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Utopia Talk / Politics / Incels and Islam
Sun May 20 09:31:35
- Hate women - check
- Think that sex should be given to men without question - check
- demand total obedience - check
- Insecure about their own sexuality - check
- misogynist - check
- sense of entitlement - check
- would go to great lengths to subject others to their world view - check

I think we've got something here
large member
Sun May 20 09:42:07
Feel free to add judaism and christianity to your incel list. The Abramic god is hardly selective in that sense.
Sun May 20 10:03:43
"Think that sex should be given to men without question"

I don't think that is what incels in general are demanding. Incels are just in general unhappy that they don't get laid.

"demand total obedience"

Again, not what incels are demanding.

"Insecure about their own sexuality"

I have no idea about this. But I don't think incels are generally insecure about their sexuality. I think most of them know that they like women. So there is no insecurity there. They may be insecure about themselves though. About their own looks, and so on.

Are Islamists insecure about their sexuality? Never heard about that.
Sun May 20 13:06:29
You're half right.
If it was the year 0, I would say the same about Judaism.
If it was the year 1450, I would say the same about Christianity.

But now it's Islam turn to have their own dark ages and religion wars.
Sun May 20 16:34:44
Gosh it's almost as if it's not actually religion that is the route of the problem, but thwarted entitlement!
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