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Utopia Talk / Politics / Let's talk about the lying whore
Mon Sep 17 19:47:26
Some woman accused Kavanaugh of drunkenly assaulting her. From what we know:

-What's she's alleging occurred 36 years ago
-She has zero corroborating witnesses
-She never told anyone until 2012
-She's previously gotten the details of her story wrong
-She claims that she tried to stay anonymous in all this, yet hired renowned liberal activist Debra Katz to represent her
-She supposedly told Dianne Feinstein about this months ago, but we're only hearing about it on the eve of the confirmation

Of course, in the face of this transparently nonsense non-story, the retards in the GOP immediately cave and offer to give this slut a full opportunity to derail the entire process. As if anything Republicans did would ever appease the #MeToo witchhunt. Why even bother trying?
Mon Sep 17 20:25:51
It seems as if any excuse is good enough to second guess kavanaugh. Weak nomination by a weak administration.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 17 20:58:47
Hiring some deep liberal activist is a huge red flag. Then again, trump is a retard.
Mon Sep 17 21:27:05
Even if what she says is true, all that happened is she got drunkenly kissed at a high school party.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Sep 17 21:29:55

She is lying.

What I don't understand is how you liberals keep believing it or do you. Do you know that it is a lie but you approve of it?

I first saw this tactic used by the Democrats decades ago in the late 80's when I was living in Hawaii.

A good businessman had retired and wanted to live in Hawaii. After a while, he saw what was wrong and he felt he could do some good.

After the election where the liberals pulled this stunt, he packed up his bags and left.

It is a dirty, filthy, stinking, rotten stunt that has ruined the reputations of too many good men.

Fortunately, the Republicans are too honorable to sink that low.

the wanderer
Mon Sep 17 21:33:59
she's not lying as she told the therapist in 2012

plus she named the second guy in the room... why add another party who will deny it (as he was semi complicit) if it's all fake

at best (for the attempted rapist), she is misremembering who it was

as to whether it should disqualify him is a different story
the wanderer
Mon Sep 17 21:38:51
the good part is, unless she admits she's mistaken it's a permanent stain on Trump's pick which will eat away at him... hahaha :p
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Sep 17 21:41:53

tw, do you want everything you did in high school to follow you through the rest of your life?

Every time, you meet a girl or apply for a job you really want or something else you really want then your sins from your high school activities rise up and bite you on the ass.

That what you want.

the wanderer
Mon Sep 17 21:48:38
my last sentence covered that

drunken males attempt to rape women, it is known... but women don't really want to get with the program
Mon Sep 17 22:16:13
So tumbleweed is a rapist or??
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 17 22:25:59
She is a died in the wool leftist and a psychology professor from cali. She likely exaggerated the story for sacred leftist victimhood points.

Toss in the last minute release and the ultra lib lawyer and there are a lot of red flags.
Sam Adams
Mon Sep 17 22:32:02
How... coincidental?

"The family eats organically, she said, and drive hybrids that they plug into a charging station in their driveway — near the basketball hoop that’s in frequent use by the boys and their friends. They are “modest people,” White said.

Blasey Ford participated in a local Women’s March protesting Trump last year, she said. And a month later at the March for Science, she wore a pink-yarned “brain hat,” Gensheimer said."
Mon Sep 17 22:32:14
The Republicans fucked up on this one. THey said anyone who makes the allegations deserves to be heard. This one will be heard next Monday so we can expect to have another step forward next Tuesday.
The Republicans needed to make more of a show out of making concessions for this one woman despite how much Feinstein fucked her over by sitting on the letter for political gains. They let Feinstein off real easy on this thing.
the wanderer
Mon Sep 17 22:39:47
she will also have to live in hiding & fear for now (& much longer if she upends the nomination)

Kavanaugh coming up w/ 65 women who supposedly knew him from high school in just 1 day is pretty suspect... perhaps it was not such a surprise... it's an all-boys school too, he certainly got around

and Trump not calling her a lying whore by now is weird too, maybe even he has doubts

Mark Judge (the 3rd person) should have to testify too... this was in his book about being a drunken youth:

"Do you know Bart O'Kavanaugh?"
"Yeah. He's around here somewhere."
"I heard he puked in someone's car the other night."
"Yeah. He passed out on his way back from a party."

is Bart, Brett? if so, that's pretty bad name concealing :p
the wanderer
Mon Sep 17 22:46:13
"They let Feinstein off real easy on this thing. "

not sure who 'they' are... every single R pundit or politician who has spoken about this is criticizing her as if it has bearing on Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence
Mon Sep 17 23:51:27
"she will also have to live in hiding & fear for now (& much longer if she upends the nomination)"

Why? She didn't piss off the left.

Did Kavanaugh come up with them or did they come forward on their own in his defense?

I'm thinking President Trump for once finally listened to his handlers.

You can pretty much bet the 3rd person will be at the very least asked to submit a written statement that will be submitted into the record.

"every single R pundit or politician who has spoken about this is criticizing her"

Not like they should be. They mostly are questioning the timing and other timid stuff.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 00:07:42

You know, I used to like Feinstein in spite of her liberal problems. (She was in my office once and I caught her checking me out.)

But, now I see that she is just like all of the rest. Why did she hold that letter till the last possible minute?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 00:11:22

I like the idea of both of them having to be interrogated by the FBI.

The liar goes to prison.

the wanderer
Tue Sep 18 00:58:41
those who accused Trump got death threats too... don't try to pretend only the left does it

i'm pretty sure Kavanaugh's staff rounded up the 65 women to sign the letter but don't really know the details, the letter here:


the Dem story is the woman didn't want to come forward & that's why delayed... unclear what changed, sounds like reporters figured it out somehow (who leaked unknown afaik)

pretty much anyone doing the questioning would be better than the shit show we'll get Monday... these televised hearings are always partisan disgraces
Tue Sep 18 01:01:17
At any other time in history, this would be bad. But metoo destroyed itself and, well Republicans changed their opinions about their arch nemesis Russia. So nothing will come of this likely. The red gang will distrust everything she says, the blue gang will take her story as gospel.
Tue Sep 18 02:18:39
I agree shouldn't be televised. Maybe release transcripts next day?

I don't believe the excuse for the delay. Feinstein could have given the letter to the FBI the day she got it and only her and the FBI would know until it was leaked.

It was timed to slow the process down and once things get rolling again the democrats are going to try and throw in another wrench. That is the way both sides do things now. Nominations started going all to shit with the Alito.

Tue Sep 18 03:28:55
She sent an anonymous letter. Feinstein forwarded to the FBI. The FBI updated Kavanaugh's profile which the white house could see. The white house forwarded the information to republicans in the senate. The republicans in the senate prepared for the leak by somehow finding 65 women that vouched for Kavanaugh at the time despite the fact he went to an all boys school.

All the retarded repeat of Breitbart talking points is as usual wrong. Both Kavanaugh and his accuser will have their day but Kavanaugh was already caught lying already. They will start to add up.

My ideal result would be Garland and then Harriman. Both are for more mainstream than Kavanaugh who is a kleptocratic jackass like most republicans these days.

If Kavanaugh fails, it's hard to say who Trump will nominate though. He only nominated Kavanaugh because he thinks Kavanaugh will vote to not let Mueller indict Trump or subpoena him and in general obstruct justice in Trump's favor.
American Democrat
Tue Sep 18 04:43:07

So cold cases should not ever be investigated? A murder that happened "thirty six fucking years ago" and the murderer caught should be let go because it happened so long ago?

A serial rapist should be let go because he committed the acts "thirty six fucking years ago?"

Is that the logic? Because it happened so long ago that it shouldn't matter anymore? Yes, I get it, statue of limitations is your thought process. But, it is not an excuse.

If this occurred, and let me repeat myself because I know how you like to look over details, IF this occurred, then yes this should be looked into and it appears that it is. But, I also do find it rather suspect as Dukhat pointed out that amazingly he went to an all boys school and that in enough time they found 65 female peers so they could vouch for him. That is really some digging around to present this and more suspicious that they new this was part of his profile.

"I like the idea of both of them having to be interrogated by the FBI. "

Oh, interesting, now the FBI is to be looked at credible since this administration has been ridiculing them and downplaying the organization for months.

"Even if what she says is true, all that happened is she got drunkenly kissed at a high school party. "

So you are opened to it of being true, but the details including the part that her clothes were being attempted to be taken off forcibly, kissing her forcibly, and thrown down forcibly equates to a "drunkenly kiss?" Interesting logic.

I guess since it was brought up in terms of how long ago it happened, and it was only a drunken kissed, this should be applied to all other politicians too, including Al Franken, because all he did was just joked around...

The logic some of you have to present some sort of defense is remarkable.

And before you use your braindead logic to act as if I am defending the woman. I have my suspicions as well, but it doesn't warrant enough of me to be completely dismissive.

American Democrat
Tue Sep 18 04:54:52
Oh, and let's not forget the fact that his friend, Mark Judge that was mentioned has written some interesting memoirs describing experiences while in an all boys school as that would totally not be a "wildy out of character Catholic raised and educated boys."
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 18 06:40:49
“I guess ... this should be applied to all other politicians too, including Al Franken, because all he did was just joked around...“

In this sentence was Franken supposed to be an example of the #MeToo system working or something? Because to me it was pretty absurd that he stepped down.
Tue Sep 18 07:04:07

Well, if Jews can milk Germany of moneys for something that happened 73 years ago, why can't this woman also get moneys? Kavanaugh's children and grandchildren should also be forced to pay money to this woman as compensation to what their father did.
American Democrat
Tue Sep 18 07:10:50
"In this sentence was Franken supposed to be an example of the #MeToo system working or something? Because to me it was pretty absurd that he stepped down"

Yes, he was included. Even Democrats said he should step down because of it.
Tue Sep 18 18:04:25
If we locked up high schoolers who kiss each other while drunk we will have millions of teens in jail. This bullshit needs to be called out for what it is. Bullshit. It is not to be tolerated or given credence.
Tue Sep 18 18:20:01
Oh shut up you vagina. If you don't believe that it is plausible that high schools kids act this way, and some have. Then you are a sheltered or very naive individual. It seems according to the details more than mere kissing. But then again, you've been a real pussfest lately.
Tue Sep 18 18:40:09
Oh shut up you vagina. Events from thirty six years ago, especially from high school, don't matter.
Tue Sep 18 18:50:17
If it was 36 years ago, and nothing happened, how is it kavannagh is able to deny to sen. Hatch that he was at the party, given that Ford never specified the exact date or location of the event?
Tue Sep 18 18:50:51
Well, she doesn't seem to want to testify to it. So probably bullshit. Or, an exaggeration. As in, they kissed but she was fine with it at the time.

Also, 36 years ago. Fucking kennedy left a woman to die, but a drunken hook up from 36 years ago should derail a man's career.
Tue Sep 18 18:52:09
Also, if events from 36 years ago don't matter, why did kavannagh submit his school records etc as character testimony? Or is it only relevant if good?

Tue Sep 18 18:52:42
This is a massive shit test for the #metoo cultural commissars. They want to sink a major government nomination on an allegation of minor chav behavior in high school backed with no corroborating evidence, no witnesses, and almost 4 decades of time lapse. Kavenaugh could be the second coming of adolf Hitler at this point and I would still say approve him if only to given a major defeat to those evil assholes trying to turn our society into The Crucible.
Tue Sep 18 18:53:14

If he's lying about it and his career is literally to decide the law, absolutely.
Tue Sep 18 18:56:10
There is no way to prove either of them are lying. In such situations the default assumption must be the accuser is the liar. The alternative to that is the salem witch trials.
Tue Sep 18 18:56:41
Or she's telling the truth, and regardless of whether there's enough proof to convict, your about to put someone of questionable character and a liar into a life long position of power.

What's the point of senate confirmation? Rubber stamping? If so why bother.
Tue Sep 18 18:59:17
No. Not being appointed is not a punishment.

Being appointed is a huge privilege and responsibility with long ramifications for your entire country and you should not appointed someone if there is a question mark here as it would Rob the court of credibility and legitimacy.

It's not about what is fair to kavannagh, it's what's fair to the country.
Tue Sep 18 18:59:20
If she is telling the truth it is her burden to prove it. We cannot base society around the mere act of accusing someone of something being sufficient to carry out punishment.
Tue Sep 18 19:00:59
Indeed, and what is fair for the country is not letting an unproven accusation upset the wheels of.governing process. If this did happen and it can be shown it did, then by all means stop the nomination.

The default assumption must however be that the accuser is the liar.
Tue Sep 18 19:09:57
Women who report this stuff seldom gain from it.

Two girls I went to uni with in my class (of 200) that I know of were sexually assaulted and let it go. They didn't want it to affect their studies.

Those that make shit up egregiously are often found out.

This here can cut either way. Maybe she's decided that she can deal with him "getting away with it" on her account but feels he should not make law and is now prepared to take the hit.

Maybe she's a political activist prepared to take the hit under false pretences to drag him down.

But the senate should hear it out, and err on the side of caution. There are other candidates without this, and the needs of the country should be before what's "fair" to kavannagh if the senate are not completely confident in him.

As for rugians view that if he did do it,it's so long ago it doesn't matter, that's absurd. It's one thing to think he never did it; quite another to say that a man who commited a sexual assault is fit to be one of the highest legal authorities in the land because that didn't get reported or acted on back then.

I don't know what rugian got up to, but I certainly never found myself in such a position, and nobody I know would admit to it either because it's fucking wrong.
Tue Sep 18 19:13:10

No. As I said, kavannagh has no right to be appointed at not being appointed is not a punishment. Pretty much anything that could derail an appointment would not need to be proven to anything like beyond reasonable doubt. If the republicans had even the slightest suspicion he would rule the wrong way on key issues they'd pass him over.

Are you seriously saying partisan loyalty is more important than key character issues? Are you mad?
Tue Sep 18 19:20:47
"Indeed, and what is fair for the country is not letting an unproven accusation upset the wheels of.governing process."

Bro, have you paid attention to any politics of the last 20 years? Did you pay attention to the last fucking election?
the wanderer
Tue Sep 18 19:22:53
if Brett Kavanaugh is 'Bart O'Kavanaugh' (got pass-out drunk at parties) then he should be considered a liar for flat out denying this happened rather than what Mark Judge said of 'I have no memory of it happening'.

And if he's a liar, he's disqualified.. no longer matters about whether high school behavior is relevant.

Case closed.
Tue Sep 18 19:26:07
The whole point of senate approvals is to be absolutely confident that's the right appointee, not to simply act if a lower courts convicted.

You idiots already let the electoral college fuck up it's one job of blocking a candidate like trump.

To waive someone through with that serious a set of accusations (let alone he's already on record of lying on other issues, and clearly on this one too if he's denying being at an event he clearly can't deny being at) on the grounds that any accusations need to be proven in court (if this one does, clearly any reason put forward for his inadequacy should meet the same exacting threshold), you might as well but e up on checks and balances.

Tue Sep 18 19:36:19
"Pretty much anything that could derail an appointment would not need to be proven to anything like beyond reasonable doubt."

There would need to be at least a modicum of proof or a pattern of behavior. Here we have none of that.
We have a woman who has said she and others had one beer but the two boys showed up drunk and has also said she was drunk. She can't remember where the party was, what year it happened, how she got to the party or when she left.

All she can remember is that something happened to her in a bedroom. Both people she has accused of being in that room have said nope they were not there. None of the other people at the party have stepped up to say they remember Kavanaugh was at the party. And her husband remembers her in a therapy session mentioning Kavanaugh by name and saying she was afraid he would become a Supreme Court judge. That is some really convenient remembering on his part, and that he didn't act on it even now is a bit telling.

All that aside whatever happened thirtysix years ago what is going on now is simply the Democrats doing what ever they can at any level to stop the nomination. This isn't about 36 years ago. THis is about Democrats hating President Trump.
American Democrat
Tue Sep 18 19:57:36
"Oh shut up you vagina. Events from thirty six years ago, especially from high school, don't matter."

Again, I raise the point, so a person who has committed murder and gets caught 36 years later shouldn't matter?

Also, if events that didn't matter, why have a vetting process?

Again, your logic is remarkable, astounding even.

American Democrat
Tue Sep 18 19:59:05
"All that aside whatever happened thirtysix years ago what is going on now is simply the Democrats doing what ever they can at any level to stop the nomination. This isn't about 36 years ago. THis is about Democrats hating President Trump."

GOP gets what they deserve for the stunt they pulled with Obama's nominee by pushing it off.

Nonetheless if there is any validity it needs to be questioned.

"If she is telling the truth it is her burden to prove it. We cannot base society around the mere act of accusing someone of something being sufficient to carry out punishment."

Isn't that the whole point of having the hearing?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 21:37:56

She does not know when or where the party supposedly happened. The only person that she said was there denied that it happened.

He is from a small town where most people know each other. Soon after the accusation was made, 65 women that have known him for years said he was always decent and polite.

He coaches a girls sports team. Never a complaint by any of the girls or their families.

He has worked with women since he started working in the legal profession as a private lawyer and a judge. Never a complaint.

She wanted to testify 24 hours ago but now that the FBI has refused to investigate this particular incident because they do not do stuff like that, now she wants a complete FBI investigation before she will appear before Congress.

Kavanaugh has already passed six FBI investigations of his past and never a problem.

She had repressed the incident for years before it supposedly popped up in a therapy session. The question is, did she have a crush on Kavanaugh back then and did her "memory" replace him with someone else that might have grouped her and she wants the world to think that this man of such an impeccable reputation wanted her so bad that she was the only girl that he ever grouped in his life.

Give me a break!

No one with the slightest iota of common sense can possibly believe her story.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 21:51:06

BTW, to give you an insight into the left's ability to do anything to win, regardless.

Just look at what has been uncovered about the left's activities since they started investigating President Trump.

Tue Sep 18 21:59:01
Democratic Senator says men need to do the right thing and shut up.


I am done. I am truly done. Been a registered democrat since I was eligible to vote. Going to the registrar tomorrow and changing party membership to Republican. I will no longer support this hateful and misandrist ideology that has consumed the left. Don't even care what the Republicans policies are. At least they don't hate me for who I am.
Tue Sep 18 22:10:23
"At least they don't hate me for who I am."

Kinda fucking short sighted. Sure, they don't hate YOU, but they hate just about everyone else.

I don't get why battered women stay with their abusers. And yes, I am calling you, Aeros, a battered woman.
Tue Sep 18 22:15:35
If the defining feature of a person is there race and gender, I need to stand with the party that represents my race and gender. Don't I. I am merely doing what is morally correct according to th esteemed idiots running the democratic party now. Ignore everything in favor of identity.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 18 22:15:40
"Just look at what has been uncovered about the left's activities since they started investigating President Trump"

if all the bullshit you are hearing from Devin Nunes and the shills at Faux News was actually true, why isn't the entire R congress supporting it? why is it SOLELY Trump shills?

also why would you register as Republican? they are blindly following an idiot child... go independent... there are more I's than D's or R's

enough w/ both of them
Tue Sep 18 22:22:24
Normally I would agree with the sentiment, but sadly the rhetoric from the left has become too terrifying for me. I know where this rampant tribalism and racial othering will lead, and I need to take a firm position against it. I had hoped that they would be able to control their narrative, but the trump election has literally driven them mad.

The republicans are assholes, but they are still part of the system and are a safety valve for the animus that is building. If the Republican party fails in the face of what the democratic party is becoming....


It can only mean war.
Cherub Cow
Tue Sep 18 22:26:39
[American Democrat]: "Even Democrats said he should step down because of it."

Does "even" not mean the same thing to you that it does to me? Because the Democrats *especially* would be expected to weaponize #MeToo — regardless of whether it was another Democrat and especially if it disrupted process (such as forcing resignations in shame or in social pressure rather than firings occurring lawfully). It fits the Democrat profile of weaponizing identity politics, with anyone not playing along being driven underneath the cart. Carrying the fitting "Crucible" parallel, Salem's afflicted/"victims" want an outlet for their ressentiment; they want their menace to be a public spectacle (Panoptic) wherein the legal arguments/proceedings can be drowned in part by deranged mob mentality; their evidence is often "spectral" (metaphorically anyways), half-remembered, or otherwise part of an internal/autistic process; and they thrive in a polarized society because two polar sides potentially legitimize the new weapon so that they can use it against each other opportunistically (in the Salem Trials, some Massachusetts land-owners were accused so that they would surrender land rights, and now it seems that politicians of each party can be accused as an easy way to destroy temporarily the political standing of the other party or to win quick voter points). It's all a veil for a corrupt logic which must eventually snap when its own injustices have been laid bare too many times.

[American Democrat]: "Again, I raise the point, so a person who has committed murder and gets caught 36 years later shouldn't matter?"

Do you really need this point challenged? Did you even check a Wiki page to see if your logic holds up?

Statutes of limitations typically vary by severity of offense. First Degree Murder is considered heinous and so has no statute of limitations, but even murder has a clock against it because evidence and memory have limitations so judges are more likely to dismiss cases without strong evidence. Rape is considered a heinous blanket offense in some U.S. states (i.e., any severity of rape would have no statute), but in many states the severity of the offense dictates how long the statute will last (e.g., in Oregon, first degree rape has a statute of 12 years, but second and third degree rape may have statutes of 6 years or less). Kavanaugh's alleged assault occurred in Maryland which has no statute for felony sexual offenses but has a 1 year limit for misdemeanor offenses. If the allegations are true (forcible kisses and attempts to remove clothing by drunken minors), it's unlikely that this case would rise to felony level. Worse for the allegations is that it is likely not provable, no other accusers have come forward, and the statute has run dry on the lesser (non-felony) offense. That leaves this plainly and simply as a political weapon meant only to harm Kavanaugh's character. As per Salem, the hearing is not meant to find any concrete proof (there won't be any, unless you think that there was a VHS tape of the '80s incident stashed somewhere), it is meant to subject a person to public scrutiny for the purposes of stirring mob reaction which will hopefully (for the accuser's handlers) sway authority to make process mistakes via the authority's catching of the public contagion. Today it's the Democrats doing it to the Republicans, tomorrow it's the Republicans doing it to the Democrats. Repeat ad nauseam.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 18 22:30:08
you can't see the rampant tribalism and racial othering on the R side?

it couldn't be more obvious... why is every white nationalist group actively supporting Trump?
the wanderer
Tue Sep 18 22:32:06
^(was @ Aeros)
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 18 22:38:58
Now she wont even consent to testifying unless there is a massive delay first(typed up and submitted by her george soros ultraleft lawyer).

Looking more and more like far left lies at this point.
Tue Sep 18 22:40:48
"The republicans are assholes, but they are still part of the system"

This guy. "Part of the system," he says, about the group that routinely abdicates their responsibility, plays dirty, obstructs everything they can. "Part of the system," he says, abut the fucking Trump admin. If by "part of the system," you mean "ruthlessly and openly trying to completely dismantle the system to their own benefit," sure.

Seriously, man. Take a moment. Reflect. Consider what the fuck you are saying. Hate the dems all you want, but you're clearly entering willful delusion about the Rs. It isn't healthy.
Tue Sep 18 22:48:11
At least the republicans don't engage in witch trials. The things being pushed by the Democrats are a menace. An existential threat to the republic. Not some socialist nanny state conspiracy, but a full throated embrace of tribalism and a demand that society conform to the shrill shrieking of accusation and not the rule of law.

I refuse to be a member of a party that would use social media as a panoptican to advance a social agenda based on racial identity, fear and mob justice. This is the 17th century Massachusetts colony writ large for an entire continent spanning empire, and its vile. It's vile beyond imagination and it needs to be stopped.
Tue Sep 18 22:53:58
Lol @ Aeros losing his mind. Don’t like some feminist retards? Join the white nationalist kleptocrat fascist party. Good job idiot.
Tue Sep 18 22:54:59
The feminist regards are given positions of authority.
Tue Sep 18 22:56:37
"white nationalist kleptocrat fascist party"

lol @ Cuckhat losing his mind
Tue Sep 18 23:00:57
There is something mentally wrong with people who spend too much time on the internet and take too seriously the things they read. Watch rugian and now Aeros take exhibit Münchausen syndrome where the party and individuals without power trigger them so that they support the kleptocratic white nationalism party.

Anyways a fitting end to this shitty message board I think to see all the weak-minded break and betray their principles over nothing.
the wanderer
Tue Sep 18 23:04:40
"At least the republicans don't engage in witch trials"

see Trump's assault on Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, etc (the entire Justice Dept really... or 'Justice' Dept as he calls it)

and all the numerous things he has claimed are illegal, which are not in fact illegal... & criticizing investigations of Republican candidates...

start reading his twitter, find a day where he doesn't say something unacceptable
Tue Sep 18 23:09:10
Anyways back to the story. The accuser wants the FBI to investigate. Seems reasonable but now the Republicans want to rush through this kleptocratic, autocratic piece of shit through anyways. What’s a week or two? You delayed garland for a year over nothing.

Fucking dipshit hypocrites.
Tue Sep 18 23:18:11
Saw the clip of the Hawaiian senator. She speaks English in a fobby way and got angry at all the men doubting the accuser which makes sense since most of the men on this board already don’t believe her. This is what triggered Aeros lol. Get over yourself.
werewolf dictator
Tue Sep 18 23:20:00
reasonable for fbi to get in their time machine and investigate he-said she-said he-said alleged kissing incident 36 years ago looking for evidence at unknown location
Tue Sep 18 23:26:00
Oh the senator quote is the top article on breitbart. The white male victimhood Brownshirt cult is in full brigade mode. Wonderful.
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 18 23:28:40
Cuckhat says its ok to discriminate against white men.

This is why you lose elections cuckhat
Tue Sep 18 23:31:09
The third guy I referenced has now moved from denial to no recollection because he doesn’t want to testify under oath. Ah the cuckservative good old boys club where you gladly circle jerk each other on a message board but splinter away when it’s your own neck on the line.
Tue Sep 18 23:39:05
The lady is in hiding and is facing death threats. But hey, a senator triggered Aeros by implying all men had culpability. Totally equivalent.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 23:47:09

And the dumb bitch that is making the claim is refusing to testify until the FBI completes an investigation of the incident.

You might have guessed that she would fall back on that as soon as she learned the FBI refused to get involved.

I just heard that on the second airing of Tucker Carlson.

I think what they are hoping is that Kavanaugh will give up and withdraw his name.

I have seen the liberals do lots of mean and slimy tricks in my life but this one takes the cake.

Considering Kavanaugh's integrity and reputation this is the worst.


I sincerely hope there is a hell because those people that are doing this to Kavanaugh will surely burl there for eternity.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 23:52:53

What they should do is put out a memo that there will be a meeting and a vote a certain time.

Then Grassley should tell all of the Republicans to be there early.

At the given time, lock the doors and no one gets out and no one gets 'IN'.

Wed Sep 19 00:08:26
"At least the republicans don't engage in witch trials."

You're delusional.

"The things being pushed by the Democrats are a menace. An existential threat to the republic."

The mob is indeed shit, but you are still delusional.

"Not some socialist nanny state conspiracy, but a full throated embrace of tribalism and a demand that society conform to the shrill shrieking of accusation and not the rule of law."

Is it worse to demand society conform to societal standards, or to attempt to underhandedly pass/enforce laws that don't align with societal standards? You are delusional and have your priorities in a mess.

"I refuse to be a member of a party that would use social media as a panoptican to advance a social agenda based on racial identity, fear and mob justice."

And so you turn to the republicans.............................

As I said. You are delusional. You should take stock, catch your breath. You seem disenchanted by the dems - fine. Turning to republicans is asinine and retarded, considering they peddle quite literally everything you have said you find distasteful.
Wed Sep 19 01:18:57
I find identity politics distasteful yes, but if that is what the game is now, then I guess I have to support the party that represents my identity. Self preservation and tribalism are powerful motivating factors. I have taken stock, and it seems the insanity is not abating so I guess I have to pick sides.
Wed Sep 19 02:44:25
Spending too much time online has made you a retarded reactionary. Republicans run on white identity politics and dems respond in kind and you go nuts. At the end of the day republicans are only about white identity politics as they rob the country blind and dems are the ones pushing real if sometimes somewhat flawed solutions to things that actually improvr people's lives.

Anyways nobody has to convince you of anything. You've been down this retard path for a while. Your daughter can choke on pollution and deal with global warming and your family can have shittastic trumpcare and a decreasing social safety net but it's OK because some Democrat women annoyed you in a sound blurb.

Congrats on being a man and voting with your brain instead of your emotions ... Oh wait.
Wed Sep 19 03:43:15

It's not identity politics you moron.

It's someone accusing him of sexual assault.

You only *think* it's identity politics because you are outraged that a woman should be able to hold up a man's career.

*You* are the one making this an identity issue.

American Democrat
Wed Sep 19 05:15:21
"Does "even" not mean the same thing to you that it does to me? Because the Democrats *especially* would be expected to weaponize #MeToo — regardless of whether it was another Democrat and especially if it disrupted process (such as forcing resignations in shame or in social pressure rather than firings occurring lawfully). It fits the Democrat profile of weaponizing identity politics, with anyone not playing along being driven underneath the cart. Carrying the fitting "Crucible" parallel, Salem's afflicted/"victims" want an outlet for their ressentiment; they want their menace to be a public spectacle (Panoptic) wherein the legal arguments/proceedings can be drowned in part by deranged mob mentality; their evidence is often "spectral" (metaphorically anyways), half-remembered, or otherwise part of an internal/autistic process; and they thrive in a polarized society because two polar sides potentially legitimize the new weapon so that they can use it against each other opportunistically (in the Salem Trials, some Massachusetts land-owners were accused so that they would surrender land rights, and now it seems that politicians of each party can be accused as an easy way to destroy temporarily the political standing of the other party or to win quick voter points). It's all a veil for a corrupt logic which must eventually snap when its own injustices have been laid bare too many times. "

Long-winded and missed my inference completely. You asked a question and expressed the absurdity of the resignation due to the pressure by the Democrats. "Even" was inferencing that they too used this as a catalyst. There was no opposition to your statement other than adding a fact to what transpired.

"Statutes of limitations typically vary by severity of offense. First Degree Murder is considered heinous and so has no statute of limitations, but even murder has a clock against it because evidence and memory have limitations so judges are more likely to dismiss cases without strong evidence. Rape is considered a heinous blanket offense in some U.S. states (i.e., any severity of rape would have no statute), but in many states the severity of the offense dictates how long the statute will last (e.g., in Oregon, first degree rape has a statute of 12 years, but second and third degree rape may have statutes of 6 years or less). Kavanaugh's alleged assault occurred in Maryland which has no statute for felony sexual offenses but has a 1 year limit for misdemeanor offenses. If the allegations are true (forcible kisses and attempts to remove clothing by drunken minors), it's unlikely that this case would rise to felony level. Worse for the allegations is that it is likely not provable, no other accusers have come forward, and the statute has run dry on the lesser (non-felony) offense. That leaves this plainly and simply as a political weapon meant only to harm Kavanaugh's character. As per Salem, the hearing is not meant to find any concrete proof (there won't be any, unless you think that there was a VHS tape of the '80s incident stashed somewhere), it is meant to subject a person to public scrutiny for the purposes of stirring mob reaction which will hopefully (for the accuser's handlers) sway authority to make process mistakes via the authority's catching of the public contagion. Today it's the Democrats doing it to the Republicans, tomorrow it's the Republicans doing it to the Democrats. Repeat ad nauseam."

Unlike the pseudo-lawyer that lurked or lurks on here -- I completely understand statute of limitations and need no explanation. There was a point I was making in regards to Rugian's logic. And I even referenced his motive based upon the statute of limitations extending empathy to his thought processes. But let's put things in perspective;

1. This is a lifetime appointment. A profile is kept and background conducted by the Feds.

2. Content of character matters in this regards as they have great power that can strongly influence various cases, culture, policies, and law.

3. It is part of the vetting process and if this is an issue, then it should be looked into.

4. The victim, if willing, should testify. (Anita Hill)

However, and again I said this before that I have my suspicions of the motives. Requesting an FBI investigation seems as far fetched and appears to be even used to delay this proceeding. But I also alluded that this is also karma on the GOP.

I do understand your sentiment that you expressed, though long-winded, but I think you got misguided on my intent and direction.

American Democrat
Wed Sep 19 05:19:37
"At least the republicans don't engage in witch trials. The things being pushed by the Democrats are a menace. An existential threat to the republic."

Either you are poor student of history or more to the point political history. Or you've been brainwashed by certain spectrums become too narrowminded.

"I find identity politics distasteful yes, but if that is what the game is now, then I guess I have to support the party that represents my identity. Self preservation and tribalism are powerful motivating factors. I have taken stock, and it seems the insanity is not abating so I guess I have to pick sides. "

It thinks you've contradicted yourself as you just some previous posts prior were critical and now you are embracing that you've taken stock and jumped on the tribalism train. I suggest you take a break. I for one care not for what party you support, but going to the extreme is nonsense.
American Democrat
Wed Sep 19 05:22:19
"It's not identity politics you moron.

It's someone accusing him of sexual assault.

You only *think* it's identity politics because you are outraged that a woman should be able to hold up a man's career.

*You* are the one making this an identity issue."

Seb, you are right. He is using it as a scapegoat as it has been a buildup for some time for him. Notice the various threads about his disappointment and his threads about 'white identity' issues. This appears to be the final straw for him and is deciding to join in on the mob mentality. And don't take offense, its similar to what you do on some issues as well.
Wed Sep 19 05:32:26
"Oh shut up you vagina. Events from thirty six years ago, especially from high school, don't matter. "

Yeah, I'm sure Bill Cosby wished that was his defense. But oh noes, you're triggered! Must be a soft spot for you and I am purely basing that from your mental anguish of your girl problems... "feel sorry for me people, the girl I liked broke my trust, I hurt, need emo music." Seems more like you're taking a personal investment in this endeavor.
Wed Sep 19 07:20:51
"I guess I have to support the party that represents my identity."

As I said, you are delusional. The Republicans do not support your identity. They're happy to let you think they do, as their MO is to dupe retards into supporting them against their own interests, but they don't support you.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Sep 19 08:42:35

hood, all kidding aside, I think you are a somewhat intelligent person.

What I cannot understand is how can you support what they are doing to Judge Kavanaugh. It is totally apparent that he is a very special person that has an impeccable reputation.

Wed Sep 19 09:42:19

It's totally clear he lied about receiving stolen emails.

If that's your definition of impeccable you have a screw loose.
Wed Sep 19 10:11:21
He's a complete shitbag, rod. While I'm no fan of random 11th hour witch hunts (I don't care for your opinion Seb), it's not a negative to relook at the guy's character. His ideas and opinions are awful. He is an enemy of every American who believes in freedom and privacy.
Wed Sep 19 10:17:24

You are describing precisely my opinion as your own moron. You shouldn't let your own personal animosities get in the way of substantive issues.

large member
Wed Sep 19 10:20:08
Wed Sep 19 10:20:27
Also, when did witch hunt shift in meaning?

The point about witch hunts is there were no goaddamned witches because witches don't exist, and the whole thing was a smokescreen for persecuting people (mostly women who didn't conform to their assigned societal roles) who had no chance of being guilty because witches are fictional.

Using it to describe metoo is implicitly stating that it is certain the accusers are liars with ulterior motives.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Sep 19 10:37:25

Seb/hood, Not sure who you guys are speaking of but I am talking about Kavanaugh and the third person in the room.

Seb, when did Kavanaugh receive stolen emails and what do they have to do with his character?

hood, you are calling Kavanaugh "a complete shitbag" when the only negative thing ever said about him is this woman's claim that he groped her 36 years ago and she is obviously lying. And her witness says that it did not happen.

Wed Sep 19 10:46:36
"Using it to describe metoo is implicitly stating that it is certain the accusers are liars with ulterior motives"

I am not implying this. I am saying that this is what it is explicitly.
Wed Sep 19 10:48:40
"You are describing precisely my opinion as your own moron."

You are including the accusations of this woman in your judgment of Kavanaugh as a shitbag. I indicated that I'm completely excluding that from my judgment and indeed said I'm not a fan of it.

Comprehension, bro.
Wed Sep 19 10:52:50
Hahahaha at how all the idiots have nothing to stand on here. The only real arguments I've seen is "one woman has the ability to tank a man's career with forty-year old accusations" and "men should subordinate themselves to women." What a state politics is in.

Kinda telling how you hacks just endlessly parrot media narratives at this point.
Wed Sep 19 11:06:17

No. Learn to read moron.
Wed Sep 19 11:10:41

Google "Kavanagh, stolen emails".

How could you possibly know that?

If the accusation was secretly he absolutely supported democratic positions, would that be a good reason to not appoint him?

If it was a 39 year old accusation he beat and robbed a disabled veteran whose only now coming forward, you tell me that shouldn't be examined?

Wed Sep 19 11:14:57
Hood:for the benefit of your slow firing synapses, I've said the way he's denied elements of the accusation which he couldn't possibly deny (e.g. positively saying he wasn't at a party when the time and location of the party was never specified) casts doubt on his character and, frankly, critical faculties.

It does not require the accusation to be true.

Wed Sep 19 11:19:29

Are you telling me that in a case of he-said she-said relating to a four decade-old incident, we should be obligated to believe the woman?

I'm sorry, but I'm not prepared to do that.
American Democrat
Wed Sep 19 11:24:32
"Hahahaha at how all the idiots have nothing to stand on here."

Versus your OP? This is laughable as you are unable to articulate an argument except your repetition of "36 years ago."

American Democrat
Wed Sep 19 11:26:04
"Are you telling me that in a case of he-said she-said relating to a four decade-old incident,"

When it comes to lifetime appointments to such a position it warrants to be reviewed and considered.
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