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Utopia Talk / Politics / Hot Rod's legacy
Cold Rod
Wed Apr 25 11:58:49
...and go!
Wed Apr 25 12:03:37
He's clearly had some effect on you at least, Cold Rod.
Wed Apr 25 12:05:49
Rod will be remembered by his friend
Cold Rod
Wed Apr 25 13:47:45
If by universally being mocked and providing me years if entertainment? Of course.

If by offering anything of value of most times being wrong on virtually every subject matter? Of course.

If by all the times changing his name to escape the berating he so deserves? Of course.

If by him ultimately faking his death to also escape and to garner attention and sympathy? Of course.

I did not specify there wasn't any effect, hence the name of the thread, Rugian.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 25 18:07:37

Some of that is true but there are some that are just plain lies. You know as well as I do which is which.

That being the case, at least I am not a schmuck

Cold Rod
Wed Apr 25 19:23:01
Feel free to say which are lies...lol
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 25 20:23:06

All but the last line.

One thing you should learn about yourself. A schmuck is hardly ever right about the person they are trying to put down.

They're like a hobo trying to put down Cesar Romero for the way he dresses. You try to make yourself feel important like you are the BMOC but it only works in your own eyes. Most folks can see right through you.

It is people like you that needs all of the pity they can get. That's all I have for you and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Apr 25 20:25:12

BTW, it's time to change your handle. You will look even more foolish if you keep up with what you are using now.

smart dude
Wed Apr 25 23:32:16
Hot Rod's legacy is like that of a bad fart. Everyone hates it while it's there, but everyone forgets about it after it disappears.
Cold Rod
Thu Apr 26 04:36:06
So hot rod claims he is never mocked, yet, we have years of threads and various posters mocking and ridiculing him.

No lie there.

Hot Rod claims he isn't wrong on virtually every subject. Yet we have archives of threads and various subjects of him being proven wrong.

No lie there.

Hot Rod lies about changing his name multiple times, being caught, then faking his death to escape, after he made a post elaborating as to why he did it.

No lie there.

Hot Rod continues to be a serial liar. But, that is all he knows.

Cold Rod
Thu Apr 26 04:36:20
And he hates facts.
Memory Lane
Thu Apr 26 04:54:58
I remember...

"I am not going to research every OP, to learn every esoteric detail about the subject, before posting."

-Hot Rod
Memory Lane
Thu Apr 26 04:56:00
I remember...

"Boycotting someone is a violation of that person's 1st Amendment rights. " -Hot Rod
Memory Lane
Thu Apr 26 04:56:43
I remember...

"Because dinosaurs are reptiles, dinosaurs are still alive." -Hot Rod
Memory Lane
Thu Apr 26 04:58:25
Oh, I remember;

"You can discount an item by 1000%, yes?

Hot Rod
Member Sat Sep 25 12:54:07
$500 vs $50.

Member Sat Sep 25 12:58:44
That's a 90% discount, HR.

Hot Rod
Member Sat Sep 25 13:20:09
100% of $50 = $50 x 10 = $500 = 1000%. "

smart dude
Fri Apr 27 02:09:07
lol, these are gold, espcially the last one. What a moron.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Apr 27 08:33:31


Turtle Crawler
Fri Apr 27 09:17:33
OK this might be a little much
Fri Apr 27 10:41:16
It's an extreme sport.
Cold Rod
Sat Apr 28 06:13:46
Lol, Hot Rod too scared to address the 5th amendment quote. lol
Cold Rod
Sat Apr 28 06:14:51
Aww, wrong thread. Nonetheless, let me track the right thread.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Apr 28 07:40:02

That's OK. We already know there is just too much wrong with you.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Apr 28 07:40:10

That's OK. We already know there is just too much wrong with you.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Apr 28 08:00:58

Not sure why that posted twice.

Sat Apr 28 10:53:26
Basically getting into your psyche, enough for you to make a multi you use on a daily basis to follow him on this forum.
Cold Rod
Sat Apr 28 11:40:28
Sex offender wants to point out what is wrong about others. While ignore his litany of idiocies over the years.

Mtard, shhhh. You're mtard.
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