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Utopia Talk / Politics / Siren
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Apr 03 21:59:20

Not your usual Mermaid series.

The injured fisherman took away by Navy Seals along with his "catch", one man bit, another one dead, an old lady knows about Mermaids, one Mermaid looking for the "catch" with the help of humans, and so on. Very well done.

They showed the first two hour-long episodes this evening.

Check it out if you get the chance.

Oh, she is very, very strong.

Wed Apr 04 11:45:27
Just crazy enough I might check it out.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 04 14:08:30

Not sure if the will show the first two episodes again this week but if they do watch it.

Tentacle Rapist
Wed Apr 04 14:35:48
So let me get this straight. It's called Siren yet there are no Sirens in it?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 04 16:51:44

It's a bit confusing.

So far there are two mermaids and they can sing what sounds like whale song. They call them sisters but one is white and one is Black.

That is all we have seen so far, but the one with the humans said there are many more mermaids and they are returning to take their powers back. Sounds like there may be some good battles in the future.

Even though the humans are helping one of them when they are in the water together she attacks him. She considers him, and all humans, prey.

Tentacle Rapist
Wed Apr 04 16:54:05
Ya, that's what I mean. Where are the bitches singing enticing songs to make people crash on the rocks and drown?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 04 17:16:12

It says you can catch both episodes here.


Tentacle Rapist
Wed Apr 04 17:20:16
I could, but I just love reading about taxation strategies instead!
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 04 17:33:04

When you tire of taxation it may still be there.

Tentacle Rapist
Wed Apr 04 17:36:13
I was tired of it one page in, but have no choice but to read it
Wrath of Orion
Wed Apr 04 19:56:51
"It's a bit confusing."

Everything in life seems to confuse you since you're pretty much always wrong. At least you're starting to admit it now.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 04 20:56:10

I'm not ***always*** wrong.

I'm not a liberal at least.

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