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Utopia Talk / Politics / Attn seeking dem cand avoids debate by..
Fri Aug 10 18:07:00
Playing sexist card. Hey, cuckhat, how much have you donated to her?


Fri Aug 10 18:14:15
Ocasio-Cortez [gonna take a while to learn that name] seems like she can fire up a good amount of support among college-age and 20-something progressives, but would be absolute poison in a general election. If the contemporary GOP is losing centrist voters with its current rhetoric, then people like her are going to cost the Democrats centrists as well. NYC voters probably aren't the best determinants of who should be national-stage politicians.
Fri Aug 10 18:16:45
It wasn't even her opponent but edgelord right-wing polemicist.

That's like asking Donald Trump to debate Rachel Maddow.

Fucking retard. Just kill yourself.
Fri Aug 10 18:32:03
Shapiro is fucking milk toast as far as right wing commentators go. The only thing that makes him edgy is he does not like Trump.
Fri Aug 10 18:41:34
Dukhat, hush.

"The only thing that makes him edgy is he does not like Trump."

Well, and that he once made a derogatory remark about Arabs. I assume that's the basis for the "notorious racist" remark from the OP.

Also from the OP:

"The tweet points out the gendered dimension of this attention. As a young woman candidate for national office, many people expect her to earn her place in a way that older, more established (and usually male) candidates are never expected to. There seems to be a misogynistic assumption that, because she's a woman, she needs to justify her candidacy in some special way — especially when it's a man who is making the demand."

This is why the modern left is so absolutely delusional, because they completely refuse to operate in any reality that doesn't comport to their narrative. Women in politics isn't exactly a new thing; what is a new thing is that a registered Democratic Socialist is running on a mainstream ticket. What's more likely, that the right singled her out because she's one of the ~600 women running for office, or because she's a socialist that's openly running on a far-left platform and has been touring the country since her victory?

Salon is such garbage.
Fri Aug 10 18:58:50
Why do modern cuckservatives project so much?

"... is so absolutely delusional, because they completely refuse to operate in any reality that doesn't comport to their narrative."

If you could present a well-cited argument for legitimate sources any of the "liberal" posters here would give you some credit.

Instead you do exactly what you say others do and chase alternative facts to fit your narrow world view.

"because she's a woman, she needs to justify her candidacy in some special way"

Incel logic. Nobody voted for her because she was a woman. They voted for her because she represented views they agreed with. Don't pretend you have any kind of cognitive empathy whatsoever. You don't even understand your own motivations.

"What's more likely, that the right singled her out because she's one of the ~600 women running for office"

They singled her out because the modern Republican party has nothing to offer anyone except fear. With her, they can scream about "socialism" and try to scare their old-ass voters. Meanwhile, Trump licks Putin's chode with wild abandon and retards like you love it because you hate everyone and everything.

Get over yourself.
Fri Aug 10 19:02:55
You made me click and go to Salon. May you burn in hell.
Fri Aug 10 20:28:30
The Republican party doesn't have to scream socialist. She is doing that herself. At every turn she is more than happy to let everybody know just how socialist she is.

The offer to debate was simply a gimmick for ratings. If she agrees great all kinds of people tune in. If she declines he gets to badmouth her for a few days and her decline gives him some free advertising.
Fri Aug 10 20:43:35
"They singled her out because the modern Republican party has nothing to offer anyone except fear. With her, they can scream about "socialism" and try to scare their old-ass voters. Meanwhile, Trump licks Putin's chode with wild abandon and retards like you love it because you hate everyone and everything. "

They singled her out because she is a moron. Sorta like using you as a pillar of modern liberalism, your idiocy makes it easy for everyone to point out how worthless modern liberalism has become.

"You made me click and go to Salon. May you burn in hell."

I apologize, but i wanted to use a source that called Shapiro a racist.
Fri Aug 10 20:49:26
Tom Perez said she was the future of the party. She herself went on Twitter earlier to claim right wing pundits were too scared to debate her.

She singled herself out.
Fri Aug 10 20:53:24
"many people expect her to earn her place in a way that older, more established (and usually male) candidates are never expected to."

Yeah, some people may wonder if a 28-year old bartender is qualified for a national seat. They might give them the benefit of the doubt based on her degrees, until she opens her mouth.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 10 22:05:20

Rugian - Ocasio-Cortez [gonna take a while to learn that name]...

No need. She will just be a footnote after the November Election.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 10 22:11:11

Looks like her eyes are dilated in the photo.

the wanderer
Fri Aug 10 23:10:14
remember when Trump chickened out of a debate because it was moderated by scary Fox News?

...and Shapiro isn't even a candidate, as noted
Fri Aug 10 23:33:37
The Democratic Part sure does have a winning slogan for the mid terms though.

"We don't need to hear from men".

Should put it on a bumper sticker. It's powerful.
Sat Aug 11 00:40:49
"...and Shapiro isn't even a candidate, as noted"

You have to be a candidate to offer a $10k campaign contribution and debate public policy?
the wanderer
Sat Aug 11 01:26:38
for there to be some expectation of her to accept you should be (thread title seems to suggest that expectation)
Sat Aug 11 01:43:22
Colbert isn't a candidate, yet she appeared on his show. Did he donate to her campaign?
Sat Aug 11 03:25:32
"Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions. And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one."

What the actual fuck is it with women these days and assuming entitlement when people ask them a fucking question? Whatever you think of Shapiro, he was asking a god damned question. He wasn't making demands, there was nothing onerous. He asked for a debate. And since he is not a candidate and she has no reason to actually engage in such a debate, he offered campaign donations as an incentive to debate a non-candidate.

Get the fuck off your high horse with this entitlement shit.
Sat Aug 11 03:55:37
The woman card is a reliable card. Remember the poll 2 years back after Trump. It relates to a lot of things going on, calls for banning on social media, ramping up of the gender war and not engaging. The poll asked, have you blocked anyone on social media because of politics. Liberal 30% yes, liberal women 40% yes. It is by far the largest group driving this ”will not engage”. Women generally feel more stressful talking about politics. And all these things are especially true for millenial women.
Sat Aug 11 04:17:30
I have heard is that she has been going around saying that no conservative would debate her. If true that would make this even more hilarious.
Sat Aug 11 09:02:14
It's not the will not engage part. That's fine, it's her choice. It's the "you're an entitled MALE for even asking" shit that pisses me off. Price from guild wars did it too. Like just talking to them at all is full blown harassment.
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