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Utopia Talk / Politics / OT - Test Your Movie Skills
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Apr 24 21:24:48

Here's how it works.

Identify the Movie the line is from and then list a famous line from another movie.

It can be easy or hard, as long as it is famous.

Here is an easy one. Very Famous.

"Of all of the gin joints in all of the world she had to walk into mine."

This is just for fun, you remember what fun is don't you?

Tue Apr 24 21:43:57
No fun allowed.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Apr 24 21:47:44

Why not?

There is no fun in no fun.

the wanderer
Wed Apr 25 00:26:51


"Enough is enough! I have had it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!"
Wed Apr 25 01:00:07
Snakes on the plane

- - -

”You talking to me? You talking to me?”

Wed Apr 25 02:11:44
"I envy you being a monkey, because consciousness is a terrible curse. I think, I feel, I suffer, and all I ask in return is the opportunity to do my work"
Wed Apr 25 02:52:55
Taxi Driver

"There's no crying in baseball."
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 25 21:15:23

kargen, I give up. I don't watch many sports films.

I still got it:

I just watched 'Young Man with a Horn' on TCM.

About halfway through I thought to myself, that sounds like Harry James playing for Kirk Douglas.

I just looked it up, I was right.

James was the greatest horn player ever.

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