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Utopia Talk / Politics / In the latest move to MAGA
Thu Jun 07 15:06:55
The Twitterman has revealed that Asbestos poisoning is a Mob related scare.

the wanderer
Thu Jun 07 15:31:28
"Beck was previously a senior director at the American Chemistry Council, a lobbyist group that represents Dow Chemical, DuPont, Monsanto and ExxonMobil Chemical."

another great pick for the Environmental Protection Agency
Thu Jun 07 15:41:58
"The Twitterman has revealed that Asbestos poisoning is a Mob related scare."

In 1997.
the wanderer
Thu Jun 07 15:45:02
and you believe he has changed his views? he still is unhappy about losing his hairspray in the 1980s

he has been anti-environment on every issue ever
Thu Jun 07 15:49:33

"James Bridenstine" Study it real quick. Because he will soon be gone from NASA.
The Twitterman doesn't put up with those that don't bow to his version of the 'Truth'.
the wanderer
Thu Jun 07 15:51:17
"If we didn't remove incredibly powerful fire retardant asbestos & replace it with junk that doesn't work, the World Trade Center would never have burned down."

~Trump, Oct 2012

the wanderer
Thu Jun 07 15:56:04
Scott Pruitt tasked an aide with buying a used mattress from Trump's hotel

only possibly reason is for his dungeon for environmentalists below his soundproof booth

feel free to come up with a better explanation
werewolf dictator
Thu Jun 07 16:25:40

[archived on 14 oct 2016.. page first archived 13 apr 2013]

[obama’s epa notes applied asbestos is safe and the best thing to do is leave it in place]

“What to Do If You Have Asbestos in Your Home
“If you think there may be asbestos in your home, don’t panic.

“Asbestos-containing materials that aren’t damaged or disturbed are not likely to pose a health risk. Usually the best thing is to leave asbestos-containing material alone if it is in good condition.”

[obama’s epa warns about crooks in conspiracy advising asbestos removal who are also involved in business of removal]

“Before You Hire an Asbestos Professional
“Avoid a conflict of interest. An asbestos professional hired to assess the need for asbestos repair or removal should not be connected with an asbestos firm that does the actual repair or removal of materials. It is better to use two different firms so there is no conflict of interest.”
Thu Jun 07 16:42:16
You were much more liked when you weren't around, Putin's fluffer. Go propagandize elsewhere.
werewolf dictator
Thu Jun 07 16:56:18
i was liked much better here when i supported kerry and obama

“Socrates concludes that the prisoners, if they were able, would therefore reach out and kill anyone who attempted to drag them out of the cave (517a).[3]”
Thu Jun 07 17:00:49

Just pointing out that this wasn't anything new like the OP claimed.

"he has been anti-environment on every issue ever"

That's not true at all. Can you even imagine, for example, how much hazardous waste pollution we could have avoided on 9/11 had we not removed incredibly powerful fire retardant asbestos from the WTC and replaced it with junk that doesn't work? Trump is extremely pro-environment.
Thu Jun 07 17:25:06
So are you claiming that the world trade center needed to be built with asbestos embedded steel and concrete?
Maybe if we only used flame resistant JP fuel nothing would have caught fire when the planes crashed into them. Mix up some asbestos at the refineries. Problem solved.
Thu Jun 07 18:03:10

Absolutely. If the WTC had been protected with asbestos, it never would have burned down.

And as for Trump's claims about asbestos' health risks...the man is a major property developer with over four decades of industry experience. If anyone knows what they're talking about, it's him. I certainly trust his opinion over that of some journalist who knows nothing about the subject.
Thu Jun 07 18:05:21
Oh look, I even found a documentary on YouTube that covers mob involvement in the campaign to eliminate asbestos. Guess Trump was right about that too.

the wanderer
Thu Jun 07 18:13:40
the man is a major property developer who doesn't want to pay to fix problems in his properties

as to werewolf:
“Asbestos-containing materials that aren’t damaged or disturbed are not likely to pose a health risk."

well if EPA no longer inspecting i guess no one will ever find out if damaged or disturbed
Fri Jun 08 10:32:24

It's so safe that workers have to enclose their work area and wear hazmat suits to remove it.

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