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Utopia Talk / Politics / (OT) The Broccoli Tree
Wed Mar 14 04:52:28
The Broccoli Tree and the dangers of sharing photos of the places you love online

Landscape, wildlife, and adventure photographers (among others) will often keep their most treasured locations and subjects secret. And while this might seem rude or selfish or mean, the tale of The Broccoli Tree in Sweden—told beautifully in a recent vlogbrothers video by best-selling author John Green—explains exactly why this practice might also be necessary.

The Broccoli Tree, for those who aren't familiar, is (or was) a tree in Huskvarna, Sweden that somehow became social media famous.

Photographing this tree became a passion project of photographer Patrik Svedberg, and over the course of 4+ years, the tree gained quite a following on Instagram. In fact, it kind of became Insta-famous so-to-speak, accruing over 31,000 followers to date.

But Insta-fame comes with consequences in this day and age. No matter how beautiful or inspiring, no matter how much joy something brings to the general populace, there will always be those people who get some deluded self-satisfaction out of destroying it.

This is what happened to The Broccoli Tree.

One day in September of 2017, Svedberg went to photograph his favorite tree, only to find that someone had sawed one of the tree's branches almost all the way through. It wasn't long before the whole tree had to be cut down.


I hate people.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Mar 14 07:16:29

This is one of my favorite trees. It is near Carmel California.


Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Mar 14 07:18:25

Here is a giant redwood tree in California. It is one of my favorites too.


Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Mar 14 07:21:15

And my most favorite is on the front lawn of the only Royal Palace in The United States.


Wed Mar 14 08:34:02
Nice trees.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Mar 14 08:57:46

Thank you.

Unfortunately, I never got to see the Redwood. I went to Muir Woods once, but the Redwoods there are only two or three feet thick. It is a young forest.

Wed Mar 14 09:21:10
Vandalism of art is nothing new. Poor David got his toe smashed back in the 90s.

Unfortunately, the only way to prevent acts like these would be to completely remove the object from public access. Which makes as much sense as banning guns because of the occasional nutjob.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Mar 14 09:57:12

Whoever said humans were smart?

Wed Mar 14 12:06:49
When I was 14 was the last time I was in Iran. We visited the Takhte Jamshid ”Perspolis” ruins. Many of the rocks had been vandalized by various travellers ober the centuries, carved in their names and date. I even found a Swedish name from turn of the century. Narcissitic assholes, litter this world.
Wed Mar 14 12:13:18
Only insane people and economists believe people are rational.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Mar 14 12:15:28

Did you hear about the scout leader destroyed a balanced (by nature) rock that had been balanced long before any human had ever seen it?


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