatives on this board.

Forwyn has the distinction of being the "smartest" of the cuckservatives and testing him an argument, his citations were all at best incomplete and only peripherally related to the argument he was trying to make.

He tried to say Sam Brownback was a good governor by citing a Federal Reserve graph of Kansas' deficit. What a fucking retard.

I use to think that it was strictly limited to the right, but I think it's just a symptom of spending too much time online as evidenced by the fact that some left-wingers have spiralled into the stupidity of repeating poorly-cited, non-peer-reviewed, anti-scientific sources.

These people mainly think that having another retard agreement is "proof."

This place is a deep, dark hole of stupid.
Mon Feb 19 16:41:18
large member Mon Feb 19 16:22:20
I have a fair inkling. Leveraging a degree and creating a valued niche is commendable. But don't make it out to more than what it is."

We judge thee by the stupid shit you say, not the how many years you spent getting accreditation at the beginning of your professional career. No doubt you are good in the narrow spectrum you operate in, you just lack the skillset to be anything with any real responsibilities.
Mon Feb 19 16:53:28
I think this post is good for several threads. :)

Poke poke...

There is nothing wrong with antidotes to alter perspective.

I could bust anyone in the nose that I choose. Would that be a lack of ability/capability or passion? Life is a practical concern.

Science is all about seeking factual truths.
Mon Feb 19 17:18:09
There are two types of people I will never trust, those that hate dogs and those that have never done psychedelics. Let jergul come back to me when he has "survived" a heroic dose of shrooms. You have to stand on the edge, fall in and get back out. The place where life is a shattered mirror, you pick those pieces up, then and only then will you know who you are and how you fit together.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Feb 19 17:21:52

"Crown Royal?"



LMFAO X 1000

Sam Adams
Mon Feb 19 18:19:27
Woo is intelligent. If i remember correctly he correctly identified the approximate strength of the chelyabisk blast the first night, more accurately than i did. A calculation like that shows competence.
Mon Feb 19 19:03:38
with some papers about specific medical studies or procedures I need to look up the definitions sometimes but I can usually get the gist of what is being said in scientific papers and if not I'll take the time to learn if it is something I am interested in.

I don't mind not knowing something the first time I am asked but try and learn so the 2nd time I'm asked I will know.
Mon Feb 19 23:32:20
It depends on the science. One thing that has become interesting toe though, is how Science has become increasingly a stand in for religion. And not in a good way. Science has become some sort of transcendental authority to people who clearly dont understand it but are more then happy to apply its appelation. Like the science of gender fluidity. Or the science of harm caused by micro agressions.
Tue Feb 20 02:58:12
The "science" that Aeros refers to would not be called as such even by advocates for such policy. Social sciences do not have the massive weight of evidence behind them like harder sciences. They are muddling about as best they can with the inability to create placebo controls in most studies.

But you already know this as a guy who studied a softer subject.

That being said, I would still value what an academic has to say about the issue above most people. Real life is messy and good decisions are based upon balancing all the available and credible information
Tentacle Rapist
Tue Feb 20 10:06:35
Guess it depends on what exact science subject it is.
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