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Utopia Talk / Politics / Count Dankula found guilty
Tue Mar 20 11:07:16
Just announced on his Twitter.

As a reminder, apparently in the UK this is considered a hate crime, worthy of up to two months in prison:


UKicantards rejoice as they continue to prove they hate freedom.
Tue Mar 20 11:19:07
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 20 11:19:40
Uk might be less free than russia
Tue Mar 20 11:48:10
He should have fled to America when he had the chance. Would have had a compelling case for political asylum. Honestly i expect something like that to happen soon.
Anarchist Prime
Tue Mar 20 12:24:50
Tue Mar 20 12:43:03
I hope Sheriff Derek O'Carroll gets run down in the road and beheaded by an angry Muslim.

Sheriff Derek O'Carroll told the court: “The accused knew that the material was offensive and knew why it was offensive. He would have known it was grossly offensive to many Jewish people."

Tue Mar 20 12:49:37
Did he go to jail for that video?
Tue Mar 20 12:56:50
Spain also hates freedom, and rap music. This rapper got 3 1/2 years in jail.

Spanish rapper jailed over glorifying terror and insulting the king


There’s more:

Spain: Court Gives 12 Rappers 2 Years Jail Each for Performing a Song

Tue Mar 20 17:58:49
The peasants must be told what they can say!
Tue Mar 20 20:40:46

2 months? He got off light. That may be the lamest youtube video I've ever seen.

Thu Mar 22 08:59:22
Police Scotland
You may think online you are anonymous, you can create fake profiles and
no-one can trace you. That’s wrong! The messages you type and send can be traced back to you.

The same laws apply to online messages, images and videos. What you post now can affect you later in life.


Glad to see the Scottish police have their priorities in order.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Mar 22 09:11:04

Lucky those of us that do, live in America.

I just hope the liberals get struck by lightning or whatever it takes to show them they are throwing their freedoms away, along with those that already realize it.

Thu Mar 22 11:36:11

I'm sorry ... I'm not dying on this hill for this idiot.
Thu Mar 22 12:53:01
Why would you? Do you live in the United Cuckdom?
Thu Mar 22 13:48:14
In another thread, another day, people asked why freedom of speach would even be at odds with diversity. I answered, because if you talk long enough, you will offend someone. And apparently be put in jail in some countries.

This _is_ the country that has taken back returning jihadis, but banned Canadian journalist Lauren Southern from entering because she is a far right extremist or something. It all makes sense you see.
Thu Mar 22 14:01:48

"Why would you? Do you live in the United Cuckdom?"

No. I'm just saying that I'll find some other case to rant about. This idiot and that speech don't need defending ... unless you support that crap.

Thu Mar 22 14:03:55
You don't have to support Nazis to think that it's ridiculous to jail a man for two months for teaching a dog Nazi salutes as a joke.
Thu Mar 22 14:04:33
I support your crap murder. So I will support this crap as well. This crap may not be your kind of crap, click next video.
Thu Mar 22 14:21:36

"You don't have to support Nazis to think that it's ridiculous to jail a man for two months for teaching a dog Nazi salutes as a joke."

I do think that it's ridiculous. But I'm not shedding any tears over some asshole spending 2 months in jail.
Thu Mar 22 14:23:04
Don’t shed tears over asshole, but the asshole of the principle that is being raped.
Thu Mar 22 14:29:18
Look murder, just because your Latrino ass spent six months rotting in a processing center alongside Tony Montana doesn't mean two months in prison and a felony conviction are things to be laughed off. And as others have said, its the principle of the thing.
Thu Mar 22 14:30:07

"I support your crap murder. So I will support this crap as well. This crap may not be your kind of crap, click next video."

That is a ridiculous mindset. That's like saying that if you support free enterprise you have to support drug trafficking and human trafficking.

The reason why we can't have nice things is because we enact laws to protect speech ... and then some asshole like this comes along to wreck shit for everyone.

Not only am I not broken up over his sentence, I would be happy if they took his dog from him too.

Thu Mar 22 14:34:48

"Look murder, just because your Latrino ass spent six months rotting in a processing center alongside Tony Montana doesn't mean two months in prison and a felony conviction are things to be laughed off. And as others have said, its the principle of the thing."

It's not the principle of the the thing. Obeying the law is also a principle that his defenders choose to ignore. If you don't like the law, change it. He chose to violate it instead. Good for him for choosing to incarcerate himself to make a point ... except of course that his only point was to be an asshole.

Thu Mar 22 14:36:20
Your feelings are hurting my thoughts, murder. But not it is not anything like enslaving and selling human beings.
Thu Mar 22 14:42:47
Obey the law, is a meaningless phrase in a discussion about principles of free speach. Which you have clearly stated you are not interested in, just obey the law. Your value is limited in a political discussion forum, just saying.

And stop your fucking whining over Trump, he was elected according to the law.
Thu Mar 22 14:45:49
In Stage four (authority and social order obedience driven), it is important to obey laws, dictums, and social conventions because of their importance in maintaining a functioning society. Moral reasoning in stage four is thus beyond the need for individual approval exhibited in stage three. A central ideal or ideals often prescribe what is right and wrong. If one person violates a law, perhaps everyone would—thus there is an obligation and a duty to uphold laws and rules. When someone does violate a law, it is morally wrong; culpability is thus a significant factor in this stage as it separates the bad domains from the good ones. Most active members of society remain at stage four, where morality is still predominantly dictated by an outside force.
Thu Mar 22 15:32:13

I didn't say just obey the law. I said that he chose to violate it and therefore imprisoned himeslf. Good for him.

And waving around the term "free speech" doesn't mean much. Everyone is in favor of restricting speech. It's just a question of where we draw the lines.

Thu Mar 22 22:35:53
There really is no question where the line should be. You are not allowed to say anything that could reasonably be construed as a call to immediate violence or intended to deliberately start a panic.

Saying "All the Jews should be gassed" needs to be protected speech.

Conversely saying "We need to lynch all black people, starting with that nigger right there!" should NOT be protected.

The former is an opinion stated by an idiot who does not have the ability to gas jews.

The latter is a call to action aimed at a specific person.
Thu Mar 22 22:39:42
In this case, the Judges ruling is farcical. Dankula stated that he is not actually a Nazi, does not actually want to kill all the jews. He was just making a shitty video on youtube for laughs.

The court in Scotland however ruled that his interpretation of his own words were not sufficient. What mattered was how the Court chose to interpret the words.

It seems Banal, but a very dangerous line was crossed in the UK this week. It is now not only illegal to say certain things, but the illegality of your spoken words is entirely up to a courts subjective interpretation. The UK judiciary has taken for itself the power to take your own reality, and substitute it with there own. And then put you in jail for it.
Thu Mar 22 22:42:44
Hell, Dankula even joked after the trial that he is the very first government appointed Nazi in British history.
Thu Mar 22 23:13:02
I'm not crying crocodile tears over a troll getting hit with some penalties. Free Speech is important but with regards to things that matter like political expression and things with actual artistic merit.

Cuckservative, "Well who's to say what has merit; that's subjective."

That's true but fuck trolls and fuck you too.
Thu Mar 22 23:27:26
The real troll here is the one abusing government power to enforce his private ideology by caging a man for making parody.

Hopefully he gets his throat cut by a banned knife.
Fri Mar 23 00:08:18
If it was good parody, I might agree with you. But it sucked hard. So fuck him and enjoy jail loser.

I feel we should do the same for people like the Kardashians too. Fuck that shit.
Fri Mar 23 04:24:14
Well bitch, maybe not everything on this earth was made to entertain and please you. Ever think of that?
Fri Mar 23 09:19:16
Cuckhat, people shouldnt be jailed because they dont entertain you.
Fri Mar 23 10:15:31
"Free Speech is important but with regards to things that matter like political expression and things with actual artistic merit."

You can't have one without the other. You start cracking down on speech that does not threaten any immediate harm and just makes you feel offended and pretty soon people start self censuring. Sending someone to prison because they made a video where they say "Gas the Jews", puts society a hairs breadth away from putting someone in prison for saying "We need to stop letting Muslim immigrants into the country".

Don't take my word for it, take the US Supreme Courts word for it.

""[The idea that the government may restrict] speech expressing ideas that offend … strikes at the heart of the First Amendment. Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast of our free speech jurisprudence is that we protect the freedom to express “the thought that we hate.”...

A law found to discriminate based on viewpoint is an “egregious form of content discrimination,” which is “presumptively unconstitutional.” … A law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government’s benevolence. Instead, our reliance must be on the substantial safeguards of free and open discussion in a democratic society.""
Fri Mar 23 11:44:25
It is very simple at the end of the day, barring threats and incitement to violence, the speach that needs protection is the unpopular and offensive type. Beyond that ”freedom of speach” serves no purpose.
Fri Mar 23 11:47:21
Never go full murder.
Anarchist Prime
Fri Mar 23 19:04:53
Didn't we fight the Nazis so we could joke about them?

Fri Mar 23 19:20:14
Fri Mar 23 19:22:32
lol @ Jonathan Pie, aka my primary source of news for British politics these days. Guy's legitimately funny as fuck.
Fri Mar 23 20:28:34
He best be careful, the ministry of speech doesnt like being mocked.
Fri Mar 23 22:06:03
It really is something though just how rare the U.S. First Amendment is. America is literally the only nation on earth that makes being a contraction as whole a constitutional right. Even supposedly progressive nations like the UK have laws against saying things that are offensive, and up in the Free North of Canada, they just passed a law right out of Miltons nightmare, where they not just outlawed certain speech, but also legally mandated people say certain things even if they feel those words are lies.
Fri Mar 23 22:06:50
And wow my auto correct. Contrarian asshole not contraction as whole.
Fri Mar 23 22:37:07
Yep. I am only half joking about him being careful. If someone was arrested for making a youtube video joking about how his dog wants to gas jews, I would definitely think twice about returning to this forum. They could RICO us for what Renzo and SA say here.
Sat Mar 24 02:18:24
Free speech is over-rated. Even in America we have laws against things like screaming fire in a theater.

In germany they have laws against denying the holocaust. America should do the same. Too many people believe that climate-change is a hoax in America. It's fucking sad that corporations can perpetuate lies and that Republicans are so fucking stupid.
Sat Mar 24 03:03:51
Imagine being so fucking stupid and shortsighted that you would advocate caging people for going against the consensus.

The irony here is that you used a scientific example to justify your retardation, when so much scientific advancement has been achieved by going against the consensus.

And you trust legislators and bureaucrats to logically dictate acceptable speech? Fucking lol
Sat Mar 24 08:34:46
I don't advocate shit. I'm being more of an enabler than advocating anything. More serious problems in my life than a retard being punished for being a retard.

It's kind of like how Republicans enable corporations robbing americans blind because they virtue-signal on abortion and smaller government while not really doing anything about the former.

I'm being ironic.

And Forwyn outing himself as a manmade climate-change "skeptic"/retard lol.
Sat Mar 24 09:01:48
anything about the latter* two issues.
Sat Mar 24 10:13:26
"Even in America we have laws against things like screaming fire in a theater."

This is false. Shouting fire in a theater has never been ruled on, it was only brought up in court discussion as an opinion stated, not as a matter of law.

Sat Mar 24 10:38:34
JFC cuckhat... have you been trolling for the past 6 months? Do you seriously think people should be jailed for disagreeing with a scientific theory?

Oh, you have more serious issues to worry about in your life, like raising rugians baby.
Sat Mar 24 11:19:31
People should be jailed for disseminating lies yes.
Sat Mar 24 11:21:34

US has a shit ton of limitations on "free" speech. Almost all of which are common sense. I don't particularly care that a bunch of retards think that a troll getting punished is something important.

It's just unimportant shit designed to make reactionary retards mad. Useless, ignorant sheep.
Sat Mar 24 14:42:23
All of those restrictions are far and away removed from holding a contrarian political view though, and are tied to other crimes. You can't misrepresent what's in a contract, or item you are selling. Because to do so is theft. You can't threaten to kill someone specifically, as such a thing is an incitement to murder.

And even then, prosecuting people for these things is a legal nightmare for the government, and rightfully so. The laws are also written pretty damn specifically to make them difficult, and are not written vaguely like the UK's law which literally allows their courts to interpret things any way they want.

And that is what is dangerous. It is illegal to make offensive jokes in the UK. What constitutes an illegal and offensive joke in the UK? Anything the court decides is illegal and offensive. What are the definitions of illegal and offensive? Whatever the court say's.

This is precisely what the US Supreme Court meant when it wrote "A law that can be directed against speech found offensive to some portion of the public can be turned against minority and dissenting views to the detriment of all. The First Amendment does not entrust that power to the government’s benevolence."
Sam Adams
Sat Mar 24 15:01:02
Cuckhat hates free speech. Seriously, retard, you are wrong about everything.
Sat Mar 24 21:48:02
" I don't particularly care that a bunch of retards think that a troll getting punished is something important. "

Right, you don't care about freedom of speech because you are a fucking moron and doesn't realize how stupid that position is.
Sat Mar 24 22:06:19
This is a strange topic to fall on your sword over. Are people so fucking triggered over antisemitism and invocation of Nazis that they legitimately want to see gross violations of free speech (yes, I recognize this happened in the UK and it is "legal")?

Seriously. Some tard did something tardy. It wasn't funny. So who the fuck cares what he said? As the resident Jew, pull the fucking stick out of your ass and lighten up. As you said, there are more important things to worry about; why even bother addressing this incident to punish the tardbro?
smart dude
Sat Mar 24 22:08:16
Still waiting for Seb to come in here and insist the government did the right thing.
Sun Mar 25 04:35:12
This is the same dukhat who swore that the concept of academic freedom was safe in the USA from snowflake ideology. Turns out he is the worst SJW type there is.
Sun Mar 25 10:56:03
First they came for the edgelords, but I did nothing because they deserved it.
Mon Mar 26 12:01:29

"There really is no question where the line should be."

And you made that decision for everyone, huh?

There is a question. The fact that there are different standards everywhere should make that obvious.

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