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Utopia Talk / Politics / Wil Wheaton is an idiot
Sun Aug 19 08:43:35
So that idiot Wesley and a gaggle of fellow high profile morons have banded together and left twitter in an attempt to force twitter to ban Alex Jones. Twitter has 30 days before their accounts are permanently deleted.

Too early to celebrate, but I have bought a bottle of Champagne and booked the date.
Sun Aug 19 08:47:26
Shut up, Wesley.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 19 08:55:50

A platform for Freedom of Speech is not guaranteed by The Constitution.

But when you have a platform that is offered to the public, by a private company, is it appropriate to remove that platform if you do not like the politics?

Sun Aug 19 09:12:21
You only suffer now what we suffered for years. So many jihadi accounts have been banned.

Have you ever protested for our freedom of speech?
Sun Aug 19 09:57:55
Mm yes I have reported many jihadi videos.
Sun Aug 19 10:06:25
Who the fuck is Wesley?

If he makes Hot Rod upset then he must be one of the good guys, right?
Sun Aug 19 10:19:36
lol Paramount no one should ever want to side with Wesley.
Sun Aug 19 10:40:55
It looks like this Wil Wesley Wheaton guy already left twitter four years ago. His latest tweets are from 2014.

Sun Aug 19 11:09:06
Alex Jones is less about politics and more about crazy-ass conspiracy lies and his lies have caused harm and deaths before (pizzagate shooting). Given the pattern of continual lying, it's proper to ban him.

We need to come to a better balance with free speech issues in this country. The amount of naked lies (mostly coming from one side) is tearing apart discourse and civility.
Sun Aug 19 11:15:50
Shut up, Dukhat.
Sun Aug 19 11:26:19
I like how leftists like Dukhat are now openly calling for regulation of free speech rights. I guess that's only consistent with their similar hatred of gun rights. If you're attacking the 2nd Amendment, why not attack the 1st as well.

Fringe voices have a value in society as well, even if you disagree with them. And once you start banning "marginal" speech, it doesn't take long before "marginal" becomes "whatever you disagree with." How many times has Fox News been called to be censored by leftwingers, or leftwingers called to be censored by conservatives. This is dangerous thinking, and its long-term implications carry more potential for destruction than anything Trump's ever done.
Sun Aug 19 11:29:45
Also, note how Dukhat references a singular incident (the Pizzagate shooting) as sufficient justification for regulating free speech. This is is straight from the playbook of everyone who calls for guns to be banned whenever a school shooting happens. Well sorry, but the utilitarian value of free speech far outweighs the occasional unfortunate cost.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 19 11:36:42

"Have you ever protested for our freedom of speech?"

Where has the government suppressed your freedom of speech?

Sun Aug 19 11:42:08
"openly calling for regulation of free speech rights."

The people calling for regulation of free speech rights are those trying to force companies to do business with anyone and every one.

"Also, note how Dukhat references a singular incident (the Pizzagate shooting) as sufficient justification for regulating free speech."

Pizzagate is just the deadly outcome. When your inane, hatemongering shitbabble goes beyond inciting people to harass others and all the way up to real murder, it shouldn't be a surprise if you receive punishment.

"Well sorry, but the utilitarian value of free speech far outweighs the occasional unfortunate cost."

It's a good thing that inciting violence is not covered under free speech. Jones shouldn't be banned from twitter, he should likely be in jail. But tptb are fucking pussies and are unwilling to draw a rational line in the sand.
Sun Aug 19 11:58:28
"The people calling for regulation of free speech rights are those trying to force companies to do business with anyone and every one. "

Fine, replace regulation with restriction.

"Jones shouldn't be banned from twitter, he should likely be in jail."

Congratulations, you've actually managed to supersede Dukhat in his craziness. Alex Jones was neither the originator of Pizzagate nor did he call for violence against the shop owner. He probably is guilty of defamation, but that's not the same as incitement.
Sun Aug 19 12:00:19
lol, hood wants to jail people for lying. and no, he did not incite violence (your obvious kneejerk response). Thatd be like saying any controversial figure who causes some lunatic to do a violent act should go to jail. that isnt what happens in this country pal, we tend to understand that lunatics gonna act crazy, we dont blame people who were never part of the crime.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 19 12:28:26

If they want free speech from private sources they should join Utopia.

Shall we all make an offer?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 19 12:32:47

We would have to buy Turtle Crawler a bigger server.

Or two or three. :)

Sun Aug 19 12:33:23
Ok, but should you be forced to allow crazy people to use your platform to defame others? Are you sure you want to open that door?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 19 12:36:05

Hell, we do that every day.

Just look at tumbleweed, Fido, and Rover.

Sun Aug 19 12:42:02
Is anyone forcing Turtlecrawler?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 19 12:45:43

He might go for it. He could start making money again.

Sun Aug 19 15:25:52
"lol, hood wants to jail people for lying."

Tards of your magnificence wouldn't understand the difference between "I believe he committed a crime" and "waaaah he lied." Jones stoked flames well beyond innocence. We aren't talking Glenn Beck in his Fox news era, who did similar but benign things as Jones.

There's also the clip that earned Jones a 7 day ban from Twitter that did incite violence.

You tards should realize the difference between dukhat "fuck all y'all, I don't want to hear it so ban" and my "this specific case is outrageous; the rest of it, go for it." Or are you too blind by teamball to realize that I defend free speech pretty consistently?
Sun Aug 19 18:16:08
Glenn beck was basically stating, on a consistent basis, that obama was going to start a coup and become a tyrant. Its a very slippery slope when you start restricting speech because it is ultimately subjective. And at that point, you give up your right to free speech to the government. And we do not like that.
Sun Aug 19 18:58:49
And yet Alex Jones says things leagues worse than Glenn Beck.

"Its a very slippery slope when you start restricting speech because it is ultimately subjective."

Speech is restricted. There are laws stating what is and isn't legal to say. I'm not suggesting we create new laws or standards to restrict speech as dukhat is. I'm saying that Alex Jones already fails the standards we've had for decades.
Sun Aug 19 19:20:17
"I'm saying that Alex Jones already fails the standards we've had for decades. "

Based on what? Oh right, "TRUMP WON" hysteria. Next.
Sun Aug 19 21:59:20
Correct. Nothing he has been saying is new or different. He isnt shouting fire in a movie theater. He is shouting relatively insane theories ... on youtube. not the same thing. not the same urgency. not the same direct cause of violence. hood, you are falling on the slippery slope.
Sun Aug 19 22:00:55
also, how popular is wheaton? i know of him, but never watch him. i imagine he has a smaller audience than jones. and i presume he is the largest name leading this boycott.
Sun Aug 19 22:09:52
"Based on what? Oh right, "TRUMP WON" hysteria. Next."

See? Dumb fucker can't stop playing teamball, so accuses everyone of being that low.

"also, how popular is wheaton?"

He probably has some street cred left over simply because he was part of TNG. Popular or not, he too is a moron.
Sun Aug 19 22:27:31
Glenn neck may have raped a and murdered a girl in 1990, but Alex Jones is way worse.

Gg hood!
Sun Aug 19 22:42:25
The retard brigade wasn't complete without you, Pillz. Glad you could make yet another useless appearance.
Sun Aug 19 22:45:45
Of course the points missed on you.

But it's ok.
Sun Aug 19 22:48:40
Hood is too smart to miss the point, he is just to proud to admit he was wrong. It is a habit of his.
Sun Aug 19 23:30:46
Pillz thinks tactically avoiding defamation of character is equatable to calling your followers to battle readiness for an imminent conflict.

This is how stupid he is.
Mon Aug 20 06:09:57
"See? Dumb fucker can't stop playing teamball, so accuses everyone of being that low."

I see what I see. Alex's MO has been the same for decades, but it's only now that he deserves to be jailed. Why?

Anyway though, looks like you and 43% of Republicans have something in common.
Mon Aug 20 06:27:32
So what are you guys sugesting though? Previous experience with hood tells me he understand that this is a complex issue where two principles are intersecting, but there are those (on either side) that thinks this a no brainer. Dickhat thinks we should start legislating new bans, and you guys _seem_ to think social media companies should be forced to host content, because ”muh free speech”. I am not sure hood believes he has the answers, and we all recognize that social media is a powerhouse that can not be ignored. Should we treat them like utility companies? Should we forcibly break them up in managable units and regulate them? Someone is getting fucked either way and having their rights trampled, so which right are you willing to give up?

Realistically social media will go the way of old media where you have your Fox news and CNBC. Twitter has shown some resiliance despite a very uneven track record.
Mon Aug 20 06:33:04
>>I see what I see. Alex's MO has been the same for decades, but it's only now that he deserves to be jailed. Why?<<

I have no idea if he commited a crime but social media and it’s emerging properties are uncharted territory, decades ago Alex Jones was a crazy person with a camera and web site. So this fails to capture the picture accurately.
Mon Aug 20 07:26:04
"Alex's MO has been the same for decades, but it's only now that he deserves to be jailed. Why?"

As far as I know, Jones wasn't on the radio/internet/tv/whatever somberly telling his listeners that a battle is coming, that they need to prepare and be ready to fight, and that they should get their guns ready for some shootin. A call to arms != being crazy or pulling a Glenn Beck. Jones was tolerated for so long because his schtick was talking about the "globalists" he was infiltrating or accusing Hillary of being the actual devil. That is speech that clearly falls on the safe side of the law. Organizing a Bundy militia with the intent to fight back? Completely different.

"Previous experience with hood tells me he understand that this is a complex issue where two principles are intersecting"


There are any number of complete idiots that one could silence for being a nuisance or peddling pure stupidity. You don't see me supporting punishment for them. You also see me routinely defend random schmoes who get fired from their job for being stupid on Twitter or Facebook.

But now that it's a republican talking head, y'all forget such things, eh?
Mon Aug 20 14:58:31
Why do you think im defending Jones because im a Republican? This is like when people accused me of racism for defending that neo nazi march last year. They have a right to say shit. I dont have a right to jail them.
Mon Aug 20 15:06:58
Yes they do, on public property. But do they have a right to say it on youtube and facebook? A right? We can all complain and lobby them, we can all wish for and support good candidates for a neutral social media platform, but can you demand people be neutral?

It is a serious question obaminated, what do you think should be done about this that isn't worse than not doing anything at all?
Mon Aug 20 15:20:46
Is youtube not a public space?
Mon Aug 20 15:25:06
No, it isn't. It's a privately owned space made available to the public. Kind of like a large ballroom at a hotel that is available for rent for conventions, parties, etc.
Mon Aug 20 16:06:15
The argument can be made that it qualifies as public accommodations, but political affiliation isn't a protected class.
Mon Aug 20 16:20:28

This Alex Jones thing is funny. The same people that oppose the fairness doctrine on TV and Radio, want to apply it to social media.

Mon Aug 20 16:25:49
I feel you obaimnated youtube, facebook and twitter are the most important spaces now, they contain all other spaces within them. Creating media content and not being able to use them is a huge barrier to entry. But unless the public intend to nationalization them, they are private companies.
Mon Aug 20 16:28:21
Imagine the international uproar if the US government seized social networks and all affiliated data.
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