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Utopia Talk / Politics / Old white men need minority mentors
Fri Aug 17 15:03:34
Another fix for our society!


Male, pale and stale university professors to be given 'reverse mentors'

Male, pale and stale university professors are to be given “reverse mentors” to teach them about unconscious bias, under a new Government funded scheme.

Under the project, white men in senior academic posts will be assigned a junior female colleague from an ethnic minority as a mentor.

Prof John Rowe, who is overseeing the project at Birmingham University, said he hoped the scheme will allow eminent professors to confront their own biases and leave them “feeling quite uncomfortable”.

“What is understood about unconscious bias is that we have all got it, but the more you learn about it and become conscious of it, the more you can act,” he told The Daily Telegraph.

“While it is well known and obvious that women and minority groups suffer setbacks to their career progression no one really understands why.

“It’s not as if there is any overt prejudice – it is something to do with the way the system is or the way it has evolved and we needed to find out why.”

The mentor scheme is one element of a broader project aimed at challenging bias, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council’s (EPSRC).

Prof Rowe, who is director of research at Birmingham University’s College of Engineering and Physical Science, said he hoped to interrogate the “underlying causes” that lead to the underrepresentation of female and ethnic minority academics at the top of academia.

“We are mindful that previous attempts at addressing such imbalances have not been successful, so we are investigating new ways of understanding how to support progression of our female and ethnic minority colleagues,” he said.

“Questions such as ‘Is there a bias when the gender of the academic is known?’, ‘Is it the result of the group dynamic of a panel of assessors?’ and ‘Are women encouraged to work in particular research areas, perhaps those outside of STEM subjects?’ will also be addressed.”

Staff from Birmingham will work with researchers from Aberystwyth University and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust.

The EPSRC, a government agency, is funding eleven “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” projects as part of an £5.5 million anti-discrimination drive in engineering and physical sciences.

It has previously been claimed that Oxford porters should be given “unconscious bias” training, amid claims that they assume black students are trespassing when they enter College grounds.

The university’s students’ union published their Liberation Vision document, which recommends that porters should also be trained in how to respond to reports of sexual violence and mental health issues among students.

The document says that and cleaners, known as “scouts”, tutors, supervisors and senior tutors should also partake in the training.

The move follows a series of complaints about porters unfairly targeting black students and singling them out for questioning about why they have entered College grounds.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 17 15:11:55

"Under the project, white men in senior academic posts will be assigned a junior female colleague from an ethnic minority as a mentor."

What could possibly go wrong?

Sam Adams
Fri Aug 17 15:13:42
Nuke birmingham and london
Fri Aug 17 21:48:04
Professors are pretty progressive already. Probably need some for people like Rugian and Forwyn. What fun that would be.
Fri Aug 17 22:24:49
And then they get the Bret Weinstein treatment, and Cuckhat cheers
Sat Aug 18 00:29:34
I refuse to mentor Hot Rod.
Sat Aug 18 00:41:32

"By now, you’ve probably seen news accounts of the Weinstein, Murray, Coulter, and Yiannopoulos incidents. But here’s a story you’re far less likely to have heard of: Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a Princeton professor, gave a speech late last month at Hampshire College in which she was highly critical of President Donald Trump. After the content of her speech hit national news outlets, Taylor received threats that led her to cancel several other speaking engagements, including one on a college campus, out of concern for her own safety.


Why? There are several possible reasons, which I will discuss in greater detail below. But among other things, there may be a double standard at work: Many of the conservative media outlets that extensively covered the Murray, Coulter, and Yiannopoulos controversies suddenly seem a whole lot quieter when the attacks on free speech are coming from the right.

This apparent double standard is unacceptable. Support for free speech should not be a partisan issue. We all depend on the right to free speech to express our views — whatever those views may be, and wherever we may fall on the political spectrum. Too often, however, support for free speech breaks down along political lines, with people expressing outrage when one of their own is silenced while remaining conspicuously silent when the shoe is on the other foot."

Right-wing agitators almost never get death threats. Everyone else does all the time from Republican retards. Look no further than Trump's march towards the nomination where everyone that criticized him got death threats and that was towards lifelong conservatives.
Sat Aug 18 02:10:00
Dickface doesn’t understand the difference between canceling a talk because of death threats and getting cancelled. All those people regularly recieve death threats btw and don’t cancel.
Sat Aug 18 06:44:16
Nimatzo's brain can't process information and discriminate between good and bad sources. In the information overload of the internet age, Nimatzo is a virtual peasant.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 18 07:55:34

I don't need it. I'm doing just fine.

Cold Rod
Sat Aug 18 08:55:52
Suicide is an option, Hot Rod.
Sat Aug 18 09:28:41
Dickface thinks Vox is a good source.
Sat Aug 18 09:35:03
LOL! Cuckhat thinks that voluntarily withdrawing and playing victim martyr is the same as having a mob of violent leftists show up to burn and break shit and pressure your venue/municipality into cancelling your events.
Sat Aug 18 12:34:56
Anyone who is doing anything interesting in the public space has enemies and recieves death threats and harassment. It should be a badge of merit, you are doing something right if people want to kill you for it. And I don’t even care if I disagree with it, you go girl.
Sat Aug 18 12:42:45
"It should be a badge of merit, you are doing something right if people want to kill you for it."

This is just categorically wrong. I get your point, but just no. Receiving threats != doing it right.
Sat Aug 18 13:34:46
Forwyn brings out the mythical Antifa menance yet again. Fucking retard.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 18 13:37:24

The only thing missing from the Antifa is the brown shirts.

Sat Aug 18 14:07:01
Cuckhat thinks that he makes a point by bringing up one left-wing martyr, but ignores several cases of violent leftists shutting down speech they don't like.
Sat Aug 18 14:08:41
"violent" I'm sure these right-wing nuts are afraid of actually getting shot and dying like centrist and leftists are. The vast majority of violence comes from the right despite your Antifa bogeyman.
Sat Aug 18 14:50:10
Here is an article about one of those right wing nut.


So Mr. Weinstein, who usually spends his time involved in less-inflammatory issues, like studying the evolution of nectar-feeding glossophagine bats, now finds himself at the center of a bitter controversy involving race and privilege on a well-respected college campus.

Curiously, it’s not the first time. Nearly three decades ago, when he was a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania, Bret Weinstein almost single-handedly caused a stir that polarized the campus, led to his being repeatedly harassed and threatened, and eventually shamed the university’s leadership into taking action. That story, buried in the archives of The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper, is enlightening both as a reminder of the longstanding fissures around race on campuses, and also, perhaps, as a reflection on the character and convictions of Mr. Weinstein.

The story goes like this: On October 1, 1987, the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity at the University of Pennsylvania put on a party for between 100 and 200 members and pledges. As a surprise for those in attendance, the fraternity’s leaders had paid two women $150 to perform a striptease. It was, by all accounts, a degrading spectacle. One freshman reportedly engaged in oral sex with the women in front of the crowd. Other vulgar acts were performed, involving cucumbers and ketchup. Sexist and racist slurs were yelled at the two women, who were black.

The following week The Daily Pennsylvanian ran a story with the headline "Dry Fraternities Turn to Strippers." It included a somewhat sanitized account of the evening’s proceedings, along with quotes from fraternity members defending the event. ("It’s something you can do at college," one said.)

The only attendee willing to go on the record objecting to the event was named Bret Weinstein, who wondered "whether or not a system which allows this to go on unquestioned by a large group of supposedly educated college students should be allowed to continue." (Weinstein touched on the incident during a recent, two-hour YouTube interview, saying that he was there because a friend had invited him, but that he wasn’t rushing the fraternity and had left the party soon after the two women were brought out.)

A few days after that, concerned that the article hadn’t driven home the awfulness of what had happened, Weinstein wrote a scathing column for the student paper, calling fraternities "residential extensions of the penis" and their members "a group of guys who never escaped from the locker-room into the reality that the rest of us live in." He accused the university of standing silently by because "alumni who were fraternity brothers donate more money than alumni who weren’t." Then he asked his fellow students this question: "Should your tuition go to an institution that supports overt sexism?"

Yea, he stood up for black strippers against fraternities when he was a freshman, that is how right wing nut he is.
Sat Aug 18 15:23:18
Sounds like some Grade-A virtue-signalling to me.
Sat Aug 18 16:10:07
No no dickface, virtue signaling as a pejorative is when you stand nothing to lose and only to gain, you just say shit that makes you look good in other peoples eyes. Bret Weinstein actually stood up when no one else would, he got chased out and paid heavily for doing that, twice.

I understand how you would get that wrong, you probably was one of these frat boys back in the day, now you are virtue signaling on UP.
Sat Aug 18 16:15:31
Very few things could make me resort to political violence. Being told I need a minder commissar to watch for ideological crimes is one of those things.
Sun Aug 19 11:12:58
Why do white guys get so butt-hurt over sensitivity training? Every other group in the nation needs it to navigate the white-male-dominated workplace and now that the tide has turned the other way; they all act like some Social Justice Warrior is raping them up the ass like Andy Dufresne from the Shawshank Redemption.
Sun Aug 19 17:38:30
"sensitivity training? Every other group in the nation needs it"

rofl. Cuck.
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