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Utopia Talk / Politics / MAGA: DIY guns!
Average Ameriacn
Wed Jul 11 07:49:09
Trump made it possible!


A Landmark Legal Shift Opens Pandora’s Box for DIY Guns

Cody Wilson makes digital files that let anyone 3-D print untraceable guns. The government tried to stop him. He sued—and won.

Five years ago, 25-year-old radical libertarian Cody Wilson stood on a remote central Texas gun range and pulled the trigger on the world’s first fully 3-D-printed gun. When, to his relief, his plastic invention fired a .380-caliber bullet into a berm of dirt without jamming or exploding in his hands, he drove back to Austin and uploaded the blueprints for the pistol to his website, Defcad.com.

He'd launched the site months earlier along with an anarchist video manifesto, declaring that gun control would never be the same in an era when anyone can download and print their own firearm with a few clicks. In the days after that first test-firing, his gun was downloaded more than 100,000 times. Wilson made the decision to go all in on the project, dropping out of law school at the University of Texas, as if to confirm his belief that technology supersedes law.

The law caught up. Less than a week later, Wilson received a letter from the US State Department demanding that he take down his printable-gun blueprints or face prosecution for violating federal export controls. Under an obscure set of US regulations known as the International Trade in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Wilson was accused of exporting weapons without a license, just as if he'd shipped his plastic gun to Mexico rather than put a digital version of it on the internet. He took Defcad.com offline, but his lawyer warned him that he still potentially faced millions of dollars in fines and years in prison simply for having made the file available to overseas downloaders for a few days. "I thought my life was over," Wilson says.

Instead, Wilson has spent the last years on an unlikely project for an anarchist: Not simply defying or skirting the law but taking it to court and changing it. In doing so, he has now not only defeated a legal threat to his own highly controversial gunsmithing project. He may have also unlocked a new era of digital DIY gunmaking that further undermines gun control across the United States and the world—another step toward Wilson's imagined future where anyone can make a deadly weapon at home with no government oversight.

Two months ago, the Department of Justice quietly offered Wilson a settlement to end a lawsuit he and a group of co-plaintiffs have pursued since 2015 against the United States government. Wilson and his team of lawyers focused their legal argument on a free speech claim: They pointed out that by forbidding Wilson from posting his 3-D-printable data, the State Department was not only violating his right to bear arms but his right to freely share information. By blurring the line between a gun and a digital file, Wilson had also successfully blurred the lines between the Second Amendment and the First.

"If code is speech, the constitutional contradictions are evident," Wilson explained to WIRED when he first launched the lawsuit in 2015. "So what if this code is a gun?”

The Department of Justice's surprising settlement, confirmed in court documents earlier this month, essentially surrenders to that argument. It promises to change the export control rules surrounding any firearm below .50 caliber—with a few exceptions like fully automatic weapons and rare gun designs that use caseless ammunition—and move their regulation to the Commerce Department, which won't try to police technical data about the guns posted on the public internet. In the meantime, it gives Wilson a unique license to publish data about those weapons anywhere he chooses.

"I consider it a truly grand thing," Wilson says. "It will be an irrevocable part of political life that guns are downloadable, and we helped to do that."
Wed Jul 11 10:05:26
Cody Wilson is an American patriot.

And whatever piece of shit in the State Department decided to try to threaten domestic citizens based on online postings needs to be in a cell.
Thu Jul 12 01:02:32
Good shit. Long, kept saying I wasn't gonna watch the whole thing, did anyway. Get fucked Feds

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Jul 12 06:38:29

We used to call handmade guns, zip guns.

Tue Jul 31 05:31:13
Attorneys General Sue Trump Administration To Block 3D-Printed Guns

July 30, 201811:27 PM ET

A coalition of attorneys general from eight states and the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration on Monday to stop a Texas-based company from publishing instructions for 3D-printed guns on its website.

Defense Distributed announced it plans to make 3D gun blueprints — including a single-shot pistol called "The Liberator," an AR-15 lower receiver, and a complete Beretta M9 handgun — available on Aug. 1, after reaching a settlement with the federal government.

It was the conclusion of a five-year legal battle in which the Obama administration had argued that the Internet tutorials and manuals violated firearm export laws, while the company's owner, Cody Wilson alleged the State Department was violating his First Amendment right to free speech and Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The two sides reached an agreement in June but details of the settlement didn't emerge until mid-July. In addition to granting Wilson permission to publicly release the files online, the government also agreed "to pay nearly $40,000" in legal fees for Wilson, according to The New York Times.

Shortly after the victory, Defense Distributed declared on its website: "The age of the downloadable gun formally begins."

The new lawsuit against the State Department was filed in Seattle, Wash., federal court by Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, along with New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.

Ferguson has asked the court for a nationwide temporary restraining order to bar the administration from lifting export-control restrictions, a decision he contends is an "about face" reversal from the department's previous position. And, he is seeking "to prevent Defense Distributed posting the downloadable guns online."

He also argues that the State Department's actions violate the Administrative Procedure Act, by neglecting to inform Congress of the changes, in addition to state's rights under the Tenth Amendment.

"I have a question for the Trump Administration: Why are you allowing dangerous criminals easy access to weapons?" Ferguson asked in a statement Monday. "These downloadable guns are unregistered and very difficult to detect, even with metal detectors, and will be available to anyone regardless of age, mental health or criminal history. If the Trump Administration won't keep us safe, we will."

The complaint alleges the public availability of the gun plans pose a "serious threat to the national security and public safety" of citizens.

The court documents state:

"3-D printed guns are functional weapons that are often unrecognizable by standard metal detectors because they are made out of materials other than metal (e.g., plastic) and untraceable because they contain no serial numbers. Anyone with access to the [Computer Aided Design] files and a commercially available 3-D printer could readily manufacture, possess, or sell such a weapon—even those persons statutorily ineligible to possess firearms, including violent felons, the mentally ill and persons subject to protection and no-contact orders."

New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood said Monday, "It is, simply, crazy to give criminals the tools to build untraceable, undetectable 3D-printed guns at the touch of a button. Yet that's exactly what the Trump administration is allowing."

"We won't stand by as New Yorkers' safety is jeopardized by this abrupt about-face by the federal government," she added.

Twenty-one state attorneys general signed a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urging them to withdraw from the settlement.

Wilson responded to the latest legal battle on Twitter calling on Second Amendment advocates to fight for their online rights. "This is the fight," he said. "Join me."

"We are prepared to litigate," Wilson told CNET in an emailed statement. "The American people have the unquestionable right to access this information."

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 31 06:55:33

Good for him.

Sam Adams
Tue Jul 31 10:59:31
The plans should be legal to law abiding citizens. A citizen in poor standing in possession of such weapons should be royally goatfucked.
Tue Jul 31 11:08:45

"Good for him."

Good for who?


Tue Jul 31 11:40:44
I hope the AGs start getting gunned down in the street by homemade guns like dogs.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jul 31 12:17:21

The man is an entrepreneur.

Tue Jul 31 12:25:47
The man bankrupts casinos. Even with all the games rigged in his favor he sucks at business.

Tue Jul 31 12:54:42
Forwyn gets angry at the dumbest fucking things. A true deplorable living in a fantasy world.
Tue Jul 31 13:31:14
Yeah, two dozen bootlicking AGs banding together to trample the First and Second Amendment is the dumbest fucking thing.

Glad we agree.
Tue Jul 31 14:10:47

"Yeah, two dozen bootlicking AGs banding together to trample the First and Second Amendment is the dumbest fucking thing."

You're going to have to help me out here. The 1st amendment issue is obvious, but how is this a 2nd amendment issue?

Tue Jul 31 16:51:33
"I hope the AGs start getting gunned down in the street by homemade guns like dogs."

See you in prison Forwyn.
Tue Jul 31 17:08:06
Encouraging someone to gun them down would be illegal, but hoping is not against the law.
Sam Adams
Tue Jul 31 17:12:08
Cuckhat in a counterstrike thread lol
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