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Utopia Talk / Politics / Venezuela-this can only mean war
Sun Aug 19 23:41:00
The Venezuelan economy is in its death throws following a 5000% increase in the minimum wage and a currency revaluation that pegs it to a crypto currency called the "petro". Honestly you are probably better off investing in doge coins, but I digress.

Tens of thousands of Venezuelan economic refugees are pouring across the Colombian and Brazilian borders. Ecuador and Peru have subsequently closed their borders with both countries in an effort to stop the migration flow that has moved into their territory. Brazil and Colombia have both declared emergencies and have dispatched their armies to the frontiers. This latest action prompted by violent riots following the border closures.

Mon Aug 20 00:28:29
Thank god Trump won.
Mon Aug 20 00:33:27
I don't know how they can survive anymore. I think their own people (more moderate/pragmatic chavistas) will do him in.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Aug 20 06:30:58

I just heard this morning that it is estimated that the inflation rate will be an annual 1,000,000% by the end of the year.

That is what happens when you run out of OPM.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Aug 20 07:43:49

BTW, where are all of the Hollywood celebrities that went to visit Chavez before he died?

Did they just go for a photo shoot?

Didn't they really care about socialism and the Venezuelan people?

I think someone should be tracking them down for an interview to see if they plan on helping those poor people.

Maybe they could send a shipload of bar soap and hand it out for free. I understand it is selling for about $10.00 a bar right now.

Mon Aug 20 07:55:55
Perhaps Trump could help by lifting the sanctions on Venezuela and by sending them food and stuff.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Aug 20 08:31:41

What sanctions has Trump levied against them?

smart dude
Mon Aug 20 09:28:53
Mon Aug 20 10:37:05

"Ecuador and Peru have subsequently closed their borders with both countries in an effort to stop the migration flow that has moved into their territory."

I'm confused. If you've made your way to Brasil or Columbia, why would you want to leave to go to Peru or Ecuador?

That doesn't make any sense to me.

Mon Aug 20 10:37:24
President Trump Approves New Sanctions On Venezuela

President Trump has signed new economic sanctions against Venezuela a day after the country's socialist president, Nicolás Maduro, won elections that have been widely condemned as fraudulent.

The U.S. order would clamp down on the South American country's ability to liquidate assets, but the Trump administration fell short of imposing threatened new oil sanctions.


I think even Obama put some sanctions on Venezuela.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Aug 20 10:51:25

Fido - retard

I guess you don't know either.

Why don't you go fetch?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Aug 20 10:53:43

Thanks, Paramount. I just saw your post.

Mon Aug 20 11:23:01
"According to the United Nations, 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled since 2014 as their country reels from hyperinflation and severe shortages of everything from food and medicine to ink and paper for passports."

Well that's one way for Maduro to retain his majority, I guess.
Mon Aug 20 11:53:28

It is. It worked for Castro too.

Mon Aug 20 13:24:21
This picture perfectly captures how things have gone for Venezuela.

smart dude
Mon Aug 20 13:26:42
Looks great to me. That guy lost some weight and his store is so popular he's always sold out of almost everything.
Mon Aug 20 15:19:53
Unfortunately they can still send their poisonous spiders over here and completely destroy our society.
Mon Aug 20 15:38:15

Mon Aug 20 16:00:43
Fucking travesty.
Mon Aug 20 16:13:27

That's very sad, but Venezuela is hardly the poorest place around.

Mon Aug 20 17:46:46
According to The Wire, a convenience store with low inventory is a sign that it's a drug depot. Lock that guy up!

I seriously don't understand how the government can still enjoy a plurality of support at this point.
Mon Aug 20 17:48:28
Murder, Peru's economy is much stronger than Colombia. In addition to the large influx of Venezuelans there are some Colombians in Peru.
Mon Aug 20 18:09:28
Last time I was in Peru there were a good deal of Venezuelans, even as far from Lima as Arequipa.
Mon Aug 20 18:11:45

"Over 1 million Venezuelans have arrived in Colombia in less than two years, with many using the mountainous nation as a bridge to Ecuador and Peru, where some believe they will have better luck finding jobs and applying for asylum."

Mon Aug 20 19:46:38
You know that scene in "Tropic Thunder" where the one actor tells the other actor that "You never go full retard"?

This is the same thing, but instead it's "You never go full socialist".
Mon Aug 20 20:29:08
It's really just retarded. North Korea is socialist. It's economy is shit but it functions, such as it is. Honestly I give it a 50/50 chance Brazil and Colombia invade to overthrow Maduro. Odds are good the idiot will deliberately provoke it too.
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