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Utopia Talk / Politics / Waffle house shooting
Sun Apr 22 10:34:19
Another white man massacres civilians in America. White people needs to denounce this violence in plain terms. This is not okay anymore. And where are the parents?

Waffle House shooting leaves 4 dead, several injured; gunman sought

Sun Apr 22 10:36:06
"Gunman last seen walking south on Murfreesboro Pike. He shed is coat and is nude. "

Damn, that is some radical
Sun Apr 22 10:52:12
Sun Apr 22 12:34:24

The hero who reportedly stopped the shooter
the wanderer
Sun Apr 22 12:57:22

Chuck Cordero... said he was waiting outside because the restaurant was busy

what the hell is going on at that Waffle House?
the wanderer
Sun Apr 22 12:59:27
perhaps it will turn out the Waffle House is dealing the meth
Sun Apr 22 13:12:30
A humble, thinking, truth teller hero without a gun.

"While I was in hospital, a girl that was there said you saved my life," he said. "I didn’t do it to be hero."

“I don’t really know, when everyone said that (of being a hero), it feels selfish,” Shaw Jr. “I was just trying to get myself out. I saw the opportunity and pretty much took it.”

Sun Apr 22 15:16:59
Authorities say the suspect in a deadly shooting at a restaurant in Nashville was arrested last year by the U.S. Secret Service for being in a restricted area near the White House.

Metro Nashville Police Department spokesman Don Aaron said 29-year-old Travis Reinking’s firearms authorization was then revoked at the request of the FBI, and four weapons were seized, including the AR15 that he allegedly used in the shooting at the Waffle House restaurant early Sunday. Four people were killed.

Aaron says the four guns were returned to the suspect’s father, who acknowledged giving them back to his son.

Sun Apr 22 18:40:26
It's possible the Father broke Illinois law knowing that his son had been restricted from owning weapons in Illinois law.

I'm interested in seeing if he is charged with an unlawful transfer.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 22 19:02:30
he believed Taylor Swift was stalking him, he has a right to defend himself w/ any & all arms
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Apr 22 19:28:58

Taylor Swift can stalk me any time she wishes.

I will give up my weapons if she does.

Sam Adams
Sun Apr 22 20:36:15

"Aaron says the four guns were returned to the suspect’s father, who acknowledged giving them back to his son."

Torture both those retards to death.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Apr 22 21:49:08

Agreed. That much stupidity should not be allowed to exist.

Sun Apr 22 21:54:44
Red flags abound, and another stain on law enforcement.
Sun Apr 22 22:09:16

If the guns were confiscated and not returned, and the father bought new weapons, y'all would be up in arms over that. Undoubtedly if the father had continued to want weapons, he would have gotten another gun (or multiple) and this incident would have still happened.

The failure was on the father entrusting anything to the crazy son.
Sun Apr 22 22:25:17
The shooter's facebook is open for anyone to post on it and tons of people are posting on his Illuminati post:

Sun Apr 22 22:26:27
Sun Apr 22 23:11:14
"If...the father bought new weapons"

If a person straw purchases a firearm for someone else, both the purchaser and the other person potentially violate numerous federal laws. The straw purchaser has violated the law by lying on the Form 4473. Furthermore, if the purchaser knows or has reason to believe that the person for whom the gun is being bought is a felon or otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm, or if the purchaser knows or has reason to believe that the gun will be used in a crime, those are federal felonies, each punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.


"The failure was on the father entrusting anything to the crazy son."

When gun owners tell you to enforce the existing laws instead of encroaching on them with new ones, they don't mean give confiscated weapons back to the father of a deranged individual with a verbal agreement not to let him have access.
Sun Apr 22 23:25:41
"If a person straw purchases"

Father/son. Not difficult to lend a gun to a family member whenever they wish to borrow it. Ownership never transfers (as, you know, in this case).

"When gun owners tell you to enforce the existing laws instead of encroaching on them with new ones, they don't mean give confiscated weapons back to the father of a deranged individual with a verbal agreement not to let him have access."

As I said. If the guns were straight up confiscated, people would go ape shit over the guns of a law abiding citizen (the father) being confiscated. They'd all agree that the crazy ass son shouldn't have guns, but talk about how the father never getting his property back was exactly why there can't ever be compromise on gun legislation, because "they already be taking my guns."
Mon Apr 23 01:05:34
If they belonged to the father in the first place, they shouldn't have been seized. If they didn't, they never should have been returned.
Mon Apr 23 01:59:44
Hood is correct which is why all the gun nutters oppose any gun control measures. They don't want to take any responsibility for themselves.
John Adams
Mon Apr 23 05:26:57
I'm okay in my area. However, on alert as I go into the office this morning. But I doubt the shooter would be in the downtown area. But you never know.

"If they didn't, they never should have been returned. "

Not sure how Illinois law works, but by court order permission can be obtained to release the confiscated weapons to a relative or friend, abiding by conditions.

Mon Apr 23 05:40:36
Yada Yada Yada. Lets re-run all the talking points from Columbine, Sandy Hook, Parkland, blah blah blah. Yawn.
Mon Apr 23 11:05:29
"Not sure how Illinois law works, but by court order permission can be obtained to release the confiscated weapons to a relative or friend, abiding by conditions."

That's retarded. I'd be happy to work with gun control advocates to eliminate this.

A) Your $600 department store AR is not an heirloom.
B) There is very little reason to trust that family members won't eventually return the weapons.
C) This is still a seizure of property, now you just gave it to someone else.

Auction them off and give the guy his money.
Sam Adams
Mon Apr 23 12:00:46
"Auction them off and give the guy his money."

Correct. And then execute violent felons for gun crimes, like these 2.
Mon Apr 23 12:10:39
So the father then uses the money to rebuy guns because he's still clean and a law abiding citizen and then his son borrows the new guns....

You really don't see the problem with your logic?
Mon Apr 23 12:42:06
"Lets re-run all the talking points from "

Blah blah blah, another helpless conservative that thinks the world is still 1994. Economically, technologically, etc. you are so fucking far behind to all the changes that are going to happen soon.
Mon Apr 23 12:50:33
"So the father then uses the money to rebuy guns because he's still clean and a law abiding citizen and then his son borrows the new guns...."

A) He committed a straw purchasing, knowing the guns were going to his son, or
B) He "lent" the guns to his son and they were used to commit a crime.

Either way he goes to pound town, and either way, haven't we established that even though criminals will continue to break laws, this isn't a reason to pass and enforce them?
Mon Apr 23 12:51:52
to not pass and enforce them*
Mon Apr 23 13:23:22
Why do you insist on assuming the father is being malicious? There's plenty of reasonable motivations to lend property among family. Even guns.

"Hey Dad, I'm going to the range. Can I borrow the AR?"
"Hey Dad, my friends are going to shoot skeet, can I borrow the shotgun?"

None of this is remotely illegal under normal circumstances. Not even sure if it's illegal under these circumstances.

Please note, my posts were in response to you suggesting that the father being given back his property was the issue. It wasn't. Even not giving the guns back, the father could have fully legally bought himself more weapons and by default given his son access to them, even if it was as simple as the son stealing the AR in this hypothetical.

Law enforcement did no wrong in returning the guns. Father's in general would have been completely in the legal if they rebought guns to replace their confiscated property. The issue with this specific situation was this father. Suggesting anything else is mystifyingly stupid. And, of course, please note that I made absolutely no mention of proposing gun legislation, so get the fuck out of here with your bullshit straw men.
Mon Apr 23 13:37:40
"Why do you insist on assuming the father is being malicious?"

He was criminally reckless. He was ordered not to allow the son access and did anyway. Relying on the father to adhere to this order was naive and reckless to begin with.

"There's plenty of reasonable motivations to lend property among family. Even guns."

Not when they identify as "sovereign citizens", force their way onto White House property, and have been flagged by both the Secret Service and FBI as a risk.

"the father being given back his property was the issue."

It wasn't his property. It was his son's property. There was zero reason for the father to ever be involved. He wasn't a teenager, dude is in his late twenties.

"Law enforcement did no wrong in returning the guns."

False. If the son were not a threat, return his property. As this didn't happen, there was zero reason to involve a family member.

"And, of course, please note that I made absolutely no mention of proposing gun legislation, so get the fuck out of here with your bullshit straw men."

Please learn what a straw man is and stop being a bitch. Me stating that in general gun owners want existing laws enforced is not a misrepresentation of your argument. This does not take away from the failure of the father.
Mon Apr 23 14:18:32
They caught him hiding in the woods.
Mon Apr 23 14:41:07
Was he still nude?
Mon Apr 23 21:53:19
Hood really good chance the father is going to be charged with a few offenses related to the guns. If you know someone isn't suppose to have a gun (the father knew that) and you give them a gun how you are related to them or who owns the gun doesn't come into play.
The father fucked up and not sure how it works elsewhere but around here when guns are taken because the owner isn't mentally competent to own a gun it is common for the police to let a family member have them if they want. I know one man had his guns taken away and they were given to his brother. the guy asked his brother for the guns and instead the brother took them back to the police asking them to store the guns. I have no idea how long the police will sit on them though before they are destroyed.

Forwyn the courts can decide that the weapons be given to a family member and there is a variety of other scenarios where the guns might be transferred to a family member. That family member would be made aware of why the weapons are being transferred and would know they were not under any circumstance let the guy they were taken from have them back.

Tue Apr 24 06:09:57
Since the FBI was involved in his DC arrest and they had his guns confiscated, the father is subject to a Federal offense. IMO he should be charged as an accessory to commit murder.

Paramount, no he had clothes on when they brought him out of the woods.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Apr 24 08:40:51

Just a pair of pants wasn't it?

Tue Apr 24 12:09:40
The film showed him being brought out of the woods and he was wearing a torn red shirt and pants.
Tue Apr 24 12:19:23
Do they know the motive yet?

Dis they sell bad waffles to him?
Tue Apr 24 12:21:52
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