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Utopia Talk / Politics / The 3rd Person in the Room
Tue Sep 18 21:15:12
Apparently, he's a chip off the old cuckservative, toxic masculinity block.


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, is being accused of sexually and physically assaulting a 15-year-old girl at a party during his high school years.

Kavanaugh has repeatedly denied the allegations, but his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, says there was one other person in the room when the alleged incident took place: Kavanaugh's then-classmate, Mark Judge.

The fate of Kavanaugh's nomination is hanging in the balance as Republicans and Democrats debate allowing a full investigation to take place.
Judge, a journalist and filmmaker, has also denied that the incident took place.

"It's just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way," Judge told The Weekly Standard in an interview on Friday. CNN has been unable to reach Judge for comment despite repeated attempts.
Now that Judge's recollection of the alleged event could become a focal point for all those looking into the accusation, flags have been raised regarding his own past writings.
Judge wrote the book "Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk," where he details his experiences of extensive drinking while attending Georgetown Preparatory School.

Judge writes that he is "shocked" about what he got away with in high school -- recalling beach parties that hundreds of people would attend.
At another point he describes his high school as "positively swimming in alcohol."
Judge also references a "Bart O'Kavanaugh," who he writes vomited in someone's car. It has not been confirmed whether this is a reference to Kavanaugh.

Separate from his book, Judge -- in a 2013 piece for The Daily Caller -- says of former President Barack Obama that he "doesn't have just a streak of the feminine in him; he seems to be a woman, and a feminist one at that, with a streak of man in him."

In the same Daily Caller article, he compares Michelle Obama with Laura Bush, writing: "With her love of violent movies, her fixation on fitness and death glare that appears when she doesn't like what she's hearing, Michelle is actually more man than her husband. Oh for the days when president George W. Bush gave his wife Laura a loving but firm pat on the backside in public. The man knew who was boss."

In 2015, Judge writes in Splice Today about what he calls "damseling," which he describes as "making a woman a passive damsel in distress who needs rescuing."

"Of course, a man must be able to read a woman's signals, and it's a good thing that feminism is teaching young men that no means no and yes means yes. But there's also that ambiguous middle ground, where the woman seems interested and indicates, whether verbally or not, that the man needs to prove himself to her. And if that man is any kind of man, he'll allow himself to feel the awesome power, the wonderful beauty, of uncontrollable male passion," he wrote.
Georgetown Preparatory School yearbook
Attorney Seth Berenzweig, a Virginia-based lawyer who otherwise has no connection to Kavanaugh or the allegations, was given a copy of the high school's 1983 yearbook by an individual who requested anonymity. The yearbook features captions such as "Do these guys beat their wives?" and "Prep parties raise question of legality."

In the yearbook, Judge's page included the quote: "Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs," citing Sir Noel Coward.

"The person who contacted me wanted to make sure that all information is available to the American people," Berenzweig said.

"It's not meant as an indictment or an attack on Judge Kavanaugh or the person who is accusing him. The only interest is in making sure that the American people have all of the information, as well as the representatives on Capitol Hill, so that they can make a fully informed decision on such a critical lifetime appointment to the United States Supreme Court."

A public hearing on the allegations against Kavanaugh is set for next Monday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.


Rich white boys steeped in white privelege. These are the type of people Obaminated and Forwyn and Rugian always defend. LOL. What cucks.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 21:46:56

If he admitted all of that crap about himself I see no reason why he would not throw Kavanaugh under the bus.

Yet he claims the incident never took place and Kavanaugh never grouped anyone that he was aware of.

Tue Sep 18 22:58:17
Gotta disqualify him from the supreme court because of his high school years!

What a fucking retard cuckhat
Tue Sep 18 23:06:34
I know this may be hard for an old lonely piece of shit like you Pillz, but most of us don’t go around sexually assaulting women as teenagers.

Fucking incel retard.
Sam Adams
Tue Sep 18 23:21:10
Drunk high school kid got drunk and had sex? Omg no way!!!! Shocking discovery you found cuckat. Excellent investigating.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Sep 18 23:34:07

dukbrain - but most of us don’t go around sexually assaulting women as teenagers.

We know dukbrain, you can't get close enough to group girls.

All you can do is lock yourself in the bathroom and pound your pud.

Cold Rod
Wed Sep 19 05:25:51
^Is the only poster known on UP to be on a sex offender's registry.
Wrath of Orion
Wed Sep 19 07:28:17
"If he admitted all of that crap about himself I see no reason why he would not throw Kavanaugh under the bus."

You think President "Grab 'em by the pussy" Trump has a problem with sexual assault?

Wed Sep 19 07:49:19
Contemporary "journalism" has become so hopelessly geared toward women and limp-twisted male readers like Dukhat. How do you read that article and not laugh at how pathetic this smear campaign is? Oh no, he called Michelle Obama more manly than her husband and quoted some offensive humor in his high school yearbook...stop the presses!
Wed Sep 19 07:50:53
Dukhat is definitely someone who didn't get invited to parties as a teenager.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Sep 19 08:44:26

pussywoo - You think President "Grab 'em by the pussy" Trump has a problem with sexual assault?


What the hell does that have to do with the subject at hand?

Wed Sep 19 09:51:36
”Yet he claims the incident never took place and Kavanaugh never grouped anyone that he was aware of.”

This sentence, I can relate, I have groped many that I wasn’t aware of.
Wed Sep 19 10:59:24
I dont think cuckhat had any drunken encounters with girls in highschool... or college...
Wed Sep 19 11:11:20
”Kavanaugh never grouped anyone that he was aware of”

Maybe he thought that he was only flirting with them, but in reality he was groping them.
Wed Sep 19 11:20:11
yeah, thats how it works, you moron.
Wed Sep 19 11:53:56
Could this be a case of, unconscious groping?
Wed Sep 19 11:58:42
Duuuuur I had duuur experience with duuuur womems duuur as I've duuur admitted duuuur raping duuuur one. Duuuuuuuur. #womenshaverighttotheirbodies duuuuuuurrrr
Wed Sep 19 12:30:21
Weeeee woooooo weeeeee woooooo

*Tardnado Alert*
Wed Sep 19 12:41:58
A woman who knew him in high school comes forward with an entirely unverifiable accusation.

Might as well chemically castrate him now
Wed Sep 19 12:43:17
And how did cuckhat end up getting me confused with hot rod in the first place?
Wed Sep 19 12:52:55
I love the phrasing "being accused of assaulting a 15 year old girl".

The ministry of truth could not have written this better. It is factually accurate, but it implies something else entirely. That a grown man raped a teenager.

Leaves out Kavenaugh was 16 years old.
Wed Sep 19 14:43:43
Aeros literally repeating Breitbart talking points right now.

Accusation comes to light.

Right-Wing Side: Boys will be boys.

Everyone Else: She was a teenager too!

Right-Wing side: You're accusing him of assaulting a 15-year old! He was only 16.

Everyone Else: WHAT. THE. FUCK.
Wed Sep 19 14:44:28
Missing the point.
Wed Sep 19 14:48:15
Meh, I haven't heard it and it's gotten wall to wall coverage. Maybe not be so reactionary. I could care less about he-said she-said. We'll never prove he assaulted her but it does bring up for sure that he was basically a wild child as a kid that probably did dubious things.

And it will bring pressure for Republicans to release more of his papers for full transparency. This guy is a dye-in-the-wool autocrat and neocon.

The only reason Trump nominated him is because he wants Kavanaugh to be the 5th vote in denying due process for all his crimes.

As always, the real issue is not what's on the surface but the underlying motive and criminality at the top.
Wed Sep 19 15:08:39
Apparently a strong denial that it even happened makes you "a chip off the old cuckservative, toxic masculinity block". Lol Cuckhat
Wed Sep 19 15:57:26
"We'll never prove he assaulted her but it does bring up for sure that he was basically a wild child as a kid that probably did dubious things."

.... cuckhat thinks getting drunk at a high school party = being a wild child

Wed Sep 19 18:52:36
"The only reason Trump nominated him is because he wants Kavanaugh to be the 5th vote in denying due process for all his crimes."

If President Trump had anything specific in mind when he made this nomination it was probably the Chevron deference. Soon as he is confirmed that case will start working its way up the courts.
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