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Utopia Talk / Politics / First Man
Fri Oct 12 19:48:10
50 years ago man walked on another world.
Anarchist Prime
Fri Oct 12 20:18:36
Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed (live at wacken)

Fri Oct 12 21:07:52
This movie is some SJW bullshit because they didn't show any American flags in the first trailer. Bunch of globalist cucks.

Fri Oct 12 21:13:58
Cuckhat thinks rural Africans can also reach the moon, except the white man won't let them
Fri Oct 12 22:43:57
How many of the twelve moonwalkers (Ambulemus Luna) are still alive? Three...four?
Fri Oct 12 22:48:03
Or would it be Ambulatis Luna Duodecim?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Oct 12 22:52:32

"50 years ago man walked on another world."

Yeah, I watched him do it, live.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Oct 12 22:56:10

BTW, they don't show the American Flag anywhere in the movie. I guess they were afraid they would insult the Fijians.

I don't see any reason to see it or add it to my collection.

Fri Oct 12 23:07:26
I saw it and they didn't show the planting of the flag but the flag was on the lander and the Saturn V (as well as "United States").
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Oct 12 23:19:01

Obviously, I was speaking of the 'planted' flag.

Fri Oct 12 23:27:57
It was kinda slow and had some 'but whitey is on the moon' crap as well as speculation on what Armstrong left in the crater but it still was a tribute to one of Earths greatest heroes and what can be accomplished when there is a collective will. Sad to discard automatically what could be a spring board to further exploration. And btw liberal press is calling it "accidental right-wing fitish object" lol
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Oct 12 23:52:54

"It was kinda slow and had some 'but whitey is on the moon' crap..."

Actually, three Black Women were very instrumental in getting them to the moon. The book, Hidden Figures, was made into a movie.

I haven't gotten to the book yet but the movie is fun.


Actually, after they got back I started losing respect for Neil Armstrong. He could have inspired tens of thousands of youngsters to be scientists or astronauts or whatever.

Instead, he became all but a recluse and never spoke to a single group of kids as far as I know.

Sat Oct 13 00:03:26
God damn, can hot rod get more unamerican than what he's said in this thread?
Sat Oct 13 00:03:51
Regardless he is now in the company of Columbus, Magellan, and Polo. Maybe even Skylax, Pythias, and Ericson.
Sat Oct 13 00:06:27
Put it this way. He will be remembered long after people forget Trump, unless he starts a world war.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 13 00:12:04

hood, can you even begin to understand what I posted?

Thought not.

McKobb, no doubt he was the first. But he could have done so much to inspire kids from all over the world.

He just quit when the job was only half finished.

He should have visited at least 500 schools to talk to the kids and get them excited about science.

Instead, where are we ranked in graduating new scientists? Seems like the last I heard we were about 18th I think.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 13 00:20:43

McKobb, I'm not so sure.

If we win substantially in three weeks I honestly believe that history will rank Trump right up there with Jefferson, Adams, Madison and perhaps within shouting distance of Washington himself.

I know a lot of people will think that is nuts, but he is finishing what they started.

Or at least getting us back on track again.

Much of what he is doing is patching up The Constitution that has been damaged over the years and decades.

Sat Oct 13 00:46:36
To be fair von Braum deserves much of the credit but he didn't set foot on the moon and is an ex ss nazi that stated totalitarianism was useful to get rocketry of the ground. He did, however, push not only the lunar but also a Martian landing to the public through Disney TV in 1957.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 13 07:29:49


But, it is not the mechanic that builds the race car that gets the accolades, it is the driver that is first to cross the finish line.

Sam Adams
Sun Oct 14 22:35:45
"Cuckhat thinks rural Africans can also reach the moon, except the white man won't let them"

Lol lulz
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 14 22:57:24

I guess he never met Thurgood Marshall.

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