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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump's new trade warrior
Sun Mar 11 12:23:13
The article is summed up in this quote,

“This is the president’s vision. My function, really, as an economist is to try to provide the underlying analytics that confirm his intuition. And his intuition is always right in these matters,”

large member
Sun Mar 11 12:33:36
Social realism in a new form.
Sun Mar 11 15:19:23
So basically like Hitler's inner circle in his last days.
Mon Mar 12 03:14:27
The idiot is now comparing Trump to Hitler. How many millions has Trump round up to systematically execute?
Mon Mar 12 05:59:26
I posted clearly critical of Trump admin unintended satire. Dukhat goes 0 to Hitler in three posts.
Good fucking game.
Mon Mar 12 07:10:55
Hitler did more things that to start a war and kill people. For an example, he had the Autobahn built.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Mar 12 07:33:56

What the man is saying is that Trump is always right.

Mon Mar 12 07:34:19
He was also a vegetarian, an animal lover and conservationist. The genocide and the whole world war 2 thing were things he was innocently dragged into.
Mon Mar 12 07:36:56
And his function is to look for evidence that backs it up. It is called motivated reasoning and the hallmark of bad research. Give me the answers and I will ask the right questions!
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Mar 12 07:40:18

"And his intuition is always right in these matters,”

Mon Mar 12 07:46:50
Yes, the guy is saying point blank that he's a completely fucking useless toadie. Everything he ever says in an official capacity should be completely disregarded. Any relation to truth is accidental at best.
Mon Mar 12 08:57:43
^To elaborate that, he is saying he has been employed to nod, smile and say yes.
Mon Mar 12 10:18:16
Obaminated feels eager because the alt-right channels are full of posts about how they have the "answer" when people accuse Trump of being like Hitler. They feel they have "clever" answers. Clear Nimatzo reads the same things which is why he is so brainwashed.

Which is why you respond with profoundly ignorant groupthink. You mistake agreement from another retard as "proof" of winning an argument.

Hitler was surrounded by Yes-men in the last 2 years after firing his best field Marshalls like Manstein. Of course shitty leaders in general surround themselves with yes-men. But using hitler is fun for how much it triggers and reveals about cuckservatives.
Sam Adams
Mon Mar 12 10:26:19
"My function, really, as an economist is to try to provide the underlying analytics that confirm his intuition. And his intuition is always right in these matters,”

Ahahaha what a retard. I still cant believe that clown is president.
Mon Mar 12 10:26:50
Imbecile, your impoverished understanding of 20th century history is not a valid excuse to smear Nazi on things you don't like. Every populist and the system that elects them, is not created equal. The founding father of the US foresaw the rise of a populist, separation of powers is working, Trump is one of the least popular president after the first year. Things are not exactly getting better for him.

Anyway you are open about having gone full SJW. Good, I like things in the open.

Mon Mar 12 12:29:41
”Trump is one of the least popular president after the first year.”

He is popular among the Saudis and the Netanyahoos. I think that is what counts.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Mar 12 17:25:43

How will you guys feel if he comes home with all of Kim's nukes in his pocket along with proof and verify that he is not going to start up again before Air Force One touches down in DC?

Meanwhile, Congress has wrapped up their investigation into the Trump/Russian affair.

Nothing there.

Mon Mar 12 18:18:45
The FBI and CIA should investigate the Trump admin’s connection to Israel and Netanyahu now.
Mon Mar 12 18:32:22
Cuckhat, you stupid pigfuck. If you solely meant to compare Hitler to Trump because they both are using yes men then you probably should realize it is a dumb fucking comparison considering Hitler has a very large shadow with him, that really doesn't extend to his inner circle.

A better comparison would be John Adams who thought he surrounded himself with yes men but who were ultimately working their own agenda and using him, which undoubtedly is why a lot of people are in the Trump admin. The other comparison is how rough their elections were and how unpopular they become, albeit Adams grew to be unpopular while Trump has never been liked.

But fuck me, I am just a racist conservative mexican in fear of whites who want to eat him.
Mon Mar 12 18:33:51
But i Understand why you wouldn't use John Adams and chose hitler, because you are fucking stupid and think throwing around nazi connotations isn't a lazy or hyperbolic thing to do. you genuinely don't understand why it is both stupid and tasteless.
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